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W HY C LERKS D O W HAT T HEY D O... Different Roles for Different LAFCOs  staff/county size makes a difference  clerks, secretaries, office assistants,

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1 W HY C LERKS D O W HAT T HEY D O... Different Roles for Different LAFCOs  staff/county size makes a difference  clerks, secretaries, office assistants, combination titles 2009/2010 Survey Reveals: 58/58 LAFCOs have a clerk position (only 23/58 LAFCOs have analyst positions) 26/58 LAFCOs have full-time clerks 28/58 clerks are LAFCO employees hourly pay ranges between $17 and $35

2 W HY C LERKS D O W HAT T HEY D O... Different Hats for Different Clerks  office manager - accounting/purchasing/budgeting  analytical support - report writing/proposal processing/GIS  human resources - payroll/timekeeping/performance evaluations  records management - meeting minutes/resolutions/historical archiving  public relations - constituent inquiries/noticing/ website administration

3 W HY C LERKS D O W HAT T HEY D O... Delightful Daily Details  processing + tracking + completing proposals Walking Through a Proposal in CKH  requirements, blind spots, and best (better) practices - see handout




7 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions LAFCo 101 for Clerks An Introduction to Local Agency Formation Commissions Keene Simonds, Executive Officer, Napa LAFCo Kate McKenna, Executive Officer, Monterey LAFCo April 2011

8 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions What’s Ahead  Why LAFCo was created  LAFCo’s history, legal role and functions  LAFCo resources  Your questions

9 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions Promote orderly growth Prevent sprawl Preserve agriculture and open space Assure efficient, sustainable public services

10 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions  Forms new cities and special districts  Changes boundaries  Changes authorized services  Allows service extensions  Establishes Spheres of Influence  Performs municipal service reviews  Reorganizes local agencies  Annexation, consolidation, merger, dissolution, disincorporation What Does LAFCo Do??

11 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions  Post World War II population and housing boom in California  Freeway suburbs; scramble to finance and extend services  City annexation "wars;" proliferation of limited purpose special districts  Confusion with multiple local governments Why Create a LAFCo?

12 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions  No state commission or statewide agency  Local control; no state appointments  A LAFCo in every county  Each LAFCo independent  Local flexibility – Local policies  Unique to California Legislative Solution: Local Flexibility of State Law

13 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions Nearly 50 Years of LAFCo  1963 – Knox Nesbitt Act  1965 – District Reorganization Act  1971 – Spheres of Influence  1972 – Districts seated on LAFCo  1985 – Cortese Knox Local Government Reorganization Act  2000 – Cortese Knox Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act

14 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 1.Spheres of Influence 2.Municipal Service Reviews 3.LAFCo Independence 4.Adopt local policies Significantly amended mission and structure of LAFCo

15 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions  All Local: 2 county supervisors, 2 city council members, 1 public member  29 LAFCos also have 2 special district members  An alternate member in each category  All members are required by law to represent the interests of the entire public LAFCo Composition Commissions a Unique Mix

16 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions  2 county supervisors, 2 city council members, 1 public member  29 LAFCos have 2 special district board members  An alternate member for each category  Members required by law to represent interests of all the public Commissions a Unique Mix 29 LAFCos with Special District Members

17 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions  Includes:  Counties, cities, most special districts  Does NOT include:  Redevelopment agencies or JPAs  Community facilities or Mello-Roos districts  School or college districts  County boundary lines  Bridge and highway districts  Transit or rapid transit districts  Improvement districts Jurisdiction – Local Agencies

18 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions  Develop and update Spheres of Influence for cities and districts  Prepare Municipal Service Reviews for all local agencies  Work cooperatively with public and private agencies and interests on growth, preservation and service delivery  Share information with Metropolitan Planning Organizations and others As a PLANNING Agency

19 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions  Approves modification of existing agencies – consolidations, annexations, reorganizations, dissolution – and formation of new ones  Approves boundary changes if consistent with spheres  Controls extension of public services  Is prohibited from directly regulating how land is used, but … As a REGULATORY Agency

20 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions Spheres of Influence §56425 (a) “… the commission shall develop and determine the sphere of influence of each local governmental agency within the county and enact policies designed to promote the logical and orderly development of areas within the sphere.”

21 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions  In determining the SOI the commission considers …  Present and planned land uses, including agricultural and open-space  Present and probable need for public facilities and services  Present capacity of public facilities and adequacy of public services  Existence of any social or economic communities of interest Spheres of Influence §56425

22 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions Typical Sphere of Influence Map

23 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions Spheres of Influence Includes Recommended Reorganizations “The commission may recommend governmental reorganizations to particular agencies in the county, using the spheres of influence as the basis for those recommendations.”

24 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions Municipal Service Reviews §56430 “In order to prepare and to update spheres of influence the commission shall conduct a service review of the municipal services provided in the county …”  All spheres updated by January 1 st 2008  Subsequent reviews every five years, as necessary

25 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions Service Reviews Have Details on Local Agencies  Growth projections of affected area  Present and planned service and facility capacity  Financial ability of agency  Opportunities for shared facilities  Accountability, structure, efficiencies  Other matters of effective or efficient service delivery

26 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions  Individual agency or jurisdiction  Type of special district  Category of service  Countywide  Regional or area MSRs Prepared in Several Methods

27 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions When Are SOI/MSRs Done?  Law required all spheres to be updated by 1 January 2008  Includes an MSR for each Sphere  Subsequent sphere reviews every five years, as necessary  Leaves “as necessary” to local policy  1 January 2013 next deadline  MSR required with sphere update

28 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions  Adopt local policies  Commissions make final decisions; cannot be appealed to other administrative bodies  Appoint an Executive Officer and Legal Counsel  Can contract for staff services  Administrative authority as an independent public agency LAFCo is Independent

29 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions The Courts Support LAFCo Authority  “ Engaged in the pursuit of an overriding State purpose ”  Is quasi-legislative; limited legal challenge to decisions  Determinations vs. findings  Is the Legislature ’ s “ watch dog ” on local governments

30 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions  Commissions adopt a budget each fiscal year  Funded by the county, cities and – when seated on LAFCo – special districts  Local funding formulas allowed  Processing fees offset expenses for specific applications  Challenges of funding LAFCo  LAFCo review of funders  Severe economic conditions facing agencies LAFCo is Funded Locally

31 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions  Political Reform Act  Annual filing of assets and campaign contributions is required  Automatic disqualification from decisions related to entitlements for use  No disqualification on actions related to home jurisdiction  Brown Act  CEQA Subject to State Laws

32 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions LAFCo Resources  Municipal Service Reviews  Maps of Boundaries and Spheres  History of Formation and Changes to Local Agencies  Boundaries and Authorized Powers  Local Agency Governance and Contact Information  CKH Act and Local Policies & Procedures

33 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions  Balance resource preservation with pressure for housing & jobs  Infill vs sprawl  Regional land and transportation planning  Water; infrastructure availability  Urbanization outside of cities  Viable local agencies and services Issues on the Horizon

34 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions Promote orderly growth Prevent sprawl Preserve agriculture and open space Assure efficient, sustainable public services

35 California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions Information and resources on LAFCo law and process

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