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DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Brian Bowman Sr. Solutions Engineer Sandy Caiado Sr. Solutions Engineer.

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Presentation on theme: "DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Brian Bowman Sr. Solutions Engineer Sandy Caiado Sr. Solutions Engineer."— Presentation transcript:

1 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Brian Bowman Sr. Solutions Engineer Sandy Caiado Sr. Solutions Engineer

2 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 2 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Sample Image: Please replace it (Insert, Picture, …) OpenEdge Protecting Your Future  Replication Overview  OpenEdge Replication Process  Failover, Secondary Replication and Failback details  Questions

3 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 3 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … OpenEdge Business Continuity Solutions

4 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 4 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … OpenEdge Replication Plus

5 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 5 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … OpenEdge Replication  Near real-time replication Near zero-latency No data loss Guaranteed data integrity  Flexible database options Multiple target databases Read-only query access  Easy deployment  Automatic recovery Continuous Availability With

6 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 6 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Sample Image: Please replace it (Insert, Picture, …) Protecting Your Future  Replication Overview  OpenEdge Replication Process  Failover, Secondary Replication, and Failback details  Summary

7 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 7 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Definitions  Source database “Normal” production Original source of updates  Target database Standby database Target location in OpenEdge Replication  Single point of failure – a bad thing.

8 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 8 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Definitions  Primary Replication Normal processing Primary machine performs updates Secondary machine receives updates  Failover Primary machine fails Secondary machine becomes primary  No Backup – a bad thing

9 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 9 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Definitions  Secondary Replication Failed over mode Secondary machine performs updates Primary machine receives updates  Failback The process to get primary machine back to its original state and the secondary machine to take on its original role to be the backup  Failing to check your backup – a bad thing

10 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 10 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Definitions  Transition Process where the databases change roles Configured to be either manual or automatic  Synchronization Process to make sure the database on primary and secondary are identical This is performed –During database and replication startup –Failure recovery processing

11 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 11 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … OpenEdge Replication Complete Configuration Primary Secondary Source Database Target Database Database Broker Processes AI Extents Repl Queue Repl Agent Repl Server

12 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 12 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … OpenEdge Replication Functionality Primary Source Database AI Extents Repl Queue Repl Server  Configures and manages remote agents  Sends all database activity to its replication agents  Controls replication agents Database Broker Processes

13 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 13 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … OpenEdge Replication Functionality Secondary Repl Agent  Receives database activity from replication server  Performs continuous roll-forward to target database  Types of Agents Asynchronous Synchronous Target Database Database Broker Processes

14 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 14 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Primary Target One Source Database Repl Agent Modes of Replication Asynchronous Target Database Repl Agent Target Database Target Two

15 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 15 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Primary Secondary Source Database Repl Agent Modes of Replication Synchronous Target Database

16 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 16 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Primary Secondary Source Database Database Broker Processes AI Extents Repl Queue Repl Agent Repl Server OpenEdge Replication Failure Conditions X Target Database Database Broker Processes X X

17 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 17 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … How Does it Work?  Plugs into after-image sub-system  TCP connection between server and agent  Queue for transfers on source  Agent periodically (every 10 blocks) polls server for heart beat (asynchronous mode)  Agent will also communicate a synchronization point (ie. extent switch) back to the server

18 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 18 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Additional Considerations  Schema changes are replicated  AI extents must be managed AI Management Utility!!!  Ensure that you have enough AI extents space - extents will remain “locked” until they are replicated in entirety PSDN Whitepaper – “Managing AI with and OpenEdge Replication”

19 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 19 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Machine Setup  Source and target machines must Have identical architectures Be running the same operating system Be connected via TCP/IP  The target machine must have disk space comparable to the source machine

20 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 20 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Progress Requirements  Progress 9.1E for Fathom Replication 3.0A  OpenEdge 10.0B+ for OpenEdge Replication (failback capabilities enable in 10.1A)  After-imaging must be enabled

21 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 21 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Replication Configuration Properties [server] … [control-agent.DELTA] … [transition] … [agent] … [agent] … [transition] … [server] … [control-agent.DELTA] … Primary Property File Secondary Property File

22 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 22 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Sample Image: Please replace it (Insert, Picture, …) Protecting Your Future  Replication Overview  OpenEdge Replication Process  Failover, Secondary Replication, and Failback  Summary

23 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 23 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Replication Modes Primary Secondary Primary Replication Secondary Replication Primary Replication

24 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 24 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Enabling OpenEdge Replication Replication enabled Primary Secondary

25 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 25 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Failover Time Line Replication enabled Primary Secondary

26 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 26 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Primary Replication Configuration Properties [server] control-agents=DELTA database=ALPHA [control-agent.DELTA] name=DELTA database=BRAVO host=nbPrimary port=4501 proserve ALPHA –S –DBService replserv [agent] name=DELTA database=BRAVO proserve BRAVO –S 4501 –DBService replagent Primary Property File Secondary Property File

27 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 27 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Additional Configuration Properties [server] transition=manual transition-timeout=60 defer-agent-startup=720 agent-shutdown-action=recovery [control-agent.DELTA] replication-method=async critical=0 name=secondary [agent] connect-timeout=600 listener-minport=10024 listener-maxport=20000 Primary Property File Secondary Property File

28 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 28 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Failover Time Line Replication enabled Source fails Transition to source Primary Secondary

29 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 29 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Deployment – Fail Over  Manual Transition target to production dsrutil target -C transition agent  Auto Database is automatically transitioned to production  Start target database server

30 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 30 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Failover Time Line FR enabled Source fails Transition to source Updates begin Primary Secondary Target shutdown and re-started

31 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 31 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Automated Failback Transition Configuration Properties [transition] transition-to-agent=BRAVO database-role=reverse auto-begin-ai=1 auto-add-ai-areas=1 restart-after-transition=1 source-startup-arguments= -pf target-startup-arguments= -pf backup-method=full-offline backup-arguments=secondary.bak incremental-backup-arguments=secondary.incr.bak Key: Agent Management After Image Management Database Management Backup Management Property File Transition Section

32 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 32 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Failover Time Line Replication enabled Transition to source Updates begin Target shutdown and re-started Primary Secondary Online backup Restore backup Source fails

33 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 33 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Secondary Replication Configuration Properties [server] control-agents=ECHO database=BRAVO [control-agent.ECHO] name=ECHO database=ALPHA host=nbSecondary port=4501 proserve BRAVO –S –DBService replserv [agent] name=ECHO database=ALPHA proserve ALPHA –S 4501 –DBService replagent Primary Property File Secondary Property File

34 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 34 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Additional Secondary Replication Properties [agent] listener-minport=10024 listener-maxport=20000 connect-timeout=600 [server] transition=auto transition-timeout=60 name=primary defer-agent-startup=720 agent-shutdown-action=recovery [control-agent.ECHO] replication-method=async connect-timeout=600 critical=0 Primary Property File Secondary Property File

35 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 35 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Failover Time Line Replication enabled Transition to source Updates begin Target shutdown and re-started Reverse roles Primary Secondary Online backup Restore backup Source fails

36 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 36 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Failover Time Line Replication enabled Source fails Transition to source Updates begin Target shutdown and re-started Reverse roles Primary Secondary Online backup Target & Source shutdown & re-started Restore backup

37 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 37 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Replication Failback Transition  Databases can be Synchronized shut down Transitioned to new roles AI added and enabled and restarted with a single command  Process is initiated from the source database side DSRUTIL database –C transition [failover]

38 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 38 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Replication Failback Transition  Transition based on the properties files  Transition will occur based on the following criteria: Source or target Online or offline Is Replication Server or Agent running? Has failure just occurred?

39 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 39 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Replication Modes Primary Secondary Primary Replication Secondary Replication Primary Replication

40 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 40 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time …  Online transitions  AI automation Extent add Start  Auto DB control Shutdown after transition Auto restart OpenEdge Replication Enables…

41 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 41 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Replication also enables…  Scheduled system maintenance capabilities  Reporting on Target Database

42 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 42 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … In Summary  Protect your business  Protect your data  Protects your future with OpenEdge Replication

43 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 43 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Where to go from here  Other Exchange sessions: COMP-10 OpenEdge Management and Replication – Divide et impera! (June 13, 8am) COMP-15 Disaster Recovery Planning (June 13, 3:30pm)  PSDN D=555 D=555 Whitepapers!  Professional Services for assistance

44 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 44 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Questions?

45 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 45 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Thank you for your time!

46 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 46 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … 1. Primary database is Lost Determine which ai extents to apply dsrutil target -C recovery Manually apply source AI extents on target (Optional) dsrutil db –C applyextent 2. Secondary database transition Source or normal / online or offline dsrutil db –C transition 3. AI extents added and AI started [normal AI enablement process] 4. Secondary restarted Manual or automatic proserve … 5. Awaits communication to Primary OpenEdge Replication Release 10 Failover Process

47 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 47 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … OpenEdge Replication Release 10.1B Enable Secondary Replication  Primary machine repaired  Online backup of secondary db  Copy backup to primary machine  Make db on primary machine the target prorest primary bkupfile [–REPLTransition]  DB on secondary machine acting as source and replicating to target on primary

48 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 48 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … OpenEdge Replication Release 10.1B Failback Specifics  Schedule time to get db on primary machine transitioned back to source  No activity on either machine  2 methods: Automated Failback Controlled Transition  On secondary machine: dsrutil secondary –C transition failover

49 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 49 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Failback Automated Failback  Initiated on Source database (on Secondary machine)  Ensures databases are in sync  Backs up databases (periodically for recovery)  Shuts down database  Does AI management (if requested)  Reverses Roles  Finishes AI management (if requested)  Restarts Databases

50 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 50 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time … Failback Controlled Transition  Controlled Transition Verify synchronization: –Look at db log file or –Dsrutil source –C status –detail –Shutdown databases –On primary machine transition to source  Dsrutil primary –C transition –On secondary machine transition to target  Dsrutil secondary –C transition

51 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 51 DB-2: OpenEdge® Replication: How to get Home in Time …

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