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WELCOME! North District Pastors’ Day. CLARIFYING the CALL 1:00 ET/12:00 CT Clarifying the Call 2:00 ET/1:00 CT CLOSING.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME! North District Pastors’ Day. CLARIFYING the CALL 1:00 ET/12:00 CT Clarifying the Call 2:00 ET/1:00 CT CLOSING."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME! North District Pastors’ Day

2 CLARIFYING the CALL 1:00 ET/12:00 CT Clarifying the Call 2:00 ET/1:00 CT CLOSING

3 THANKS Jan Fager Coalbush UMC – Mary Eileen Spence Allie’s Restaurant ADSes – Vickie, Paul, (Norm) Registrar – Pete Ward

4 QUICK HOUSEKEEPING - October 10 Mission Event at Epworth Forest - November 11 Clergy Covenant Day - February 22-23 Our Life Together


6 QUICK HOUSEKEEPING Mike Warner Clergy Care Services Director

7 CLARIFYING THE CALL Summer Conversations revealed that most of us could benefit from that most of us could benefit from an opportunity to reconnect with an opportunity to reconnect with the JOY of our call to ministry the JOY of our call to ministry

8 TED TALK video: Simon Sinek

9 Golden Circle WHY HOW WHAT

10 People don’t “buy” what you DO, they “buy” WHY you do it

11 CHURCH: People don’t connect to what you DO, they connect to WHY you do it

12 OR: People don’t invest their lives in what you DO, they invest their lives in WHY you do it

13 Golden Circle WHY HOW WHAT

14 Golden Circle

15 WHY? Why do I need Jesus?

16 WHY? (Adam Hamilton) Why do people need Jesus? Why do people need the church? Why do people need YOUR church?

17 WHY? What would it look like if every pastor and congregation was clear about the WHY?

18 The Church of Jesus Christ needs US to be leaders who are absolutely clear about the WHY AND Leading others to be clear about the WHY

19 OUTCOMES? 3 places to start the conversation…

20 OUTCOMES? 3 places to start the conversation… 1. Have a plan to make disciples for Jesus Christ (beyond for Jesus Christ (beyond Sunday morning or just Sunday morning or just keeping the doors open) keeping the doors open)


22 Alice asks: “Would you please tell me which way I ought to go from here” CC: “That depends a great deal on which way you want to go.” Alice: “Oh, I don’t care very much.” CC: “Well, then it doesn’t matter much which way you go.” Alice: “But, I want to go somewhere.” CC: “Oh, you are sure to do that!”

23 OUTCOMES? 3 places to start the conversation… 2. Have a plan for professions of faith (not confined to membership?)

24 OUTCOMES? 3 places to start the conversation… 3. Have a plan for the laity to share the story share the story

25 Discover the JOY in sharing the WHY!

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