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1 Solutions for lecture assignments S-72.1140 Transmission Methods in Telecommunication Systems (5 cr)

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1 1 Solutions for lecture assignments S-72.1140 Transmission Methods in Telecommunication Systems (5 cr)

2 2 Assignment

3 3 Solution (i) example: IEEE 802 specifies a large number on local area networking standard. Relating technologies include for instance TDMA, FDMA and CDMA and several technologies of integrated circuit are applied in realization of practical devices (as routers and terminals). IETF standardizes Internet. (ii) Standardization refers to recommendations to assure compatibility among manufacturers, regulation is must that need to be followed as in the way how electrical appliances must be constructed for being safe (iii) Effect of market can be quantified (evaluated) for instance in terms of potential or expanding market size, expected revenues and investment costs required to act or even dominate in the market

4 4 Assignment

5 5

6 6

7 7 solution:

8 8 Assignment

9 9 n Conclusions: Nonlinearity is reflected as extra harmonics at the output of the circuit

10 10 Assignment ans: 20 dB

11 11 Assignment

12 12 Solution

13 13 Assignment Solution

14 14 Assignment

15 15 Solution a) b)

16 16 Assignment

17 17 Solution u(t) u(-t) u(t-t 1 )u(-t+t 1 ) u(t+t 1 ), t 1 >0 a)

18 18 Solution b)

19 19 Assignment

20 20 Assignment

21 21 Solutions

22 22 Assignment Solution: FM can utilize bandwidth expansion to increase post detection SNR. Therefore, information transfer capacity of FM accommodates to channel better than in AM.

23 23 Assignment Solution:

24 24 Assignment (i) Briefly summarize what is the main difference between FM and PM ? (ii) How would you generate FM by using a PM modulator? Solution (i) In PM instantaneous phase is directly proportional to modulating signal amplitude, in FM instantaneous frequency is directly proportional to modulating signal amplitude. (ii) One need to integrate the modulating signal before applying it to the PM modulator

25 25 Assignment

26 26 Example

27 27 Assignment n Show that for radio transmission following simplification applies:

28 28 Assignment n Solution:

29 29 Assignment n How many dB:s channel SNR should be increased in order to accommodate 16-level signaling? Therefore SNR should be increased 6 dB

30 30 Assignment Solution M(  ) is determined from the condition |J n (  )| > , therefore the curve on the previous page can be obtained for instance by fixing a value for  and then adjusting n until the condition is met. Note: n = 1 equals the case with two sidebands (magnitude spectra the same as for AM)

31 31 Assignment Solution Definition of voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) indicates that it is an FM modulator because its instantaneous output frequency is directly proportional to modulating signal amplitude. Therefore, the signal after VCO is an FM wave. The inherent integration of FM in output phase must be cancelled for PM signal, that is then realized by setting the differentiator to the input of VCO.

32 32 Assignment Consider the following RC-filter transfer function Inspect the relating group delay and state what is a frequency range of low linear distortion

33 33

34 34 Frequency range of low linear distortion?

35 35 Assignment

36 36 Solution

37 37 Assignment (i) How would you know if a channel has in general non- some linear characteristics? (ii) How would you measure a linear channel? (iii) Suggest how to measure a non-linear channel! (i) Channel output has frequency components that can’t be found in its input (ii) For instance by sending a known signal (frequency spectra) to its input and by monitoring the output. Note the frequency range of the input signal. The result is system transfer function. (iii) The same method as in (ii). However, now both frequency and amplitude of the signal should be changed. Often a single sinusoidal is applied. The result is system transfer characteristics. For more discussions about (ii) and (iii) see few slides ahead.

38 38 Assignment (i) Determine channel input impedance for Vg=1 V, Rg = 50 ohms and Vi=0.5 V (ii) Assume load impedance is Zl= 50+j10 ohms and Zg= 50 ohms. How much is the dissipation angle theta?

39 39 Solution (i) Voltage divides evenly between the resistive components. Therefore the load equals internal impedance and matching is perfect. (ii) Dissipation angle follows directly from given equations:

40 40 Assignment n Channel input has two frequency components at f 1 =1 kHz and f 2 =2 kHz. The channel frequency response follows H(f)=exp(-jf). How much is the time difference of the frequency components after this channel? Is this a linear or non-linear channel? n Solution: Both frequency components have the same delay after the channel!

41 41 Assignment n How would you measure in practice 3rd order intercept point? Ans: it would be required to apply two frequencies to the circuit and adjust the other one by simultaneously monitoring the output by a spectrum analyzer

42 42 Assignment n How the formulas below explain the change of pitch for a train when it passes a station in full speed? Doppler effect [7] ans: the angle of signal source changes

43 43 Assignment n How would you measure interference level in a channel? Solution: By monitoring channel output by a spectrum analyzer. If the interference results from channel nonlinearity, for instance 3rd order intercept point measurement could be taken to quantify relative magnitude of the interference.

44 44 Assignment

45 45 Assignment

46 46 Assignment Solution: The respective probability must be integrated from Gaussian pdf, yielding for instance in terms of Q-function 2Q(V T /  ) where  is the square root of  X.

47 47 Assignment Explain how the results shown connects to the phasor diagram!

48 48 Helsinki University of Technology,Communications Laboratory, Timo O. Korhonen Assignment Solution M(  ) is determined from the condition |J n (  )| > , therefore the curve on the previous page can be obtained for instance by fixing a value for  and then adjusting n until the condition is met. Note: n = 1 equals the case with two sidebands (magnitude spectra the same as for AM)

49 49 Assignment

50 50 Solution

51 51 Assignment n Determine average power for the following signals T T A -A A A/2 -A/2

52 52 Solution T A -A A A/2 -A/2 T

53 53 Assignment n What is the impulse response of the matched filter for the following signaling waveform? n How would you determine the respective output signal (after the matched filter)? T Aans: Impulse response is the time-reversed version of the signaling pulse ans: The output is the convolution of input pulse and the impulse response of the matched filter

54 54 Assignment (i) Determine probability that all bits are inverted by channel noise in a 4-bit code word when bit-error prob. is p (ii) What are the cases when error is introduced in a 5-bit code word in repetition decoding?

55 55 Helsinki University of Technology,Communications Laboratory, Timo O. Korhonen Assignment n A channel coding system applies codes 00010 and 11100 for encoding ’1’ and ’0’, respectively. (i) What is the minimum Hamming distance? (ii) How many code bit errors can be detected by the code? (iii) Received code is 00000. Can it be corrected by the decoder? Solution: The minimum Hamming distance is the number of different bits (in this case d min = 4) required to swap a code word to another code word. Error detection is always possible if the number of errors in d min -1. If the number of errors equals d min or is larger Error detection is not always possible For received code 00000 receiver will assume one bit error that can be detected and corrected. However, if the transmitted code was 11100 a three-bit error has happened that can not be corrected

56 56 Helsinki University of Technology,Communications Laboratory, Timo O. Korhonen Assignment (i) How to localize data-bit errors? (ii) How to localize parity-bit errors? m1m1 m2m2 m3m3 m4m4 c1c1 c3c3 c2c2

57 57 Helsinki University of Technology,Communications Laboratory, Timo O. Korhonen Solution (i) How to localize data-bit errors? m1 by determining parity of circles c1 & c2 m2 by determining parity of circles c1 & c3 m3 by determining parity of circles c2 & c3 m4 by determining parity of circles c1-c3 (ii) How to localize parity-bit errors? c1: determining parity of c1 (c2 & c3 ok) c2: determining parity of c2 (c1 & c3 ok) c3: determining parity of c3 (c1 & c2 ok) m1m1 m2m2 m3m3 m4m4 c1c1 c3c3 c2c2

58 58 Helsinki University of Technology,Communications Laboratory, Timo O. Korhonen Example n Assume received code is [0 1 1 0 0 0 0] and odd parity, is this a correct code word? Assume odd parity. m1m1 m2m2 m3m3 m4m4 c1c1 c3c3 c2c2

59 59 Helsinki University of Technology,Communications Laboratory, Timo O. Korhonen Solution n Assume received code is [0 1 1 0 0 0 0] and odd parity, is this a correct code word? n Ans: error must be in p3 circle, its parity is even. Because both p1 & p2 are odd, p3 – bit must be in error 0 1 0 1 00 0 m1m1 m2m2 m3m3 m4m4 c1c1 c3c3 c2c2

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