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Theme 9 Development of Personality in Adulthood. Do Our Personalities Change or Remain Stable During Adulthood and Old Age? Models of features Continuity.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme 9 Development of Personality in Adulthood. Do Our Personalities Change or Remain Stable During Adulthood and Old Age? Models of features Continuity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme 9 Development of Personality in Adulthood

2 Do Our Personalities Change or Remain Stable During Adulthood and Old Age? Models of features Continuity Models of features Continuity Models of Discontinuity Models of Discontinuity Development of “I” Models of life histories Models of life histories

3 Models of Features Kansas City Study (Neugarten) Kansas City Study (Neugarten) Stability in lifestyle, attitudes and emotions Stability in lifestyle, attitudes and emotions Persona’s dominance declines beginning at 50 years old Persona’s dominance declines beginning at 50 years old Theory of disconnection Theory of disconnection Tendency towards androgyny Tendency towards androgyny Strong paternal tendency in early adulthood (Gutman 1987) Strong paternal tendency in early adulthood (Gutman 1987) Androginy depends on cultural factors Androginy depends on cultural factors

4 Modelos de rasgos Baltimore Study (Costa & MacCrae) Baltimore Study (Costa & MacCrae) High stability has been found in the big five personality traits: High stability has been found in the big five personality traits: Neuroticism (emotional instability) Neuroticism (emotional instability) Extroversion - Introversion Extroversion - Introversion Conscientiousness Conscientiousness Openness to experience Openness to experience Agreeableness Agreeableness

5 Emotional Instability and Age

6 Transverse studies Neuroticism Extroversion Openness to experience Agreeableness Conscientiousness Longitudinal Studies = Neuroticism = Extroversion = Openness to experience ? Agreeableness ? Conscientiousness Results of Studies Focused on Big Five Traits Related to life events

7 Models of Development of “I” Models that emphasize goals and objectives as directing our behavior throughout life : The “I” as essence: self-conception The “I” as essence: self-conception The “I” as action: adaptation and self-regulation The “I” as action: adaptation and self-regulation

8 Criteria: Criteria: Continuity Continuity Discriminative Relevance Discriminative Relevance Biographical significance Biographical significance Diverse Content Diverse Content Many Dimensions Many Dimensions The self conception does not worsen: Negative affect decreases, as does positive affect A Paradox of Aging? Posible “I”s Sense of Control Self-esteem The “I” as content: Self-Conception

9 Hedonic Wellbeing, Happiness, and Age Stability in hedonic wellbeing; decline in eudaimonic wellbeing

10 “I” as a Process: Self-regulation and Adaptation Processes which regulate personal resources decide life’s trajectory Processes which regulate personal resources decide life’s trajectory Continuity and positive valuation of self- conception are possible Continuity and positive valuation of self- conception are possible

11 J. Brandtstädter and the Theory of the Action of Self J. Brandtstädter and the Theory of the Action of Self We look for coherence between our present self-conception and our goals We look for coherence between our present self-conception and our goals Two fundamental mechanisms: Two fundamental mechanisms: Assimilation and Accommodation Importance Perception of control Paliative significance

12 Development of “I” and Aging Assimilation and accommodation during aging maintain levels of wellbeing Assimilation and accommodation during aging maintain levels of wellbeing Assimilation declines with age Assimilation declines with age Accommodation augments with age Accommodation augments with age

13 Assimilation, Accommodation and Continuity of “I” Throughout the Life Cycle Strategies of Assimilation: Strategies of Assimilation: Compensative activities: External influences, alternative activities Compensative activities: External influences, alternative activities Strategies of accommodation: Strategies of accommodation: Change in the standards of comparison: Change in the standards of comparison: Changes in reference groups Changes in reference groups Pessimistic vision of normal aging Pessimistic vision of normal aging Change in the vision of personal trajectory Change in the vision of personal trajectory

14 Assimilation, Accommodation, Regulation of the Loss and Reorganization of Self- Conception Strategies of Accommodation: Strategies of Accommodation: Reassessment of goals: Reassessment of goals: Tamping of ideals Older people are more satisfied with their roles and activities than younger people. Substitution of some goals for others Substitution of some goals for others More realistic goals Changes in the priorities of life domains: health and physical environment.

15 Assimilation, Accommodation, and Growth of “I” Model of stages: Erikson Intimacy vs. Isolation (6th stage) 20-35 años Intimacy vs. Isolation (6th stage) 20-35 años Emotional compromise or the achievement of intimacy Emotional compromise or the achievement of intimacy Generative vs. Stationary (7th stage) 35-60 Generative vs. Stationary (7th stage) 35-60 The search for transcendence Not limited to the adult years Integrity vs. Desperation (8th stage) 60- Integrity vs. Desperation (8th stage) 60- Preparing to die, evaluating one’s life’s trajectory Preparing to die, evaluating one’s life’s trajectory

16 Generativity and Age

17 Assimilation, Accommodation, and the Growth of “I” Gerotranscendence: A quality that some people achieve in the last decades of their lives A quality that some people achieve in the last decades of their lives Connected to concepts like interiority, wisdom, and integrity Connected to concepts like interiority, wisdom, and integrity Three Dimensions: Three Dimensions: Cosmic Dimension Cosmic Dimension Dimension of Self Dimension of Self Social Dimension Social Dimension

18 Levinson’s Model of Stages Empirical study of 40 middle aged men (The seasons of a Man’s Life, 1978) Empirical study of 40 middle aged men (The seasons of a Man’s Life, 1978) Focus on mid-life crisis Focus on mid-life crisis Meticulous interviews about family life, work, meaningful relationships, compromises, etc. Meticulous interviews about family life, work, meaningful relationships, compromises, etc. Structure of life Structure of life Follow-up study with female subjects Follow-up study with female subjects

19 Early Adult Transition: Age 17-22 Era of early adulthood 17-45 Mid-Life Transition: Age 40-45 Culminating life structure for early adulthood 33-40 Age 30 transition 26-23 Entry life structure for early adulthood 22-28 Culminating life structure for early adulthood 33-40 Age 30 transition 26-23 Entry life structure for early adulthood 22-28 Era of late adulthood 60-? Late Adult Transition: Age 60-65 Culminating life structure for middle adulthood: 55-60 Age 50 transition: 50-55 Entry life structure for middle adulthood 45-50 Era of late adulthood 60-? Changes in the structure of one’s life Levinson’s Model of Stages

20 Mid-Life Crisis Occurs in many adults during some part of middle age Occurs in many adults during some part of middle age Can last 2-5 years Can last 2-5 years Involves changes in friends, family and work Involves changes in friends, family and work Subjects display depressive and addictive symptoms; renewed focus on physical self Subjects display depressive and addictive symptoms; renewed focus on physical self

21 Models of Life History A person looks to narrate his own history in order to understand himself, those around him, and project himself into the future. This process allows an individual to better grasp life’s events and the transitions that provoke changes in our persona; provides a sense of individuality. It facilitates normative transitions There is a tendency to maintain a positive life history

22 Models of Life History Provides support fundamental to our identity Directive Function Social Function

23 Some Concepts Reminiscence Making memories of the past Life Reflection Source of growth Not of daily life but decisive moments Revision of life Evaluative and therapeutic Necessary?

24 Some Concepts Continuity or Stability Evolutionary Transitions Turning Points Chance Encounters (Bandura) Beginning of the accentuation of psychological characteristics

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