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History 398 Fall 2004 George H. Bindon History 398Lecture 21 IN OUR OWN IMAGE: CREATING THE COMPUTER.

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Presentation on theme: "History 398 Fall 2004 George H. Bindon History 398Lecture 21 IN OUR OWN IMAGE: CREATING THE COMPUTER."— Presentation transcript:

1 History 398 Fall 2004 George H. Bindon History 398Lecture 21 IN OUR OWN IMAGE: CREATING THE COMPUTER

2 History 398 Fall 2004 In the Beginning... The Protean Machine 10 0 11 11 1 1 0 00 0 State Table R/W Head

3 History 398 Fall 2004 In Our Image John von Neumann First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC (1945) –Alan Turing *38 »“On Computable Numbers with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem” (1936) –Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts »“A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity” (1943) General and Logical Theory of Automata (1954)

4 History 398 Fall 2004 CControl CArithmetic I J Memory Recording      John von Neumann et al., EDVAC Architecture + A  I + J - A  I - J * A  A + I*J / A  I/J i A  I j A  J sA  (A >= 0 ? I : J) (A) O msm 98 Circuit diagram from the John W. Mauchly Papers University of Pennsylvania

5 History 398 Fall 2004 It is reasonable to hope that the relationship between computation and mathematical logic will be as fruitful in the next century as that between analysis and physics in the last. The development of this relationship demands a concern for both applications and mathematical elegance. John McCarthy on Mathematical Science

6 History 398 Fall 2004 The Mother of Necessity ENIAC vs EDVAC: hardware & software The first big computers: ENIAC to UNIVAC Design of computer during these years open and flexible: the device assumed different shapes depending on who was using it.

7 History 398 Fall 2004

8 EDSAC, Cambridge University, 1949

9 History 398 Fall 2004

10 ENIAC EDVAC Business, Industry & Government data processing organization of production management design & maintenance of large systems electricity telecommunications Technology & Science mathematical calculation mechanical logic EDP OR/MS automation robotics ESS scientific computation computational science Computer Science theory systems human augmentation military C&C SAGE WWCCS C 3 I c o m p u t e r s artificial intelligence artificial life

11 History 398 Fall 2004 Communities of Computing Number Crunching (FORTRAN) Data Processing (COBOL) Production Flow - Automation, Robotics Management Systems - OR/MS Communication Systems - ESS Computer (Algol) –Operating System = Programming System + Supervisor

12 History 398 Fall 2004 Computer Systems Programming systems –make work of programmer easier and more efficient Operating systems –make computer more efficient for users, while protecting computer from them Application Systems –make the computer do something useful

13 History 398 Fall 2004 Programming Languages machine language assemblers POL (problem-oriented language) –FORTRAN (1956) –LISP (1959) –COBOL (1960) –Algol (1960)

14 History 398 Fall 2004


16 Algol [60] Algol 68 Algol W CPL BCPL B C C++ Java Simula Pascal ModulaAda C with Classes The Algol Family Tree

17 History 398 Fall 2004 Operating systems: automating the computer Programmer at machine Batch processing by operators Monitors Common interface between programming systems and computer: OS = monitor + programming system Multiplexing for time-sharing Arguably most complex artifact ever constructed, grow to occupy ever-larger portion of resident memory and to constitute ever greater portion of total cost of machine and of machine's development

18 History 398 Fall 2004 Eric S. Raymond, The Art of Unix Programming

19 History 398 Fall 2004 Human-Machine Interaction Military Command and Control (C 3 I) –Real-time systems (SAGE -> SABRE) Amplifying Intelligence –Vannever Bush, “As We May Think” (1945)Vannever Bush, “As We May Think” (1945) –JCR Licklider, “Man-Computer Symbiosis” (1960) –Douglas C. Engelbart, “Augmenting Human Intellect” (1962) Emulating Intelligence -AI –Machines Who Think –Machines That Think –Cognitive Science - The (Re)Discovery of the Mind


21 History 398 Fall 2004 Personal Computing Systems + Human Augmentation Miniaturization

22 History 398 Fall 2004 vacuum tube transistor integrated circuit MSI, LSI, VLSI The Computer Market, 1953-83 mainframe minicomputer microcomputer 1946 1958 1965 1971 1977 1981 IBM and the Seven Dwarves System 360, 370 DEC PDP-8 VAX 11 Data GeneralNova Eclipse Apple IIIBM PC

23 History 398 Fall 2004


25 Personal Computing Systems + Human Augmentation Miniaturization Accidental Empires (Cringely) Apple (1977) IBM (1981) Microsoft + Intel = Wintel (1985) The Second Self (Turkle) Life on the Screen (Turkle)




29 The Web of Information

30 History 398 Fall 2004 Embedded Computing

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