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Zone Defense Schedule (ZDS): Organizing Adults to Promote Child Engagement Sue Bainter ESU#7 Preschool Networking Meeting November 9, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Zone Defense Schedule (ZDS): Organizing Adults to Promote Child Engagement Sue Bainter ESU#7 Preschool Networking Meeting November 9, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zone Defense Schedule (ZDS): Organizing Adults to Promote Child Engagement Sue Bainter ESU#7 Preschool Networking Meeting November 9, 2011

2 Engagement  What is it?  Is there more than one kind or level?  How does it differ from “participation”?

3 Defining Engagement  Nonengagement  Unsophisticated  Average  Advanced  Sophisticated

4 Engaged with what?  Adults  Materials  Peers

5 So, how do we set up our room and schedule to promote engagement?

6 First Consider……. What child goal can you identify for each of the following:  Circle time  Centers/work time  Small group/table activities  Snack  Transitioning between activities

7 Now, what is your role? During:  Circle time  Centers/work time  Small group/table activities  Snack  Transitioning between activities

8 Why plan for room arrangement? And, what makes for a good space?  Break up the middle and avoid wide open spaces  Clearly marked zones with boundaries  Place materials at lower levels to allow for access  Privacy and space for two’s  Rotate materials

9 What makes a zone?  Entry/Exit Zone  Messy Zone  Active Zone  Quiet Zone  Group Zone And……  Outdoor Zone

10 Ineffective Arrangement

11 Effective Arrangement

12 Analyze Your Space  Mark your zones – how many  Draw your traffic paths  Where are the privacy areas  Where is space for 2 children to play  Noisy areas away from quiet areas  How do children access the materials, including clean up

13 Zone Defense Schedule

14 Planning for Transitions  Adult in leader role in current activity stays with the activity until all children have transitioned to the new activity and then she moves into the set up role  Adult in the set up role in current activity will lead the next activity and has responsibility for getting to the new area in time for children to come as they are ready

15 Planning for Set Up  Clean up previous activity  Set up the next activity  Help with extra needs, interruptions, etc. so the activity leader can stay in place  Be in place at the beginning of the transition

16 ZDS in action

17 Your turn  Divide the day into 15 minute blocks  Arrange one column for each adult, even if the adult isn’t there the whole session  Alternate the set-up

18 Putting it All Together  Pick an activity  What is the skill or concept the children will learn  Plan for at least 2 different levels of engagement  Where will the activity occur  What materials are needed  What are the adult roles

19 Action Plan/Next Steps

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