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© 2011 Autodesk MP4483 Ask the Experts: Autodesk ® Revit ® MEP Gregg Stanley Paul Aubin Darryl McClelland Martin Schmid Cindy Parvez.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2011 Autodesk MP4483 Ask the Experts: Autodesk ® Revit ® MEP Gregg Stanley Paul Aubin Darryl McClelland Martin Schmid Cindy Parvez."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2011 Autodesk MP4483 Ask the Experts: Autodesk ® Revit ® MEP Gregg Stanley Paul Aubin Darryl McClelland Martin Schmid Cindy Parvez

2 © 2011 Autodesk Class Agenda  Introductions  Housekeeping items  Expectations  A helpful resource guide for your Revit MEP efforts  First question

3 © 2011 Autodesk Class Agenda  Introductions  Housekeeping items  Expectations  A helpful resource guide for your Revit MEP efforts  First question

4 © 2011 Autodesk Introductions  Gregg Stanley  Paul Aubin  Darryl McClelland  Martin Schmid Cindy Parvez

5 © 2011 Autodesk Class Agenda  Introductions  Housekeeping items  Expectations  A helpful resource guide for your Revit MEP efforts  First question

6 © 2011 Autodesk Housekeeping Items  Please take a moment to turn off your cell phone or please make sure that the ringer has been set to silent or vibrate. If you need to take a call please step outside the classroom to do so.  The class handout is posted on-line and will be re-posted with any additions, changes, or modifications no later than two (2) weeks after the class.  This class is being recorded so please be on your best behavior.  Class evaluation forms are online. If you need help filling out the evaluation form for this class please feel free to see Gregg, Paul, or Darryl. We will gladly assist your efforts there.

7 © 2011 Autodesk Class Agenda  Introductions  Housekeeping items  Expectations  A helpful resource guide for your Revit MEP efforts  First question

8 © 2011 Autodesk Setting the Overall Expectations for the Class  Based on previous class sizes that we have had in years past, we never imagined that 170 people would register for and attend this class. This is not a problem for us. However, it does pose some complexity to managing everyone’s expectations for the class and trying to answer everyone’s question in such a populated setting.  With the sheer number of people here we would like to invite everyone here to participate as a part of our panel discussion as well.  This will help everyone in this room network and establish new relationships which in turn may help you be even more successful with the Revit MEP product which is our main goal for this class.

9 © 2011 Autodesk Setting the Overall Expectations for Class Questions  It is our overall objective to answer as many questions as possible. In order to keep the class moving, we will take detailed notes on an in-depth question that we believe cannot be answered quickly and post the answer to that question after class, via the class handout or other means. In addition, in-depth questions that require the use of the Revit MEP product in order to answer may be deferred in the same manner. Answers to those questions will be in either written or video format.  Please understand that it would be our overall intent to answer 50 questions rather than 5 questions. This does not mean that we will not attempt to field in- depth questions or get into the product. This simply means we reserve the right to defer questions in order to keep the class moving and get to other questions.

10 © 2011 Autodesk Setting the Overall Expectations for Class Questions  Due to a limitation with the Autodesk University website this year, we were unable to e-mail attendees of this class, as we have done in previous years, for suggested topics and questions that you would like to have covered or addressed in the class or handout. We have gathered some previous class data and that is the current starting point of our handout for this years class. It is our overall intent to add to the current handout with the questions generated from this session.  If we do not get to your question, please feel free to e-mail Gregg Stanley at with your question(s) and we will update the class handout and re-post it for everyone approximately two (2) weeks after this class. Each question received will receive a reply with our thoughts. The cut-off for additional class questions will be Wednesday, December 7, 2011.

11 © 2011 Autodesk Class Agenda  Introductions  Housekeeping items  Expectations  A helpful resource guide for your Revit MEP efforts  First question

12 © 2011 Autodesk The Aubin Academy Master Series Revit MEP 2012  Paul F. Aubin, Darryl McClelland, LEED AP DB +C, Martin Schmid, P.E., and Gregg Stanley AutoCAD MEP 2012  Paul F. Aubin, Darryl McClelland, LEED AP DB +C, Martin Schmid, P.E., and Gregg Stanley Revit Architecture 212  Paul F. Aubin Exclusive AU discounts available. Ask us!!!

13 © 2011 Autodesk Class Agenda  Introductions  Housekeeping items  Expectations  A helpful resource guide for your Revit MEP efforts  First question

14 © 2011 Autodesk Questions

15 © 2011 Autodesk Autodesk, AutoCAD* [*if/when mentioned in the pertinent material, followed by an alphabetical list of all other trademarks mentioned in the material] are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. © 2011 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.

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