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Osmosis Osmosis Diffusion. Osmosis Osmosis Diffusion.

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2 Osmosis Osmosis Diffusion

3 Identify the process occurring in each of the boxes below.

4 Identify the process occurring in each of the boxes below.
Active Transport Don’t worry about for the test  Osmosis

5 7. I am doing an experiment
7. I am doing an experiment. I take some dialysis tubing (a semi-permeable membrane) and fill it with a 50% sugar solution. Sugar molecules are very big, and cannot pass through the membrane. If I want to make the cell gain weight, which beaker should I place it into? **Explain your choice** a. beaker of 70% sugar solution b. beaker of water c. beaker of 90% sugar solution d. beaker of any type of sugar solution e. None of these conditions would cause the cell to gain weight

6 7. I am doing an experiment
7. I am doing an experiment. I take some dialysis tubing (a semi-permeable membrane) and fill it with a 50% sugar solution. Sugar molecules are very big, and cannot pass through the membrane. If I want to make the cell gain weight, which beaker should I place it into? **Explain your choice** a. beaker of 70% sugar solution b. beaker of water c. beaker of 90% sugar solution d. beaker of any type of sugar solution e. None of these conditions would cause the cell to gain weight

7 8. If someone sitting at the other end of a restaurant smokes a cigarette, you may still breathe in some of the smoke. The movement of smoke through the air of the restaurant is an example of what type of transport? How did the smoke molecules move?

8 8. If someone sitting at the other end of a restaurant smokes a cigarette, you may still breathe in some of the smoke. The movement of smoke through the air of the restaurant is an example of what type of transport? How did the smoke molecules move? Diffusion, high to low concentration (small molecule, not water)

9 10. Describe an isotonic solution for the cell pictured below.
45% NaCl 55% water

10 10. Describe an isotonic solution for the cell pictured below.
45% NaCl 55% water 45% NaCl 55% water

11 12. A lab technician needs to determine whether cells in a test tube are prokaryotic or eukaryotic. The technician has several dyes she could use to stain the cells. Four of the dyes are described in the table below. Which dye could the technician use to determine whether the cells are prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

12 12. A lab technician needs to determine whether cells in a test tube are prokaryotic or eukaryotic. The technician has several dyes she could use to stain the cells. Four of the dyes are described in the table below. Which dye could the technician use to determine whether the cells are prokaryotic or eukaryotic? Nile Blue because only eukaryotes have nuclei

13 13. Which of the following statements best explains why oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the blood? **Explain why** The diaphragm draws oxygen into the alveoli at a rapid speed. Alveoli cells contain hemoglobin to transfer gases to the blood. The concentration of oxygen is greater in the alveoli than in the blood. Red blood cells move one at a time through the capillaries surrounding the alveoli.

14 13. Which of the following statements best explains why oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the blood? **Explain why** The diaphragm draws oxygen into the alveoli at a rapid speed. Alveoli cells contain hemoglobin to transfer gases to the blood. The concentration of oxygen is greater in the alveoli than in the blood. Red blood cells move one at a time through the capillaries surrounding the alveoli.

15 14. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false regarding the plasma membrane.
To provide an energy source for most cell activities To regulate molecule transport for cell activities To provide a place to collect and store waste products within the cell To provide a barrier to the movement of substances in and out of the cell To provide a substrate for enzyme activity in the cell

16 14. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false regarding the plasma membrane.
To provide an energy source for most cell activities F To regulate molecule transport for cell activities T To provide a place to collect and store waste products within the cell F To provide a barrier to the movement of substances in and out of the cell T To provide a substrate for enzyme activity in the cell F

17 16. Amino acids, sugars, and ions move across the cell membrane
16. Amino acids, sugars, and ions move across the cell membrane. Their movement from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration is accomplished by special proteins in the membrane. Which of the following terms applies to this type of cell transport? **List 3 key words you used to decide.** A. active transport B. facilitated diffusion C. osmosis D. transcription

18 16. Amino acids, sugars, and ions move across the cell membrane
16. Amino acids, sugars, and ions move across the cell membrane. Their movement from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration is accomplished by special proteins in the membrane. Which of the following terms applies to this type of cell transport? **List 3 key words you used to decide.** A. active transport B. facilitated diffusion C. osmosis D. transcription

19 17. The diagram below shows changes in the concentrations of sodium and potassium ions inside and outside a nerve cell. These changes prepare the nerve cell to conduct an electrical impulse. Explain the process shown in the diagram in 10 words.

20 17. The diagram below shows changes in the concentrations of sodium and potassium ions inside and outside a nerve cell. These changes prepare the nerve cell to conduct an electrical impulse. Explain the process shown in the diagram in 10 words. Active transport because the ions are moving from a low to high concentration

21 19. List 3 organelles that eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells have in common. **Reminder for your test: They both have DNA, but Eukaryotes store the DNA in the nucleus ***

22 19. List 3 organelles that eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells have in common. RIBOSOMES, cell membranes, cytoplasm **Reminder for your test: They both have DNA, but Eukaryotes store the DNA in the nucleus ***

23 20. What type of transport is being used to move the top H+ molecule?

24 20. What type of transport is being used to move the top H+ molecule
20. What type of transport is being used to move the top H+ molecule? Active Transport

25 21. What type of transport is being used to move the sucrose molecule?

26 21. What type of transport is being used to move the sucrose molecule
21. What type of transport is being used to move the sucrose molecule? Facilitated diffusion (no ATP present, but through a protein channel)

27 22. Describe the process that caused the change to the potato’s mass
22. Describe the process that caused the change to the potato’s mass. **Make sure to include the type of solution the potato was placed in.**

28 22. Describe the process that caused the change to the potato’s mass
22. Describe the process that caused the change to the potato’s mass. Osmosis; the cell was in a hypertonic solution, which is why it lost mass

29 23. Describe the type of solution that each cell is resting in below
23. Describe the type of solution that each cell is resting in below. **Hint: hyper, hypo, iso** Cell A Cell B Cell C

30 23. Describe the type of solution that each cell is resting in below
23. Describe the type of solution that each cell is resting in below. Cell A = isotonic, Cell B = hypotonic, Cell C = hypertonic Cell A Cell B Cell C

31 24. The picture below represents a container separated by a membrane
24. The picture below represents a container separated by a membrane. The black dots represent glucose molecules. According to the diagram, in which direction will osmosis occur if the membrane is impenetrable to the glucose.

32 24. The picture below represents a container separated by a membrane
24. The picture below represents a container separated by a membrane. The black dots represent glucose molecules. According to the diagram, in which direction will osmosis occur if the membrane is impenetrable to the glucose. Water will move from side A to B (hypo is low (glucose), the cell will grow) water glucose

33 25. Describe the function of part D in the cell membrane pictured.

34 25. Describe the function of part D in the cell membrane pictured
25. Describe the function of part D in the cell membrane pictured. D is a protein, used as a channel in facilitated diffusion or active transport (allows large molecules to enter/leave the cell)

35 26. According to the experiment below, which molecule will have the highest rate of diffusion across the cell membrane?

36 26. According to the experiment below, which molecule will have the highest rate of diffusion across the cell membrane? Molecular diameter = size of molecule, so the smaller the molecule the higher the rate of diffusion. A molecule of nm would diffuse the fastest

37 27. Explain the reason for the different rates of glucose intake by the cell as depicted in the graph below.

38 27. Explain the reason for the different rates of glucose intake by the cell as depicted in the graph below. Glucose must be a large molecule because it won’t go through the cell membrane without a protein channel (facilitated diffusion)

39 28. Explain what will occur in the cell based on the graphic.
The diagram represents part of an animal cell which has been put in distilled water. 28. Explain what will occur in the cell based on the graphic.

40 The diagram represents part of an animal cell which has been put in distilled water.
28. Explain what will occur in the cell based on the graphic. The cell will grow bigger (hypotonic solution)

41 Facilitated diffusion
29. Compare active transport and facilitated diffusion based on the chart below. Feature Osmosis Active transport Facilitated diffusion Requires energy from ATP X Requires protein carrier molecules Can take place against a concentration gradient

42 Facilitated diffusion
29. Compare active transport and facilitated diffusion based on the chart below. Facilitated diffusion and active transport both require proteins to work, but active transport requires energy (low to high concentration—against the concentration gradient) and facilitated diffusion doesn’t require energy. Feature Osmosis Active transport Facilitated diffusion Requires energy from ATP X Requires protein carrier molecules Can take place against a concentration gradient

43 30.

44 30. Facilitated diffusion involves large molecules, osmosis is the movement of water Facilitated diffusion requires a protein channel, in osmosis water can move through the lipid bilayer

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