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1 HOUSEKEEPING PRINCIPLES OF 5 S HOUSEKEEPING. 2 HOUSEKEEPING AND PRODUCTIVITY PRODUCTIVITY:It is a process of elimination of waste in all forms i.e Time,Machine,Materials,Money,energy.

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Presentation on theme: "1 HOUSEKEEPING PRINCIPLES OF 5 S HOUSEKEEPING. 2 HOUSEKEEPING AND PRODUCTIVITY PRODUCTIVITY:It is a process of elimination of waste in all forms i.e Time,Machine,Materials,Money,energy."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 HOUSEKEEPING AND PRODUCTIVITY PRODUCTIVITY:It is a process of elimination of waste in all forms i.e Time,Machine,Materials,Money,energy etc. by continuous improvement, by involving all employees, with an objectives to get the best comparable returns on the investment.

3 3 HOUSEKEEPING AND PRODUCTIVITY HOUSEKEEPING:The root causes of most of the housekeeping problems are invariably responsible for poor productivity like: Leakage and spills Poor preventive maintenance. Non-standard work practices. Loosely defined resposibilies

4 4 5S HOUSEKEEPING Systematic approach. People oriented. Practice oriented. Every individual can contribute. First step towards continuous improvement. Foundation for good productivity,quality,reduced costs,safety and employee morale Reflects management’s attitude.

5 5 5S HOUSEKEEPING Relevant to all industries. A tool to achieve discipline. Not merely for aesthetic reasons. Not an end in itself. Ultimate goal is reduced costs of product and better quality of life in workplace.

6 6 5W and 1 H METHOD WHAT: What is wrong?What is causing the problem? WHERE: Where is the problem area? WHO: Who does it?Who is responsible for this? WHEN: When does it happen? WHY: Why does it happen?Why do we do it this way? HOW: How else could it be done?How to improve?


8 8 WHAT IS 5 S? Segregation: Sort out un-necessary things from work place and dispose them off. Cleanliness: Clean your workplace,machines,tools and tackles completely and paint them such that you are not only good,you also look good. Arrangement:Arrange necessary items in good order,identify them so that they are easily and timely available for use.

9 9 WHAT IS 5S? Maintain: Maintain high standards of housekeeping at all times Discipline: Train people to follow good housekeeping discipline.Demonstrate the leadership.

10 10 WHY 5 S? Work place becomes clean and better organised. Shopfloor and office operations become easier and safer. Results are visible to everyone Visible results enhance generation of more and new idea.

11 11 WHY 5S ? People become proud of clean and organized workplace. People are automatically disciplined. Resultant good company image generates more business.

12 12 RESULTS EXPECTED FROM 5S PRACTICES More employee awareness of untidy workplace and motivation to improve the level of cleanliness. Greater team spirit and co-operation through involvement of all. Lesser risks of accidents. Greater efficiency and effectiveness. Early detection of machine trouble. Smoother flow of materials and work-in- progress.

13 13 RESULTS EXPECTED FROM 5S PRACTICES Extended life of machines and tools. Organized floor space. Improved material yield ratio. Reduced material handling Final product free from dust. Finally,reduced costs of product..

14 14 IMPLEMENTAION OF 5 S Top management commitment. Participation of all employees. CEO’s Leadership. Supported by all. Programming self sustaining. Ownership of areas by people. Appreciation/Reward. Discipline

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