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Phylum Cnidaria.

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Presentation on theme: "Phylum Cnidaria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phylum Cnidaria

2 General Characteristics
About 9000 species _____________________ Simple nervous system __________________ Diploblastic organization Endoderm Ectoderm

3 General Characteristics Cont’d-
Either tubular or bell shaped _______________________ Only animal with cnidocytes Cnidocytes-specialized stinging cells (on tentacle) All marine (aquatic)

4 ____________________________
Cnidarians’ bodies are organized around the gastrovascular cavity, where digestion takes place GV has a single opening that serves as both mouth and anus

5 Gastrodermis: lines GV cavity
2 Layers of Cells Diploblastic: __________________________ Gastrodermis: lines GV cavity Epidermis: lines the outside of the body (the skin)

6 In between the two layers is the _________- a jelly-like substance.

7 Cnidarian Body Wall

8 Stinging Cells Have Cnidocytes ________________
Contain nematocysts: barbed thread-like structures inside the cnidocyte that shoots out and can puncture and poison or entangle prey

9 Cnidocyte


11 Feeding _______________________________
Inner gastrodermis secretes digestive juices into gastrovascular cavity which digests food and circulates nutrients

12 Feeding Cont.

13 Nervous and Movement _________________ & sensory receptors Muscles help in directional movement & capturing prey

14 _______ Medusa Life Cycles
Cnidarians have two body forms that are representative of the sexual and asexual life cycles that they undergo. _______ Medusa

15 Polyp _______ Usually attaches to a substrate at the aboral end
Oral end is surrounded by feeding tentacles

16 Medusa _________ ________________ Sexual (dioecious)
Shaped like an upside-down bowl Tentacles surround the mouth that is housed underneath the bell

17 When cnidarians display both forms at some point in their lives, they are said to display an __________________________

18 _________________________
Both sexual and asexual Sexual Gametes released into water Fertilization takes place to create free-swimming planula Asexual By budding

19 Generalized Cnidarian Life Cycle


21 __________________________
Scyphozoa: Jellyfish Anthozoa: Sea anemones & Corals Hydrozoa: Hydra Cubozoa: Box Jellies

22 Class Hydrozoa Ex. Hydras


24 __________________ Includes hydras, fire corals, and Portuguese Man of War Display alternation of generations Polyp Medusa

25 Class Scyphozoa True Jellyfish ___________________________ Small polyp stage during life cycle

26 _____________________
Similar to Scyphozoans, except that their medusa is cuboidal Includes the box jellyfish 1 of the 10 most venomous animals on the planet Kills 12 people per year


28 Class Anthozoa Polyps that are flower-like ___________________ Includes sea anemones, corals, sea whips, and sea fans


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