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Rainbow Color Created by Hsin LIU. Standards Mandarin-Chinese k-12 Grade level: 6-8 Modern Languages---Year One (Beginning) Standard Number 1 (Goal One):

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Presentation on theme: "Rainbow Color Created by Hsin LIU. Standards Mandarin-Chinese k-12 Grade level: 6-8 Modern Languages---Year One (Beginning) Standard Number 1 (Goal One):"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rainbow Color Created by Hsin LIU

2 Standards Mandarin-Chinese k-12 Grade level: 6-8 Modern Languages---Year One (Beginning) Standard Number 1 (Goal One): Communicate in a Language Other Than English The student is able to express likes, dislikes, and personal preferences (e.g., people, events, favorite activities, food); express needs, feelings, and ideas related to everyday situations (e.g., Personal response to a movie, agreement or disagreement on a topic); exchange information about general events (e.g., classes, meals) and plan future activities (e.g., place, date, time, colors);

3 Vocabulary hong2 se4 cheng2 se4 huang2 se4 lu4 se4 lan2 se4 dian4 se4 zi3 se4

4 Vocabulary-hong2 hong2 se4 / red

5 Vocabulary-cheng2 cheng2 se4 / orange

6 Vocabulary-huang2 huang2 se4 / yellow

7 Vocabulary-lu4 lu4 se4 / green

8 Vocabulary-lan2 Lan2 se4 / blue

9 Vocabulary-dian4 Dian4 se4 / indigo

10 Vocabulary-zi3 Zi4 se4 / purple

11 Reminder hong2 se4 cheng2 se4 huang2 se4 lu4 se4 lan2 se4 dian4 se4 zi3 se4

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