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Decisions, Consequences, and Reflections Mrs. Meghan Daney 10 th Grade English Room 160.

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Presentation on theme: "Decisions, Consequences, and Reflections Mrs. Meghan Daney 10 th Grade English Room 160."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decisions, Consequences, and Reflections Mrs. Meghan Daney 10 th Grade English Room 160

2 Before we begin… On the index card, please write: Your name Your child’s name, grade, and class period Something you would like me to know about your child

3 About Me: About Me: Undergrad: Albright College Graduate: Saint Joseph’s University Duties/Responsibilities: English Teacher JV Girls’ Soccer Coach Class of 2017 Advisor Denmark International Classroom Advisor

4 Goals for the Year To have fun AND learn (it can happen). To hone critical reading and writing skills To understand and appreciate the different forms of literature To create a learning community where students feel respected and safe. To teach students the power of communication. To have an enjoyable and rigorous year.

5 Policies/Expectations Students/parents regularly monitor Skyward. Check Teacher Page if absent, forgot assignment, etc. Assignments handed in on time—late HW rarely accepted, major assignments 10% off each day late Missed work due within 2 days of return Communication is key in all areas

6 Reading For Deeper Meaning—Short STories

7 Reading For Deeper Meaning—Novels One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Accelerated only) Night A Separate Peace Of Mice and Men

8 Reading For Deeper Meaning—Drama

9 Reading For Deeper Meaning—Poetry

10 Writing program Expository Essays (all units) Writing Processes to Master Topic sentences Embed quotes Present tense Intro paragraph Analytical organization

11 Vocabulary Level E (Academic A) and Level F (Accelerated) 12-15 units 20 words each unit Quizzes after each unit Cumulative each semester on midterm/final

12 Grades and assessments Tests and quizzes on each unit of study. Homework and class participation. Analytical essays (5-6) Poetry project Keystones Grading Breakdown: Writing/Projects 40% Tests/Quizzes 30% Participation 15% Homework 15%

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