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Training Seminar for Principals of Schools Implementing the 2015-2016 Title I Schoolwide Program Summer 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Training Seminar for Principals of Schools Implementing the 2015-2016 Title I Schoolwide Program Summer 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Seminar for Principals of Schools Implementing the 2015-2016 Title I Schoolwide Program Summer 2015 1

2 Welcome and Introductions 2 Dr. Magaly C. Abrahante Assistant Superintendent Division of Early Childhood, Exceptional Student Education, and Title I Programs

3 Title I Schoolwide Guidelines and Program Procedures 3 Mr. Edgardo L. Reyes Administrative Director Title I Administration and Federal/State Fiscal Operations

4 Title I Schoolwide Guidelines and Program Procedures Training Modules  Title I Program Guidance  Parent and Family Involvement  Fiscal Responsibilities  Property Management  School-Level Compliance and Accountability  Audits 4

5 Title I Program Guidance Program Overview and Goals Title I – Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged  Provides Local Educational Agencies (LEA) with resources that help children gain a high-quality education and the skills to master the Florida Standards  Provides additional resources to schools with economically disadvantaged students  These resources provide additional teachers, professional development, extra time for teaching, parental involvement activities, and other activities designed to raise student achievement Two Models are used in Title I Schools to provide services:  Schoolwide reform models provide all students with access to services  Targeted assistance models provide services to select students in Title I schools 5

6 Title I Program Guidance (Contd.) No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB)  Section 1114 Schoolwide Program  Section 1115 Targeted Assistance Schools  Section 1116 Assessment and School Improvement  Section 1117 Assistance for School Support and Improvement  Section 1118 Parental Involvement  Section 1119 Qualification for Teachers and Paraprofessionals Consultation and Complaint Procedures  Parent Advisory Councils  Complaint Procedures 6

7 Parent and Family Involvement 7 Ms. Bernadette Montgomery District Director Title I Administration

8 Parent and Family Involvement Section 1118 Parental Involvement In General - School districts may receive funds under Section 1118 - Parental Involvement, if the School district:  Implements programs, activities and procedures for the involvement of parents  Develops a written Parental Involvement Policy jointly with, agree on, and distribute to parents, which establishes expectation for parental involvement 8

9 Parent and Family Involvement (Contd.) The Written Policy Shall Describe how the District will:  Involve parents in the joint development of the plan  Provide the coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist schools  Build the schools’ and parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement  Coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies with Parental involvement strategies under other programs  Conduct an annual evaluation of the schools served with the involvement of parents  Involve parents in the activities of the schools served 9

10 Parent and Family Involvement (Contd.) Reservations In General – Each school district shall reserve a minimum of 1% of its allocation for parental involvement Parental Input – Parents of children receiving services under section 1118, shall be involved in the decisions regarding how the funds are allocated Distribution of Funds – Not less than 95% of the funds reserved for parental involvement shall be distributed to schools for parental involvement activities 10

11 Parent and Family Involvement ( Contd. ) School Parental Involvement Policy  General Guidelines  Special Rule  Amendment Policy Requirements  Convene an annual meeting  Offer a flexible number of meetings  Involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way  Provide timely information to parents  Description and explanation of the curriculum used at the school  Information on the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress  Information regarding the proficiency levels students are expected to meet 11

12 Parent and Family Involvement (Contd.) Shared Responsibilities for High Student Academic Achievement School-Parent Compact  Develop jointly with parents of all children served  Outline how parents, the entire school staff and students will share responsibility for improved student academic achievement  Describe how the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help students achieve the State’s high standards  Describe the school’s responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction Build Capacity for Involvement  Schedule regular meetings with parents to formulate suggestions and participation in the decision making about the education of their children  Provide information regarding the professional qualifications of the teachers and the students’ level of achievement on the State Academic Assessments 12

13 Parent and Family Involvement ( Contd. ) Title I Annual Meeting  A Major Requirement of the NCLB Act Planning and Hosting Title I Annual Meeting  Utilize the Florida Department of Education Title I Annual Meeting Materials  Invite Parents/Guardians of all students enrolled at the school  Maintain records of the meeting on file for a minimum of five years  Inform parents of other opportunities to provide input  Review the District’s Parental Involvement Plan and the School’s Parental Involvement Plan  Facilitate parents’ opportunities to provide input about all aspects of the operation of the school 13

14 Parent Advisory Council (PAC)  The PACs are made up of parent representatives elected by each Title I School  Encourage staff and parent participation Roles and Responsibilities of Parent Representatives  Attend all Title I Regional Center PAC Meetings  Attend all Title I District Advisory Council (DAC) Meetings  Serve on DAC and PAC Committees  Assist in planning workshops and professional development activities for DAC/PAC members and other parents  Attend and participate in Title I activities  If elected as an officer, attend DAC Executive Board Meetings Parent and Family Involvement ( Contd. ) 14

15 Parent and Family Involvement (Contd.) District Advisory Council (DAC)  The DAC is made up of elected representatives from each Region Center Parent Advisory Council (PAC)  Encourage staff and parent participation Requirements for Implementation  Officers are elected from among school PAC Representatives  Community Involvement Specialist should attend all DAC Meetings  DAC attendance records are maintained by Title I Administration  Each DAC Meeting is concluded with the presentation of attendance awards to schools with the largest number of participants  PAC/DAC representatives attend local, state and national conferences, workshops and seminars  Review SIP, District Applications and participate in parent and community engagement activities 15

16 Parents’ Reception Area and School-Site Parent Resource Centers (PRC)  Program Description  Requirements for Implementation  Recommended Documents and Materials  Locations Parent and Family Involvement ( Contd. ) 16

17 Program Description  Designed to help parents become more involved in their children's education Requirements for Implementation  The Parental Involvement Program must be staffed by at least one half- day CIS CIS Job Description  Job Code: 4005 and 4039 CIS Responsibilities  Please refer to Job Description Community Involvement Specialist (CIS) 17

18 Challenging Higher Education for Students in our Schools (CHESS) Program Description  The mission of the Title I CHESS Program is to create well-rounded, lifelong learners Program Design  The Title I CHESS Program is designed for students in schools implementing the Title I Program Program Structured Services Program Special Features 18

19 Title I Administration Parent and Family Involvement Contact NameTitleEmail AddressTelephone Number Ms. Bernadette Montgomery District Director, Community Services (305) 995-3075 19

20 Title I Schoolwide Budget  Title I funds are used to Supplement the School's Academic Offerings Staffing Related Expenditures  Final payroll for personnel to be charged to the 2015-2016 Title I Schoolwide Program will be from June 3, 2016 through June 16, 2016 Title I Fiscal Responsibilities 20

21 Non-Salary Related Expenditures  Title I funds are used to supplement the school's academic offerings  All purchases for non-salary items, which originate at the school level must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the following:  Invoices are mathematically correct and reconciled  Purchases are charged to the proper funding structure  All equipment is properly labeled as Title I property  Contracts follow guidelines outlined in Title I Handbook for professional services  Purchases must follow guidelines established by Procurement Management and School Board Policy  Credit Card (P-Card) Transactions backup documentation: List of material purchased and justification, Purchase Authorization Form, FM-5707, Credit card statement, Monthly Reconciliation Work Sheet, FM-5828, and Copy of the vendor invoice Title I Fiscal Responsibilities (Contd.) 21

22 Non-Salary Related Expenditures (Contd.)  All purchases must be completed by Friday, February 12, 2016 no later than 4:30 p.m. Parental Involvement Related Expenditures  Funding must be allocated to fund parental involvement activities  Parental Involvement funding can be checked on the Grants Availability Report for the school  Copies of documentation demonstrating use of parental involvement funding are to be maintained for audit purposes Title I Fiscal Responsibilities ( Contd. ) 22

23 Review of Property Inventory Records Matching Title I Program Numbers and Dates  Schools must identify any Capitalized ($1,000 and over) and Non-Capitalized (under $1,000) property purchased with Title I funds  Inventory of both Capitalized and Non-Capitalized property purchased with Title I funds must be maintained at the school for a minimum of five years Property Procedures Documentation (Refer to 2015-2016 Title I Handbook)  Disposal of Title I Property - Title I Administration Property Disposal Form (FM-6587) and Outgoing Controlled Equipment Form (FM-1670) Green Form (Not available online)  Off-campus Use of Title I Property - Approval of Off-Site Use of School Board Property (FM-2380)  Transferring of Title I Property - Outgoing Controlled Equipment Form (FM-1670) Green Form (Not available online)  Vandalism of Title I Property - Plant Security Report (FM-0366) Property Management 23

24 Important Title I Deadlines for the 2015-2016 School Year Friday, July 24, 2015  Charter Schools Title I Budget Appropriation Details form was due to Title I Administration via email to or fax to (305) Friday, February 12, 2016  All purchases must be completed 24

25 Important Title I Deadlines for the 2015-2016 School Year (Contd.) Friday, April 29, 2016  A budget reconciliation should be conducted before the end of the fiscal year. If an amendment is needed as a result of a reconciliation, the school must resubmit the reconciled Budget Appropriation Details Form to Title I Administration for review and approval no later than April 29th, 2016. Note: Should the need arise for a Title I Program budget amendment, the School must resubmit a request on the approved Budget Appropriation Details Form 30 days in advance of the need, and await signed authorization by the Title I Administration. 25

26 Important Title I Deadlines for the 2015-2016 School Year (Contd.) Friday, June 3, 2016  Schools are to complete and submit the original signed and dated Miami-Dade County Public Schools Title I Administration School Assurance of Accountability and Compliance Document (FM-7346-CH) for the 2015-2016 school year. Thursday, June 9, 2016  All hourly personnel paid with Title I funds will be able to work in 2015-2016 through this date. 26

27 Title I Administration NameTitleEmail AddressTelephone Number Ms. Daisy Puxes Staff Specialist (305) 995-2315 27

28 Title I School-Level Compliance and Accountability 28 Mr. Pedro Arteaga Executive Director Title I Administration

29 Title I School-Level Compliance and Accountability Collaboration Site 29

30 School-Level Compliance Reference Document 30

31 31 Curriculum and Instruction

32 Budget & Expenditures 32

33 Property 33

34 Professional Development 34

35 Educational Excellence School Advisory Committee (EESAC) 35

36 Parental Involvement 36

37 Community Involvement Specialists (CIS) 37

38 Title I Administration School-Level Compliance and Accountability Contact NameTitleEmail AddressTelephone Number Mr. Pedro Arteaga Executive Director, Title I (305) 995-1714 38

39  Title I Budget Allocation  Payroll-Related Expenditures  Non-Payroll Related Expenditures  Title I Property  Parental and Community Involvement 39 Title I Program Areas Subject to Audit

40  Expenditures exceeding budgeted amounts  Significant remaining account balances at year-end  Transfers not made as needed or incorrect 40 Potential Findings - Budget

41  Hourly salary expenditures exceeding budgeted amounts  School unable to provide documentation to support work performed related to Title I funded activities  Salary expenditures not directly associated with the program  Substitutes charged to Title I to cover Title I and non-Title I teachers reported out on personal, sick or leave without pay 41 Potential Findings - Payroll

42  Expenditure-related documentation not available or incomplete  Questionable purchases under Title I Program guidelines  Inappropriate purchases made with P-Card  Contract guidelines and proper approval for professional services not followed  Vendor refunds for overpayments associated with field trip expenditures paid with Title I program funds not returned to the District 42 Potential Findings – Non-Payroll

43  Title I equipment not identified with Title I labels  Equipment purchased with Title I funds used for administrative purposes  Equipment disposed of without prior written approval from the Title I Administration Office 43 Potential Findings – Property

44  Community Involvement Specialist (CIS) records incomplete, missing, significantly disorganized or with many errors/omissions  CIS duties questionable or not related to Title I job responsibilities/program  Parent Resource Center not maintained or unavailable to parents  Contact Title I Administration Office- Mr. Ramon Sanchez at (305) 273-8230 regarding CIS training 44 Potential Findings – Parental & Community Involvement

45  Discuss related manuals and procedures with school site staff regarding the use of Title I funds  Oversee payroll to ensure that assignments of Title I personnel are appropriate  Ensure that responsible staff maintains complete files with documentation of expenditures charged to Title I accounts 45 Schoolsite Monitoring Strategies

46  Monitor Title I Program accounts periodically and make adjustments as needed and as allowed  Ensure that equipment purchased with Title I funds is properly controlled and identified; and ensure that proper approvals are received before its disposal and filed with Title I documentation  Meet periodically with CIS to ensure that parental involvement activities are being properly conducted and documented 46 Schoolsite Monitoring Strategies (contd.)

47 Title I Administration NameTitleEmail AddressTelephone Number Mr. Edgardo Reyes Administrative Director, Title I Administration, and Federal/State Fiscal Operations (305) 995-7681 47

48 48

49 Title I Administration  Faithful adherence to federal, state and local policies and procedures regarding the Title I Program is expected of all schools that receive Title I funding  Title I Administration should be contacted whenever guidance and/or direction is needed regarding the Title I Program  General Title I questions should be referred to (305) 995-1253  Best wishes for a successful 2015-2016 school year 49

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