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Gender and Development: The Role of the State Joseph Stiglitz Chief Economist and Senior Vice-President, Development Economics The World Bank.

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Presentation on theme: "Gender and Development: The Role of the State Joseph Stiglitz Chief Economist and Senior Vice-President, Development Economics The World Bank."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender and Development: The Role of the State Joseph Stiglitz Chief Economist and Senior Vice-President, Development Economics The World Bank


3 Introduction Gender: a critical development issue Important implications for equity efficiency sustainability Critical linkages between households, society, and the economy that have implications for public policy

4 Gender and the Household Competing models of household decisionmaking: “unitary” vs. “collective” models Challenges to the traditional model: development does not stop at the door of the household Recent evidence: Brazil - who controls income matters Bangladesh - differential impacts of borrowing, by gender U.K. - who within households receives transfers matters

5 Gender and Society Society and culture the media through which gender roles established; social/cultural norms dictate exclusion/inclusion Legal environment also critically affects gender relations bargaining power access to productive resources In some societies, legal “playing field” complicated by competing systems of customary and statutory law Gender-based violence reinforces inequities

6 Gender and the Economy Recent progress in reducing gender inequalities However, significant gender gaps remain in educational attainment wages, employment, occupational attainment access to productive resources Evidence of links between gender inequalities, inefficiencies, and low productivity Recent concerns about impacts on sustainability

7 Gender and the State Strengthening legal/institutional framework Addressing market failures Capturing social externalities - investing in women Strengthening social capital, social networks Fostering a safe living/working environment Targeting, by gender - development does not stop at the door of the household

8 Conclusion: What Does All This Imply? Critical role for public policy Critical role for the Bank at the project, policy, and institutional level Critical role for interdisciplinary research, including - Policy Research Report, 1999

9 Example: Gender Issues in South Asia Largest gender disparities in the world: Young girls: 30 to 50% higher mortality (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh) Girls 30% less likely to receive health treatment for common sickness (Pakistan) Ratio of female to male enrollment in school is 0.7 Low representation in managerial/professional jobs 2.3 percent in India 3.4 percent in Pakistan Closing gaps would improve equity, efficiency, and sustainability

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