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Improving Teen Mental Health
Presentation for Newark High School Teachers & Staff (The text in the picture and the notes below can be customized) PRESENTER 1: (Selected Speaker to Introduce the Presentation) Hello, I’m __________________,, and on behalf of the (school or group you are with) and the American Psychiatric Foundation, I’d like to thank you all for being here today. Today’s presentation is part of a national program from the American Psychiatric Foundation, the charitable and educational affiliate of the American Psychiatric Association, that cares deeply about ensuring that mental health problems are recognized as early as possible – to improve young lives. We are ______________________(say something about YOUR organization’s mission or work – be brief) One of the critical aspects of a student’s ability to learn is their mental health. And as teachers, the mental health of your students affects how well you’re able to do your job. We know you’re already doing so much to teach your students and ensure their well-being, and you have many demands on your time. Our goal today is to be as helpful as possible by providing you with information to help you notice and act if you see students who may have mental health problems. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Normal teen development
TODAY’S PRESENTATION State of the problem Treatment Steps to take Warning signs Normal teen development Types of mental health problems (PROTECTED) PN: NOTE THE CLICKS BELOW FOR EACH BOLDED ITEM TO APPEAR PN: CLICK Today’s presentation will touch on the following areas: PN: CLICK The issue of teen mental health and the state of the problem PN: CLICK The positive effects of mental health treatment and what happens when problems are left untreated PN: CLICK Steps you can take if you see troubling signs, and the PN: CLICK warning signs of mental health problems PN: CLICK Normal teen development and the categories and PN: CLICK types of problems teens may be facing The kinds of trained professionals who help teens with mental health problems Treatments and medications The different ways to find help for mental health problems, the PN: CLICK Such as our referral process for getting students help, and how it works when problems get referred outside of the school PN: CLICK Talking to parents, and PN: CLICK how to manage disorders in the classroom So with that – we’re going to get started with today’s presentation. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE AND PASS TO NEXT SPEAKER Referral process Talking to parents Managing the Classroom
Newark High School (The text in the slide can be customized to include your schools name) PRESENTER: SOMEONE FROM THE SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH TEAM Teens today are facing stresses and challenges we may not have faced when we were growing up PN: CLICK TWICE TO ADVANCE SLIDE In each of your roles (whether we’re teachers, administrators, coaches, nurses, other staff) you make a difference in students’ lives in many ways everyday. And for students who may be experiencing emotional / mental health problems, you make a special kind of impact. It’s the close collaboration we counselors have every day with teachers and staff like you - that enables us to help kids who are having problems. Teachers at our school are already doing a good job in helping students with these kinds of problems get help. Today we’ll talk about ways to help you do that even better. How to notice if you see troubling signs in a student, how to talk with the student about it, and how to act - by connecting the student to counselors and other mental health staff here. We know you are all so busy. Our goal with this information is not to burden you with more duties and tasks. Rather, it is to hopefully help you be more confident and at ease when dealing with these types of situations. We’re pleased that this school believes this is an important issue. And the school team has been very supportive in bringing this program here today – to help make sure our students stay physically and mentally healthy. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
No help = Pain Suffering Failing (PROTECTED)
Being a teenager has always meant dealing with lots of challenging issues. Today the world is different - and scarier – then maybe when we grew up Research is bearing that out -- teens are showing more signs of mental health problems than ever before. We value our children’s health - both physical AND mental health. And it’s up to us to make sure they get the help they need to remain healthy. Without that help - these kids can live with undue pain, suffering and failures in their lives. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
At least 1 in 5 children and adolescents has a mental health disorder
1 in 10 has a serious disorder 90% of people who develop a mental disorder show warning signs during their teen years (PROTECTED) So let’s look at a few statistics on mental health problems. PN: CLICK TO DISPLAY FIRST STAT NATIONALLY, Studies show that at least one in five children and adolescents has a mental health disorder, PN: CLICK TO DISPLAY NEXT STAT And one in 10 has a serious disorder. PN: CLICK TO DISPLAY LAST STAT And 90% of people who develop a mental disorder show warning signs during their teen years. (American Association for World Health, 2001) (Add info if you like. Discuss briefly the problem in your state if you know: find stats for your state on how many children and adolescents have serious mental health problems. You can get stats from local mental health organizations or the state mental health department) PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
HELP = Better academic achievement
Less substance abuse Improved chances for their future (PROTECTED) The good news is: When young people who suffer from emotional or mental health problems get help through counseling and other treatment - it can really change the course of their lives. Positive effects of treatment include: Academic achievement: Research shows teens with mental health problems who get appropriate treatment, have increased test scores. And - effective mental health interventions and a positive school climate contribute to improved student achievement. 2. Delayed onset of substance abuse: If a mental health intervention occurs before the ages when kids are most likely to begin experimenting with or using drugs and alcohol, it can often deter substance abuse (research findings, New York Office of Mental Health.) PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Everyone Can Make a Difference
School Staff Parents Every Adult (PROTECTED) PN: NOTE YOU WILL CLICK MULTIPLE TIMES ON THIS SLIDE, EACH CIRCLE WILL APPEAR Teachers can be a power in a young persons’ life. There is no doubt that you can have an amazing influence on your students. And this can carry over into their mental health. In terms of physical problems, if a teacher or another school staff person encounters a student with a broken arm, for example, you make sure they get care - because it’s causing them pain and can damage them now and into the future - if its not taken care of. Mental health is no different. Left untreated, mental health problems can greatly damage a young person’s present and their future. PN: CLICK All of us - school staff (PN: CLICK), parents (PN: CLICK), and every adult who knows a kid - have a responsibility and a role in identifying if something’s going wrong, and making sure that child gets connected to help. For sure - parents have the primary role and responsibility for their child’s mental and physical health. The truth is -- parents may sometimes be too close to see a problem, or accept that there is a problem. PN: CLICK TWICE TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Teachers’ Critical Role
(PROTECTED) PN: CLICK The reality is that schools are often the place where these problems show up. Teachers often see these kids more than their parents or other family members do. We know you see the effects of kids with mental health problems, because more than likely they are impacting you, other students and your ability to keep your classes on track. Teachers like you have a unique perspective and important role in helping these kids get help. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE (CLEARS BOX, YOU THEN HAVE TEACHER ONLY ON SCREEN)
On the Front Lines Influential Overburdened
(PROTECTED) PN: NOTE BELOW THAT YOU WILL CLICK MULTIPLE TIMES FOR EACH BOX TO APPEAR Teachers are a critical link to student mental health in our school, by being the “eyes and ears” in the classroom. PN: CLICK You’re on the front lines - and see all kinds of problems your students are experiencing – problems at home, problems with friends, and sometimes the more serious mental health problems we’re discussing today. You have a big influence on your students (even if that’s hard to see sometimes.) And you’re overburdened - with too much to do and too few hours in a day. Again – we’re not here to add work to your life. Instead, we hope to help you. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE Overburdened
Steps Teachers Can Take
ACT NOTICE TALK (PROTECTED) PN: NOTE BELOW YOU WILL CLICK MULTIPLE TIMES FOR EACH CIRCLE TO APPEAR There are three steps that teachers should take: PN: CLICK NOTICE if you are seeing troubling signs in a student. You may also share what you’re noticing with other teachers to confer whether they are seeing these same signs. PN: CLICK 2) TALK with the student. Ask how he or she is doing. Suggest that he or she talk with someone on the mental health staff. You can even offer to take them to the appropriate counselor. Focus on observable behaviors or actions you’ve noticed. You are not making any kind of diagnosis. Why? Research shows that teens consider teachers some of the most influential people in their lives. So even a brief conversation with you will let them know that someone cares, and it might make them more open to getting help from counselors. (Keep in mind there’s still a lot of stigma about mental health problems.) You can also talk to the student’s parents -- I know this is an area that many of you want some help on, and we’ll address this later. 3) ACT by sharing what you’ve noticed with the school mental health staff - to put it on their radar screen - and get the student connected to help. Due to confidentiality, however, they may not be able to share information with you regarding the student’s diagnosis. We’ll have a chance to talk about these steps again as we go through today’s presentation. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE NEW PRESENTER – MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL Right now I’d like to turn over the floor to ______________________(fill in with name, title, role) who will share with us some valuable information about teen mental health.
(The picture in this slide may be replaced with one reflective of your student body)
PRESENTER: MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL PN: THANK YOU, (INTRODUCE YOURSELF – SAY HOW YOU MIGHT BE CONNECTED TO THE SCHOOL) I know teachers here are already doing a lot to make a difference in the lives of students suffering from mental health problems. That is so important. Your role IS NOT to become a junior psychiatrist and diagnose mental health disorders. That’s the job of a trained mental health professional. But your role IS to notice and act on signs that may signify something serious. From my point of view, you are the eyes and ears for the medical community because you, as teachers, are in an ideal position to know, intuitively, what is or is not normal for one of your student’s. By NOTICING, TALKING and ACTING - you will help to make sure these students get on the right path to treatment and change the course of their lives. Intervening early – before problems and behaviors are entrenched – can shorten their road to recovery. So what are some signs commonly seen by teachers that could alert you that a more serious problem is going on? PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Angry or aggressive behaviors
(PROTECTED) Angry or aggressive behaviors PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Poor concentration (PROTECTED)
Poor concentration, student can’t focus, fidgets PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Increased tardiness or absences
(PROTECTED) Increased tardiness or absences One of the earliest signs PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Withdrawn Withdrawn (PROTECTED)
Student seems withdrawn, silent, lacks friends Especially if it’s a change from before PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Anxious (PROTECTED) Student appears overly anxious or worried, even fearful PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Troubled? Typical? (PROTECTED)
PN: CLICK (TO DISPLAY one half of slide TYPICAL) PN: CLICK (TO DISPLAY other half of slide TROUBLED) But you may wonder whether what you’re seeing in one of your students is just a typical sign of the teenage years, or signifies something more troubling. As a teacher, it is NOT your job to figure out whether what you’re seeing is merely typical teen behavior, or a sign of a more serious mental health problem. That’s the job of a trained mental health professional. Instead, as a teacher, what you can do is pay attention to the signs a student may be showing, and if they seem troubling – act and connect that student to help. We’ll talk more about this. First, let’s take a brief look at normal teen development. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Complex period of rapid change, transition
Challenges: fitting in, defining identity, competing demands (school, home) Sometimes - other home issues (divorce, violence or substance abuse) Bottom line: May display alterations of mood, distressing thoughts, anxiety, and impulsive behavior. Typical Teens (PROTECTED) PN: CLICK (TO DISPLAY “TYPICAL TEENS”) The teen years are complex. Adolescence is a period of transition and rapid change. Adolescence is characterized by accelerated physical, physiological and cognitive development, as well as new and changing social demands. Research shows: brains are not fully developed until a person’s mid-20s. The last areas in the brain to develop are tied to sensation-seeking, impulse control and judgment. Teens are dealing with emotionally charged challenges - like fitting in socially, defining one’s identity, and dealing with competing demands of school and home. Some have added burdens at home - like divorce, violence or substance abuse. So even normal adolescents may display alterations of mood, distressing thoughts, anxiety, and impulsive behavior. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Experiencing more than normal developmental challenges, inability to form healthy relationships
Without treatment, more likely to have serious problems: Academic Relationships Employment Troubled Teens (PROTECTED) PN: CLICK (TO DISPLAY “TROUBLED TEENS”) But some teens are experiencing more than normal developmental challenges. And they exhibit signs and behaviors that point to more serious mental health problems. Without treatment, they’re much more likely to have serious problems now and as adults: academic and behavior problems disruptions in relationships (or inability to form relationships) later on - unemployment or underemployment, among many other problems PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
What causes mental health disorders?
biology + environment (PROTECTED) PN: CLICK (TO DISPLAY QUESTION) What do we know about the causes of mental health problems in people? PN: CLICK TWICE (TO DISPLAY BIOLOGY, THEN ENVIRONMENT) By and large – they are the result of the interaction between a person’s biochemistry and their environment. Sometimes there are genetic predispositions to mental disorders. Children with a family history of such disorders are especially susceptible. In fact, genetic mapping can now show some of the mental health problems a child may be vulnerable to developing. For children who are more vulnerable in this way - environmental stressors (such as family problems like divorce) also can influence teens’ emotional and psychological states, as can the physiological changes happening in their bodies. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
FREQUENT ? EXTREME ? As you NOTICE signs, ask yourself, are they:
(e.g., student is quiet, withdrawn over multiple days/weeks) EXTREME ? (e.g., violent outburst, aggressive behavior) If either: TALK with student ACT by communicating what you’ve seen/heard with school MH staff (PROTECTED) So how can you better understand whether what you’re seeing points to Typical or Troubled? Ask yourself two questions: 1) HOW FREQUENT? Are warning signs happening over and over again? Warning signs don’t usually show up one time. They persist over a couple of weeks, and don’t go away. 2) HOW EXTREME? If a warning sign or behavior only shows up infrequently, or even one time, is it extremely different from this student’s usual way of behaving? If you answer YES to either question – this is a good indicator that something serious is going on. You should TALK to the student, and ACT – by connecting with the school mental health staff to let them know what’s going on. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Teen Mental Health Disorders
Mood disorders Anxiety disorders Psychotic disorders (PROTECTED) PN: NOTE BELOW YOU WILL CLICK MULTIPLE TIMES FOR EACH CATEGORY TO APPEAR What are the types of mental health problems a teen might experience? There are four major overall categories of mental disorders: PN: CLICK Mood disorders (depression, bipolar disorder) 2) Anxiety disorders (Post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia) 3) Psychotic disorders (schizophrenia) 4) Behavioral and disruptive disorders (oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder) PN: CLICK TWICE TO ADVANCE SLIDE Behavioral/disruptive disorders
1 in 13 teens experience symptoms BIPOLAR DISORDER Extreme changes from happy to sad 1 in 100 teens have it Hard to diagnose, looks like depression (PROTECTED) PN: NOTE BELOW YOU WILL CLICK FOR EACH DISORDER TO APPEAR Now, I’ll briefly touch on key aspects of the disorders, and how they might show up in the school setting: (Keep in mind you should not be diagnosing these disorders) PN: CLICK: Clinical depression Individuals experience deep despair, sadness, crying, sleep disturbance, chronic fatigue & other physical symptoms, thoughts of death/suicide. As many as 1 in 13 adolescents experience symptoms of depression at some time. Adolescent girls are twice as likely to experience bouts of depression. (How it may look in school setting: Withdrawal, silence, body/stomachaches (trips to the nurse) PN: CLICK: Bipolar disorder Type of mood disorder, marked changes between extreme elation/ happiness and severe depression. Estimated 1 in 100 teenagers have it. Can be charming/productive during manic phase, deep despair during depressive phase. Suicide is very real concern for adolescents with bipolar. Especially hard to diagnose in the teen years because it looks like clinical depression. (How it may look in school setting: Extreme ups and downs in attitude and behavior) PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
ANXIETY DISORDERS EATING DISORDERS Overwhelming fear with no cause
Risk is greater with family history EATING DISORDERS Unrealistic thoughts about weight 1 in 20 teens suffer; 90% females Untreated it can result in hospitalization or death (PROTECTED) PN: NOTE BELOW YOU WILL CLICK FOR EACH DISORDER TO APPEAR PN: CLICK: Anxiety disorders (Includes panic disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and social phobia). Person experiences overwhelming or terrifying fear, or fearful anticipation of danger or problems, often with no apparent cause. Can be incapacitating, or mild but incessant anxiety or repetitive rituals. Frequently runs in families. Young people have nearly 1 in 7 chance of developing. (Obsessive compulsive disorder frequently arises during teen years, can can be the most disabling of anxiety disorders.) (How it may look in school setting: Fidgeting/tapping, body/stomachaches trips to the nurse) PN: CLICK: Eating disorders (Anorexia and bulimia) Unrealistic, irrational thoughts about weight. Refusing to maintain body weight at or above a minimal normal weight for age/height or repeated episodes of binge eating and purging. 1 in 20 adolescents suffer from an eating disorder; 9 in 10 are girls. Anorexia is easier to see, due to low body weight – bulimia is harder to see. Taken to extreme, it can affect the heart and result in death. (How it may look in school setting: Extreme thinness, signs of throwing up, excessive time in restroom) PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
SCHIZOPHRENIA ADHD Strange thoughts, unusual behaviors
High functioning, then big decline Distrustful, no longer social, voices ADHD Problems paying attention Can seriously impact ability to learn (PROTECTED) PN: NOTE BELOW YOU WILL CLICK FOR EACH DISORDER TO APPEAR PN: CLICK: Schizophrenia Most chronic and debilitating of all psychiatric conditions. Causes strange thinking, strange feelings, unusual behavior, hallucinations. Kids can be high functioning and then experience a big decline. The may be distrustful, no longer social, responding to voices, and may experience a decline in school performance. Early intervention may improve youngster’s prognosis. Subtle warning signs may be attributed to normal growing pains of adolescence. (How it may look in school setting: Very disturbed and/or paranoid statements) PN: CLICK: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Problems paying attention and concentrating, with hyperactive and impulsive behaviors Can seriously impact ability to learn and overall school performance, and can lead to later difficulties/failure in education, job, marriage. (How it may look in school setting: May result in disruptions in the classroom) PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Stubborn, argumentative, hostile Major distraction in the classroom CONDUCT DISORDER Verbal/physical aggression Junior sociopaths End up in detention centers (PROTECTED) PN: NOTE BELOW YOU WILL CLICK FOR EACH DISORDER TO APPEAR PN: CLICK: Oppositional Defiant Disorder Pattern of persistently negative behavior with hostile edge. Stubborn, argumentative, a major distraction in the classroom (How it may look in school setting: Teachers consistently shown disobedience and disrespect) PN: CLICK: Conduct Disorder Verbal and physical aggression toward people and animals. Similar to oppositional defiant disorder, but these kids are already breaking rules, become junior sociopaths, and end up in juvenile hall. Without treatment, most young people with this condition face a dim future. Studies of juveniles in prison found that approximately 9 in 10 had this disorder. (How it may look in school setting: Aggressive, violent behavior / outbursts) PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Abuse of alcohol/ drugs
Physical complaints Abuse of alcohol/ drugs Depression Self-injury/ Cutting Threats to run away Aggression Intense fear of becoming obese Frequent outbursts Nightmares Inability to cope Marked change in school performance Threat to harm self or others Sexual acting out (PROTECTED) PN: NOTE BELOW THAT YOU WILL CLICK MULTIPLE TIMES TO GET EACH WARNING-SIGN CIRCLE TO APPEAR The Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) is a leading national professional medical association dedicated to treating and improving the quality of life for children, adolescents and families affected by mental, behavioral or developmental disabilities. They have developed a list of warning signs that can indicate serious mental health problems in teens. They are… PN: CLICK THROUGH AND READ OUT LOUD EACH WARNING SIGN AS IT APPEARS. Many of these can be seen in school, others not. This list isn’t meant to overwhelm you. Instead – its more of a reference that you can go back to over time as you need it. It is included in the teacher materials we’re handing out today for you to keep. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE Unusual behavior
Psychiatrists Psychologists Mental Health Counselors
(PROTECTED) Who does what in an ideal world? The professionals trained and skilled in helping teens with mental health problems include Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Mental Health Counselors. IT ALSO COULD INCLUDE Family Physicians, Pediatricians, Social Workers, School Mental Health Counselors (Other) PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Psychiatrists Psychologists Mental Health Counselors
(PROTECTED) PN: NOTE BELOW YOU WILL CLICK MULTIPLE TIMES FOR EACH CIRCLE TO APPEAR PN: CLICK Psychiatrists Medical doctors who specialize in evaluating, diagnosing and treating mental disorders through medication and therapy. Child and adolescent psychiatrists have a special expertise in treating teens and children. Psychiatrists prescribe and monitor medication (pediatricians and other physicians can also prescribe) Psychologists Have a more hands-on role, teaching student’s skills, working with the family, communicating with psychiatrist PhD or masters’ degree in psychology Trained to make diagnoses, conduct individual and group therapy, provide evaluations and assessments on to measure people’s intellect and psychological health. Mental Health Counselors include: Also have a more hands-on role, much like psychiatrists. Clinical social workers, licensed professional counselors, mental health counselors, marital and family therapists, psychiatric nurses. (Here in our county we have school psychologists and social workers.) All have graduate degrees, are trained to make diagnoses, provide individual and group counseling/psychotherapy. Practice in variety of settings - independent practice, schools, community agencies, managed care organizations, etc. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
School Mental Health Professionals
(PROTECTED) And in the school setting, THERE IS A SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH TEAM that can addresses these issues such as: School psychologists School counselors School social workers PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Sometimes combination works best No “silver bullet” or quick fix – timeframe depends on: Severity of disorder Temperament of child Family & school support (PROTECTED) Therapy and medications can both be very valuable to treat mental health problems. Studies have shown that combination treatment (therapy + medication) has been most effective for depression and anxiety disorders. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
MEDICATION Used to: Improve daily functioning Prevent serious symptoms Enable therapy to be more effective Must be used appropriately and only under care of psychiatrist or other physician (PROTECTED) MEDICATION The purpose of medication for adolescents or adults is to reduce or eliminate troubling symptoms to: improve daily functioning prevent more serious outcomes (i.e., can prevent psychotic break in people with schizophrenia) enable therapy to be possible and effective (due to lessened symptoms.) As with any condition – these medications must be used appropriately under the care of a physician. The FDA has recently announced warnings for antidepressant use among teens. Position of APA: “The American Psychiatric Association believes that antidepressants save lives. As part of a comprehensive treatment plan, antidepressants can be extremely helpful for many young people struggling with depression, an illness with significant long-term consequences, including increased risk for suicide.” APA is working with pediatricians and other physicians to help them properly diagnose, treat and monitor patients. [From: “APA responds to FDA’s new warning on antidepressants.” ] PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Effective Mental Health Treatment
THERAPY Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Family Therapy (PROTECTED) PN: NOTE BELOW YOU WILL CLICK MULTIPLE TIMES FOR EACH TYPE OF THERAPY TO APPEAR PSYCHOTHERAPY Psychotherapy, or “talk therapy” (counseling), is a form of treatment that can help children and families understand and resolve problems, modify behavior, and make positive changes in their lives. Among the many different psychotherapy approaches, those most commonly used with teens include: PN: CLICK Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) – one on one therapy with a mental health professional that helps improve a child's moods and behavior by examining and “unlearning” confused or distorted patterns of thinking. Widely practiced with teenagers, this is results-oriented and usually short-term. Family Therapy – focuses on helping the family function in more positive and constructive ways by exploring patterns of communication and providing support and education. Group Therapy – uses the power of group dynamics and peer interactions to increase understanding and improve social skills. Now, I’ll turn things back over to (SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE WHO IS PART OF THE SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH TEAM – MAYBE SCHOOL COUNSELOR, SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKER, SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST, OR OTHER) PN: CLICK TWICE TO ADVANCE SLIDE Group Therapy
TEACHER identifies a cause for concern in a student TEACHER talks to student or parent Teachers notify Wellness Center Staff School Psychologist, School Social Worker or Interventionist If problem is identified as a behavior/conduct problem, student is sent to ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL or ADVISOR. Wellness Center handles problem or Wellness Center makes referral to Community Resources (This slide should be customized to reflect the referral process in your school or district) - Please note there may be a different process for your school – ADJUST THE TALKING POINTS AS NEEDED TO BEST REFLECT THE PROCESS IN YOUR SCHOOL PN: NOTE BELOW YOU WILL CLICK MULTIPLE TIMES FOR EACH BOX TO APPEAR. Here’s a diagram that shows the process that a school might use to help a student get help. PN: CLICK AND READ OUT LOUD EACH BOX AS IT APPEARS – (Special notes: Discuss the process in as much detail as possible that goes on in your school Teachers are interested in this section, because they may not know how the referral works in your school Add others that may be involved in your school process Give more information where you can) People are in place here and ready to assist and respond to your concerns. It is our hope that we can better communicate the outcomes of these referrals back to teachers and other school personnel who identify problems in students. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE SOCIAL SERVICES CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER PSYCHOLOGIST PSYCHIATRIST SOCIAL WORKER
External Referral Process
When help is needed beyond our school... (PROTECTED) Notes section could be revised The following is an example of a school process that you might discuss, it is preferable to discuss your school’s process in some kind of order After a student has been seen by one of our mental health counselors, if more help is needed - here’s a typical process for how that would happen: A (name the school) mental health professional would tell the parents about resources available to them. If the parent chooses to move forward, he/she would work with an outside mental health professional who will do a thorough diagnostic evaluation (intellectual, psychological and social development.). Sometimes the parent may choose to talk to their family physician or pediatrician Parents are involved and complete a detailed questionnaire The teen’s teacher, other relatives and pediatrician may be asked to contribute information for the evaluation process Following evaluation, treatment can include either psychotherapy (“talk therapy”), medications or a combination of both. Other resources that exist for kids who are referred externally, include: Social services Special academies for troubled kids Other district programs PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Managing Disorders in the Classroom
Follow good classroom management principles Communicate with others (PROTECTED) PN: NOTE BELOW YOU WILL CLICK FOR EACH BOX TO APPEAR Managing a classroom in which you have a student – or several students – with behavior or mental health issues can be challenging, and our mental health team is here to help you. Several strategies exist, that, when used together create a formula for success. These principles are effective for all students, but can be particularly helpful for students with behavior or mental health problems. They include: PN: CLICK Good Classroom Management Principles A teacher who is firm, fair and clearly in charge will be the teacher who succeeds with good overall classroom management. Providing structure, consistency and organization in the classroom are important. The classroom should be a positive place that is welcoming, inclusive and inviting. In particular, classroom behavior rules should be clearly communicated – surprise is not beneficial in this context. Predictability creates a stable environment. When dealing directly with students, using praise more than reprimands is recommended – and always praise in public and reprimand in private. Communicate regularly with the school mental health staff to get the support you need. PN: CLICK Communicate with Each Other Talk or with your colleagues and share tips for managing your students. As we’ve said, you all are on the front lines and have the hands-on experience. More often than not, you probably have ways of working with your students that may be helpful to another teacher. PN: CLICK Take Care of Yourself Take care of number one – yourself. Often, we put ourselves last on the long list of things to get done. But it is important for you to take care of yourself so you can be the best you can be for your students and everyone else in your life. Take advantage of employee assistance programs for stress relief or to talk through concerns in your life. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE Take care of yourself
Be positive and have perspective
Talking with Parents Observable behaviors Start early Be positive and have perspective (PROTECTED) PN: NOTE BELOW YOU WILL CLICK FOR EACH BOX TO APPEAR We recognize that different comfort levels exist among all of you with regard to interacting with parents. A recent survey found that teachers and parents want to communicate more – but finding the time to do so and getting over the intimidation factor are big hurdles. (Michigan’s Your Child Coalition survey, Remember when you’re talking with parents about possible warning signs of a more serious mental health problem, you should only be discussing those observable behaviors that you’re seeing. You are not in a position to be diagnosing mental health disorders. Some tips for talking with parents include: PN: CLICK Start Early First impressions can make or break parent-teacher relationships. A Montana principal stresses the importance of the first seven seconds of an initial meeting with parents. This is how long it takes to make a first impression. If it is positive, research shows that even negative incidents later won’t impact the first positive image. So if you can focus on making that first meeting a positive one, it will help pave the way for future meetings or discussions where you may have to address a sensitive issue like troubling behaviors you’re noticing in a student. PN: CLICK Be Positive and Have Perspective Make an effort to maintain frequent and open communication with parents. And communicate the positive – not just the negative. Parents tend to shut down if all they are hearing about is poor progress or problem behavior. Some of you probably are parents yourselves, and it is important to put yourself in the parent’s place and try to see things from their perspective. PN: CLICK Stick Together Teachers should feel comfortable asking a member of the DCHS mental health team to sit in on parent meetings or conferences, when it’s appropriate. If you anticipate an out-of-control or angry parent, you then have another adult who works with the child with you for support. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE Stick together
PN: NOTE YOU WILL CLICK MULTIPLE TIMES FOR EACH CIRCLE TO APPEAR Again - just to reinforce what’s been said earlier in our presentation… We know you’re not a psychiatrist or a therapist - none of us want you to be. But you ARE a critical link from your students to the mental health team in our school and beyond. PN: CLICK By NOTICING warning signs - you may be clueing into their cry for help. By TALKING with the student - you’re showing them someone cares, and you’re supporting them as they get help for their problem. By ACTING - by talking with one of us on the mental health team - you’re taking care of the health and future of your student. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
Changing a Life’s Course
(PROTECTED) PN: CLICK As my final comment – Your role with a student who has mental health problems can change their life course. Students who get treatment are more likely to achieve higher academic performance than those who don’t. In their personal lives, they’ll do better with relationships. They’ll do better with envisioning their future – and following their dreams. What you do makes a real difference! PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE Changing a Life’s Course
More Resources for You
(American Psychiatric Association) Other Resources (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) (You may add additional resources from you local community to this slide) CUSTOMIZABLE – include your local resources or national organization resources, change the script to reflect your changes….. As we wrap things up here, we want to let you know about some resources for you. AACAP – OR The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is another resource for you – they have a lot of information on teen mental health. Another website is healthy minds which is the American Psychiatric Association website Thank you all so much for being here today. We hope we’ve given you some useful information that will help you as you continue to do the great jobs that you do as teachers here at our school. Before we let you go, we want to get some anonymous feedback from you on our presentation today. Please take a minute to fill out the short evaluation form that being passed out to you. We’ll collect those in a couple minutes. No names are on these forms, so please be candid. PN: CLICK TO ADVANCE SLIDE
(You may add a picture that is more reflective of your student body)
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