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ESWW10, Antwerpen, 2013 Cosmic ray variations caused by magnetic clouds in the interplanetary disturbances A. ABUNIN,M., ABUNINA, A. BELOV, E. EROSHENKO,

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2 ESWW10, Antwerpen, 2013 Cosmic ray variations caused by magnetic clouds in the interplanetary disturbances A. ABUNIN,M., ABUNINA, A. BELOV, E. EROSHENKO, V. OLENEVA, V. YANKE (IZMIRAN) A. PAPAIOANNOU, H.MAVROMICHALAKI (Athens University)

3 ESWW10, Antwerpen, 2013 What are the magnetic clouds? Burlaga,1981 Barnden,1973 Ivanov, 1984 Sanderson,1990 Zank, 1988 Cane, 1993,2000 Wibberenz,1998 Signatures of MCs: -enhanced MF -reduced MF variance; -abnormally low T of p; -SW velocity trend -high density -enhanced Fe/O -bidirectional e flux

4 ESWW10, Antwerpen, 2013 Various kinds of the Magnetic Clouds

5 The impact of MCs on the GCR 1. Data and methods; 2. MCs and FDs - Examples of different groups ; 3. Model for description of the GCR behavior; 4. Correction for the magnetospheric effect; 5. The reasons for discrepancy; 6. Conclusions MCs are closely related to the FDs FDs arise during the expansion of partially closed magnetic structures MCs-most obvious example of such a structure

6 Data and method 1.Catalogue of the ICME for 1996-2009, Richardson and Cane, Solar Phys. 264 (2010) 189-237: properties of ICMEs, solar sources, relevant geomagnetic effects; only ICME with MC (WIND). 2. Database on the Forbush effects (IZMIRAN) based on the variations of density and anisotropy of 10GV rigidity CR, obtained by GSM from the NM network. CR parameters above the atmosphere and magnetosphere, indexes of geomagnetic activity, Solar parameters. 99 events – into the set of ICME with MCs during the 23 and 24 solar cycles. Common is the presence of the MCs. But they all are very different.

7 Caused phenomena: extreme and small magnetic storms (Kp~4); CR variations: the biggest FD (~28%) and series of small FDs (<=0.5%); In average: A F =3.4 ± 0.4%), followed by (Ap max = 98 ± 9 (2nT), and Dst min =-103 ± 8 nT) – moderate storm. Only 62 of 99 events started with the shock arrival. Compare the set with MCs with the control selection: events of similar 5<Bm*Vm< 7.1 ICME-very short and long, fast (>1000km/s) and slow (<400 rm/s) near Earth, strong and modest IMF, B (50nT and ~8nT)

8 ESWW10, Antwerpen, 2013 Some mean characteristics of FDs in the main and control groups Mean (MC) Mean (nonMC) Af 3.36±0.37 1.91±0.16 Axy_max 2.03±0.13 1.38±0.08 Az_range 2.04±0.10 1.36±0.06 Dmin -0.93±0.11 -0.44±0.03 Apmax 97.87±8.65 56.64±3.51 Dst_min -102.6±8.2 -56.5±3.8 Bm 20.21±1.07 18.01±0.33 Vm 551.5±16.5 652.2±9.1 VmBm 6.05±0.54 5.79±0.07 Af-FD magnitude (%), Axy_max – max of equatorial component of vector CR anisotropy (%); Az_ – range of changes of north-south component of CR vector anisotropy (%); Dmin – max of hourly decrement of CR density; Bm (nT) and Vm (km/s) – max IMF intensity and solar wind velocity for parent i disturbance, VmBm -normalized product of Vm and Bm ICMEs with MCs more effectively modulate CR, creating deeper FDs with a more rapid decrease in the density and with greater magnitude of the CR anisotropy.

9 ESWW10, Antwerpen, 2013 Example of the fast event with well pronounced minimum in the CR density inside the MC Vector diagram and behavior of the CR density. Thin lines connect the equal time points on the vector diagram and density curve in every 6 hours. Vertical vectors correspond to the N-S anisotropy. Time passing by Earth the MC is shaded.

10 ESWW10, Antwerpen, 2013 Example of relatively slow CME with the MC Not high SW velocity, and modest IMF. Behavior of 10 GV CR density and vector anisotropy Forbush effects, both of two-step structure and with the main minimum of density in the MC, are typical. However, the presence of a magnetic cloud does not guarantee a two-step structure of the FD.

11 ESWW10, Antwerpen, 2013 with alternation of local maxima and minima. These examples show that the behavior of the CR density reflects not only the magnetic cloud in a whole but some features in its structure as well. More complex behavior of the CR density

12 ESWW10, Antwerpen, 2013 In some events in the central part of the MC not minimum but an increase of CR density was observed. We found 10 such events. Typically, the IMF intensity inside such a cloud is not of great importance. Perhaps, the regular structure of the magnetic field in the MC cloud facilitates the penetration of charged particles in its central part from the remote, weakly affected by FD areas of heliosphere. Events with an increase of CR density inside the MC

13 There is a big variety of MCs with fast and slow velocity, high and low intensity of the IMF, of the short and long duration. Correspondingly, they cause FDs of different profile and depth. Examples of FDs after different kind of MCs

14 Positive effect in CR inside of Magnetic clouds.

15 Modeling: isotropic part of the CR Large part of MCs have quasi-cylindrical geometry. It is compatible with: SF arranged as the long cylinder (fluxrope); Observation of the SW disturbances at Earth; Successful attempts to model the MCs as cylindrical formation. (e.g. Kuwabara et al., JGR 114, 2009 ) For charged particles the distance is Xp=cVB/R in the Larmor (gyro) radiuses. R-particle rigidity (10GV in our case). More symmetric changes of CR density

16 d Where a is a constant, b 1 – trend coefficient, b 2 -reflecs the main part of the MC influence on the CR, b d defines the contribution of a magnetosphere Magnetospheric effect. Variations of Rc== Variations in count rate==closely correlate with Dst. We applied this model to all 99 events of a selection, each timedefining parameters a, b 1, b 2, b d. The simplest model is a parabola:

17 The CR density changes inside the MC -almost symmetrical picture with a minimum near the center in the majority of events. Good agreement of the calculated and experimental data. Coincidence is observed not always. Main reasons for discrepancy: -cylinder form is not suitable (large dispersion; low cor coefficient) -depends on the number of hours which Earth spent in the MC (changes from 6 to 64). An average duration of MC is 21±1 hrs, So, the number of points is sufficient for accurate modeling. Example of modeling.Event on 2004.07.26. Modeling :the example of model simulation of CR density variations in the MC. 74 events MC>4p σ 2 –not big

18 ESWW10, Antwerpen, 2013 horizontal line - the coefficient b dm =0.0136±0.0016%/nT, averaged for the events when Earth was inside the MCs. The distribution of the points and errors agree with a standard deviation σ. There is no dependence of b d on Dst. It means that in all the events relation of magnetospheric variations with the CR is the same, defined by the averaged b d. Statistical results of modeling b d coefficient b d coefficient VS the minimum Dst-index

19 ESWW10, Antwerpen, 2013 b2 is the basic for cylindrical model all negative b 2 were observed in relatively weak field, and for Bmax>18 nT all b2 are positive. I.e., in cases of a strong magnetic field we always have "normal" FDs with a local minimum of CR density in the MC. Selected 49 events whith b 2 /σb 2 >2 Only in 10 b 2 <0; But these events (increase of density) are real. If b2 is small – this MC poorly influences the CR near Earth b2b2

20 ESWW10, Antwerpen, 2013 Influence of a size of MC on the CR density From 74 events in 41 these influences<0.3%, and in 50 <0.5%. It is clear that such small effects can't almost be revealed by the data of single detector. All CME/ICME influence CR, especially when the magnetic cloud is observed at Earth. (pcor=0.70) However effects of CME/ICME and MCs are often small and difficult for detection pcor=0.70

21 ESWW10, Antwerpen, 2013 Concentration of CR density extremes inside the MC (%). Divide MC into central (25-75%) and lateral parts. Among all 39 events to the central zone gets 33, and in lateral only 6. Events with positive effect have a max in leading part of a cloud, with negative (min) tend to be grouped in tail part. Distribution of the CR min (or, max) inside MCs

22 ESWW10, Antwerpen, 2013 Conclusions The presence of MCs in the ICME significantly increases the ability of this disturbance to modulate GCRs; The larger MC and closer its source to the centre of disk the higher chances for Earth to get into MC, and both these factors increase a depth of FD; Behavior of CRs inside the MC reflects both its properties as a whole and features of the MC structure; If in the SW disturbance there is no MC it means:1) the source is not the CME but coronal hole; 2) MC initially was present but it lost its essential properties in result of interaction with the other structures (its field became more irregular);

23 ESWW10, Antwerpen, 2013 Summary 1) In the most cases (but not in all) the behavior of CR density in a MC at Earth can be described by simple parabolic dependence on distance measured in gyroradiuses; 2) The majority MCs modulate GCR, changing their density. As a rule, in a MC density of CR decreases, but there is a group of events (about 1/5 part) in which the CR density increases; 3) It was succeeded to receive quantitative correlation of CR density variations of the magnetospheric origin with Dst-index changes; Even more explicitly, the MC affects the anisotropy than the density of the CR. As a rule, vector of anisotropy of CR changes abruptly when the Earth enters and leaves a cloud and it varies regularly inside the cloud. These changes (together with data on the CR density) may provide additional information about the structure of the MC and its location relatively to Earth.

24 ESWW10, Antwerpen, 2013 Thank Y O U

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