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3- NON-RIBOSOMAL GENE RECONSTRUCTION  Core / auxiliary / strain specific genes  Housekeeping genes and accordance with global reconstruction  MLSA 

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1 3- NON-RIBOSOMAL GENE RECONSTRUCTION  Core / auxiliary / strain specific genes  Housekeeping genes and accordance with global reconstruction  MLSA  Alignment (aminoacid / nucleotide  depends on the level of resolution)  Filtering alignments  Number of genes for a stable topology  Horizontal gene transfer  Tetranucleotide signatures

2 Housekeeping genes  alternative phylogenies Core genes with phylogenetic signal Auxiliary genes, not present in all populations with low phylogenetic signal Specific genes of a single strain without phylogenetic signal Lan and Reeves. 2000 TRENDS Microbiol 8: 396-401

3 Characteristics of a molecule as molecular clock  Universally present  only 34 orthologous universal genes (Huynen & Bork, PNAS, 1998. 95:5849-5856)  group specific (i.e. phylum, family, genus…) genes with phylogenetic signal can be used  functional constancy  sufficient sequence conservation for reconstruction purposes  sufficient sequence complexity for a good phylogenetic signal Ludwig and Schleifer. 2005 Microbial phylogeny and evolution (Sapp) 70-98. (Oxford University Press) Markers supporting global phylogenies  RNAr 16S  RNAr 23S  EF-Tu (some phyla are paraphyletic e.g. Actinobacteria y Streptomyces)  RNA polimerase rpoB (some phyla are paraphyletic e.g. Epsilonproteobacteria y resto Proteobacteria)  Heat Shock Hsp60 (Bacteria: GroEL, Archaea: Tf-55; some may be paraphyletic)  Aminoacyl tRNA sintetases Markers that do not support global phylogenies  ATPases  DNA girases  Hsp70  RecA Housekeeping genes  not all give the same resolution

4 PHYLOGENY BASED ON NON-RIBOSOMAL GENES: MLSA Stackebrandt et al., 2002, Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 52:846-849 Gevers et al., 2005, Nature Rev. Microbiol. 3:733-739 MLSA (multilocus sequence analysis):  5-10 full/partial sequences  house keeping genes  primer design difficulties  biases in the selection of genes  time consuming  ↓↓ number for stable topology Amplify and sequence 5-10 housekeeping genes for each strain Concatenate gene sequences Reconstruct the phylogeny genAgenBgenCgenDgenEgenF Str. 1 Str. 2 Str. 3 Str. 4

5 The alignments of proteins of genes are less clear than rRNA Protein sequences vs. rRNA sequences  Codifying DNA harbors information in triplets (codons)  Degenerated code allows silent mutations (not much evolutionarily constraints)  For deep phylogenies, amino acid alignments give better resolution.  DNA phylogenies should only be done with close relative sequences  Generally shorter sequences (300-1000 residues) than rRNA

6 Removing hypervariable positions  reducing phylogenetic noise

7 Of all 22 analyzed genes:  57 % Bacteroidetes  27 % Chlorobi  18 % Chlorobi- Bacteroidetes One cannot rely on single gene reconstructions that may produce inconsistent results Single genes may lead to different topologies

8 The amount of genes in the concatenate influence the stability of the tree random selection among the 22 genes  checking branching robustness The bootstrap values improve with the increase of amount of genes in the analysis Below 8 genes one can obtain unstable topologies 12 genes gave the threshold for reliability For taxonomic purposes, 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis is the most parsimonious approach Sória-Carrasco et al., 2008, System Appl Microbiol. 30:171-179

9 MLSA: phylogenetic reconstructions MULTIPLE SEQUENCE ALIGNMENTS  sometimes have better resolution than the 16S rRNA gene  16S rRNA gene can have very low resolution Jiménez et al., 2013, System Appl Microbiol, 36: 383- 391

10 MULTIPLE SEQUENCE ALIGNMENTS (LARGE SETS)  r-MLST (ribosomal protein concatenates)  SPECL (single copy marker genes)  r-MLST (ribosomal protein concatenates)   Jolley et al., 2012, Microbiology 158:1005-15  53 ribosomal protein genes (rps genes)  SPECL  (  Mende et al., Nat Methods, in revision  on 40 universal, single copy marker genes  Optimized cutoffs (96.5% nucleotide identity) MONOPHYLY: phylogenetic reconstructions (MLSA)

11 Loosing identity due to HGT Kunin et al. 2005. Genome Res. 15:954-959 Phylogenetic incongruences: HGT makes fuzzy the assignment of identities Masive HGT in the microbial world No tree of life is possible TWO SCHOOLS Phylogenetic incongruences: Can be explained by ► gene duplication (paralogy) and deletion (hidden paralogy) ► false orthology assignation ► alignments artifacts Orthology should be carefully checked Soria-Carrasco & Castresana, 2008. Mol. Biol. Evol. 25: 2319-2329 Kurland. 2005. Bioessays 27:741-747

12 pyrE aroA Some times no other explanation (either true or lack of information) Some times a loss of phylogenetic signal

13 Tetranucleotide variation: 4 4 = 256 TETRA:  Genomes have an oligonucleotide usage (not yet understood, related to codon usage)  Similar genomes might have similar usage  ALIGNMENT FREE PARAMETER  may be useful in deciding whether a group of strains deserve a species status Genome Signatures  G+C content ►dinucleotide ► not much informative  Codon usage ► trinucleotide ► more informative  Tetranucleotides (penta-, hexa-…) ►more information but more computing effort

14 Contigs can be ordered by means of their tetranucleotide similarity Teeling et al., 2004 Environ Microbiol. 6:938-947 High regression may indicate similar genome genetic codification Probably fragments of the same organism

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