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April 11, 2013 2PM-3:30PM.  Housekeeping: ◦ Webinar is being recorded ◦ Please ask questions by typing into question box  End of Year Reports in iGrants.

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Presentation on theme: "April 11, 2013 2PM-3:30PM.  Housekeeping: ◦ Webinar is being recorded ◦ Please ask questions by typing into question box  End of Year Reports in iGrants."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 11, 2013 2PM-3:30PM

2  Housekeeping: ◦ Webinar is being recorded ◦ Please ask questions by typing into question box  End of Year Reports in iGrants ◦ Title I ◦ Gifted ◦ LAP  Unexcused Absence and Weapons & Behavior  Dual Credit Report (Report Card)  J07 Limited English Proficiency Start Date 2 April 11, 2013

3  Recording will be posted at 3 April 11, 2013

4  Title I, LAP and Gifted  Prepopulated CEDARS data for each program: ◦ Student counts by grade, gender and federal race ◦ Cumulative number of students served during the entire school year ◦ Students served in program who were also LEP, special education, homeless and migrant  CEDARS – Reports – Program ◦ Set start date to beginning of school year ◦ Start sharing data with program staff 4 April 11, 2013

5 5

6  These will be two separate EDS applications  New User Roles (in addition to old roles): ◦ Unexcused Student Absences roles  Unexcused Student Absences District Administrator  Unexcused Student Absences User ◦ Behavior and Weapons roles  Behavior and Weapons District Administrator  Behavior and Weapons User  Open and Close dates ◦ Both applications will open no later than May 31, 2013 ◦ Unexcused Student Absences application closes: July 8, 2013 ◦ Behavior and Weapons application closes: August 2, 2013 6 April 11, 2013

7  Prepopulated CEDARS data: ◦ Full day unexcused absences by grade, federal race, and special programs ◦ Weapons incidents and suspensions and expulsions by weapon type ◦ Behavior incidents and suspensions and expulsions by behavior type  Each collection still has sections that will be hand entered, just like previous versions. 7 April 11, 2013

8  Published this fall  Uses CEDARS data from Student Grade History, School Enrollment and District Enrollment  Data reported is for the entire school year  All Transfer courses are excluded from reporting with the exception of running start 8 April 11, 2013

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10  When does the J07 date need to change? ◦ New students to your district/school ◦ New students to the LEP program ◦ Continuing students from last year 10 April 11, 2013

11  What does this impact in LEP application? ◦ Enrollment = J07, Start Date 11 April 11, 2013

12  Questions? 12 April 11, 2013

13 Information Technology Services, Customer Support: Emily Rang Meaghan Thompson Chatrina Jorgensen Magen (Meg) Blevins – Part Time (360) 725-4983 Division of Assessment and Student Information: Graduation and Dropouts:, Transcripts: Ethnicity and Race Codes: Assessment online applications (WAMS, Query, CAA/CIA Status database): Graduation Requirements: (360) 725-6508 Data Governance: 13 April 11, 2013

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