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Delaware Department of Education June 17, 2010. Establish a framework that can be used across Content areas, Specialty areas, and Grade-levels to guide.

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Presentation on theme: "Delaware Department of Education June 17, 2010. Establish a framework that can be used across Content areas, Specialty areas, and Grade-levels to guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delaware Department of Education June 17, 2010

2 Establish a framework that can be used across Content areas, Specialty areas, and Grade-levels to guide the individual working groups as they determine specific measures Include measures that Show growth Are standardized Are valid Are recorded

3 Measures comparable across State Measures comparable across LEA Measures of a single teacher Measures of groups of teachers Statewide assessments State program targets District-wide assessments Standardized Curriculum-based Statewide assessments Graduation rates LEA Success Plan targets PLC lesson and assessment documents

4 Statewide Standardized Assessments DCAS SAT/PSAT AP Statewide Targets Graduation rate Program-specific (CTE assessments) LEA-wide Purchased Assessments DIBLS Gates-McGinnity

5 LEA-wide Created Assessments Common CBAs Success Plan progress Student Portfolios IEP progress Other measures that could be used in DPAS II components 1-4 Discipline rates Communication with parents Fidelity of instruction Parent and/or student survey results…

6 Are the measures we have identified: 1. Measures of student growth? Or other DPAS II Components? Two points in time 2. Measures that can be standardized across an LEA or the state? 3. Measures that are valid for the purpose of teacher evaluation? 4. Measures that are recorded and comparable across classrooms in an LEA or the state?

7 1. Do some measures capture a wide range of growth? (floor and/or ceiling effects) 2. How can the effects of non-random student grouping be alleviated? 3. How can context effects be minimized? 4. How will small Ns or missing data be handled? 5. Will the measures be sensitive to varied student growth trajectories?

8 Are there any policies or practices that need to be developed to ensure fidelity? What are the parameters for other potential measures? What if a working group wants to add a measure not on the list? How will they determine if it is appropriate? Other…


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