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Adjutant General School
THEATER HR OPERATIONS The Army’s Transformation concept indicates that units are to be organized, manned, equipped and trained to be more strategically responsive, deployable, agile, versatile, lethal, survivable, and sustainable across the full spectrum of military operations. This briefing describes HR capabilities and structure which achieve the intent of modularity by providing capabilities to theater-level Commanders by redesigning and improving theater-level support for postal, R5 and casualty operations. This document introduces the mission, capabilities, structure, employment, and organizational concept of the Human Resource Support Center (HRSC); the Reception, Replacement, Return to Duty, Rest and Recuperation and Redeployment (R5) Personnel Accounting Team; R5 Platoon; and R5 Company Plans and Operations Team; the Casualty Liaison Team (CLT); the Casualty Platoon; the Postal Platoon; Postal Company Plans and Operations Team; the Human Resource (HR) Company Headquarters; the Theater Gateway R5 team; the Military Mail Terminal (MMT) team. Designed to be modular, scalable and flexible, these organizations will provide essential human resource support to the Modular Forces. These organizations and the concepts of support have significant changes from the current concepts and structure, providing more effective and efficient support of the Modular Joint Expeditionary Army. The modular structure of postal, R5 and casualty support allows for the employment of the tailored, minimal force structure required for the unique theater. Additionally, increased network connectivity will provide visibility of human resources and combat power as geographically dispersed units organize for missions. Connectivity is the critical element that allows the concept to succeed. Through the common operating picture, commanders will have total visibility of assigned or attached personnel, regardless of component. LTC Larry Wark Chief, Concepts and Doctrine Division Chief, FA43 Proponency AGS/SSI
AGENDA G1 Structure ASCC/Army G1 PSDR in Theater Operations
Human Resource Sustainment Center Sustainment/HR Relationship Postal Structures and Operations R5 Structures and Operations Casualty Structures and Operations
G-1 STRUCTURE The structure and composition of G1 sections at the Division and higher level operational headquaretrs are not controlled by the HR community, but are determined by the Combined Arms Center (CAC) which is the proponent for higher-level staffs. The structure of the ASCC/Army, Corps/Division G1 sections have evolved during the UEy and UEx conceptual builds held as part of the Modular design. The resulting G1 sections have been reduced from the requirements presented by the AGS. The next section of this brief addresses the structures and capabilities of the higher-level G1 sections. CAC has assumed with the ASCC/Army-level that individual augmentation will remedy structural shortcomings during combat operations, much as ARCENT/CFLCC has significantly increased its staff sections ISO GWOT.
ASCC/ARMY G-1 G-1 is an element of the Operational Sustainment Directorate of the ASCC/Army HQs 36 personnel split between: Operational Command Post (Land Component Cdr) ASCC Main Command Post Major Divisions: Manpower Postal Programs and Policy Plans and Operations Receives support from the Human Resources Sustainment Center (HRSC) for: PASR Theater Database Casualty Operations Center (Casualty Area Command-CAC) Individual augmentation when deployed viable manpower option PASR vs PRM
ASCC/ARMY G1 OPERATIONAL SUSTAINMENT DIRECTORATE G-1 ASCC 13/1/9/0=23 HQ 2/1/2= 5 2/1/2= 5 20/1/15 36 Postal Division 1/0/0=1 Manpower Division 1/0/1=2 Programs & Policy Division 1/0/1=2 Plans & Operations Division 1/0/2=3 G1 OCP (LCC) 7/0/6/0=13 81/11/0=20 HQ 1/0/1=2 1/0/1= 2 Awards & Actions Branch 1/0/1=2 MWR Branch 1/0/0=1 Current Operations Branch 2/0/0=2 OCP OS DIR/G1 PLNS/ACT BR 2/0/2=4 2/0/4=6 OCP OS DIR/G1 POSTAL BR 1/0/0=1 1/1/1=3 IA Management Branch 1/0/1=2 OCP OS DIR/G1 PRGRMS/POL BR 1/0/2=3 2/0/2=4 Awards & Actions Branch 1/0/1=2 1/0/3=4 OCP OS DIR/G1 MANPOWER BR 2/0/1=3 2/0/3=5 Retention Branch The mission of the ASCC/Army G1 is to enhance the readiness and operational capabilities of forces within the theater and ensure HR support is properly planned and executed. Coordinates directly with the TSC through the HRSC and the Corps/Division G1s. The ASCC/Army G1 will direct, prioritize and supervise the operations and functions of the G1 staff sections assigned to the ASCC/Army headquarters. The G1 advises the ASCC/Army commander on the allocation and employment of HR Soldiers assigned/attached to the ASCC/Army. Specific capabilities include: Sustaining personnel readiness and combat power of force provider and tactical units. Providing technical oversight and expertise to Theater-wide personnel operations and systems, especially in the PASR core competency for the deployed theater database. Maintaining the accountability of all theater personnel (military and civilian). Planning, development, and coordination for long term and current operational HR policies and providing technical oversight for policy execution across the entire spectrum of theater-level HR support. Identifying and coordinating external requirements in support of PRM (especially replacement opns), R5, casualty and postal operations. R% policy guidance rewquires TSC input from the HRSC to coordinate logistical and transportation support for R5 centers and tasks. Can conduct functions across the entire Joint, Interagency, Multinational (JIM) spectrum when serving as a Joint HQ. Planning and integrating civilian personnel support. Maintaining the manpower/staffing for the ASCC/Army headquarters. With the support of the TSC and the HRSC, integrate all PSS within the ASCC/Army AO (HR, FI, JAG, CHAP, etc.) Direct other Command Programs as directed by the CDR to include: ADPCP, EO, Safety, MWR, voting, etc. * Enlisted Management Branch 1/0/0=1 Educ, Drug & Alcohol Branch OCP MAIN Officer Management Branch 1/0/1=2 * Educ, Drug & Alcohol Branch * Top Numbers = Army Totals Only Top Numbers = Total Requirements * Not counted in total requirement
Manages and supports all HR core competencies for the Army/ASCC Plan, develop, coordinate long term and current operational personnel policies for the AOR Provide technical guidance for policy execution of HR policy across the AOR Coordinate and manage force flow of HR units Identify and coordinate external requirements in support of HR operations Establish deployed Casualty Area Command (CAC) (based on the HRSC Casualty Operations Div) Establish and monitor deployed theater database for all Army forces, on order, joint forces
Plan and integrate civilian HR support Maintain the manning of the Army/ASCC HQs – individual augmentations, JMD, etc. Direct all Army Band operations in the AOR
+ = STB S1 SECTION 2/1/10 13 STB S1 PSDR ADDITIONS STB S1 0/1/4 5
2/0/6 8 O3 42B S1 O2 42B STR MGR W3/4 420A PER TECH E7 42A Sr HR SGT E6 42A HR NCO (2) E5 42A HR NCO (2) E5 42F HR NCO E4 42A HR SPC E4 27D LEGAL SPC E3 42A HR SPC E3 42A HR SPC/MAIL CLERK W3/4 420A E6 42A E5 42F E5 42A E3 42A O3 42B S1 O2 42B ASST S-1 E7 42A Sr HR SGT E6 42A HR NCO E5 42A HR NCO E4 42A HR SPC E4 27D LEGAL SPC E3 42L MAIL CLERK To provide EPS, PASR, PRM, PIM, and Casualty Operations to the population supported by the STB as directed by the STB Commander and defined by the DIV/Corps, TSC or ASCC/Army G1 and Army policy. Although a battalion, the STBn S1 section is resourced with accesses and equipment similar to the Bde S1 section due to the scope of the HR support provided by the S1 section. The capability to provide this support is not resident in the headquarters G1 section and this section is under resourced to perform assigned tasks and are unable to assume additional tasks. The Special Troops Battalion S1 Section is a personnel staff section at the Corps/Division, ASCC/Army and Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) level providing HR support to the STB Commander and supported population. Under PSDR, this section empowers the commander to care for Soldiers with organic HR assets. While the STB is only a battalion, the supported population is much larger than an average battalion and because they support the Corps/Division, TSC and ASCC/Army headquarters and Command Group, there is a much larger workload generated. The workload more closely mirrors that of a BCT/BDE S1 than that of a BN. The STB S1 also supports attached and associated teams and separate companies supporting the headquarters. In the ASCC/Army level STB S1, there is a W4 HR Technician to provide a more senior level of technical competence to the STB S1 Section. The STB S1 performs some HR Core Competencies that other BN S1 Sections cannot perform such as records management, casualty operations, data reconciliation, systems administration, strength management and production of identification cards. STBn provides admin support for Army/ASCC and TSC HQs -Provides Bde S1-type support -Bde S1 accesses/systems -PRM/PASR/EPS
The next section of the briefing will discuss the structure, capabilities and selected TTPs for the SRC12 structures that are that will provide deployed theater-level support for PASR, HR Planning and Operations, Postal, R5, and Casualty operations. The SRC12 structures are intended to be modular, scalable and flexible to the mission requirements of the theater.
Consolidate R5 (Reception, Replacement, RTD, Rest and Recuperation, Redeployment), Casualty and Postal core competencies in SRC12 structure Human Resources Sustainment Center (HRSC) provides theater-level planning in support of ASCC/Army G1 and Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) Commander HR Company is the building block structure – modular, scalable Company HQs is 32 pax – commanded by a Major Specialized platoons (R5, Postal, Casualty) added as required for mission Postal and R5 Plans and Operations sections added as required for mission HR Companies assigned to Sustainment BDE Number of companies mission-specific Assigned to Brigade Troops Battalion or CSSB Theater Gateway (TG) R5 and Military Mail Terminal (MMT) Teams LTC-led organizations which oversee critical theater MMT and R5 operations Supported by HR Companies
4 TSC HQs (2 AC/2 RC) TSC HQs ALIGNED WITH ASCC/ARMY HQs HAWAII (USARPAC) BRAGG (ARCENT) NEW ORLEANS (USAREUR) BIRMINGHAM (USARSO/USARNO) + + TSC + + + + + + HRSC ESC ESC ESC X X SUST SUST HR SRC12 structures have no C2 structure above the company-level. Accordingly, HR Companies fall under Sustainment C2 structures both in garrison and when deployed. HRSCs are attached to the geographically oriented TSCs, which support the various theater ASCC/Army HQs. There are two AC and two USAR HRSCs. The AC HRSCs are aligned with the AC TSCs – 8th HRSC in Hawaii and 14th HRSC at Fort Bragg supporting 1st TSC/ARCENT. 14th HRSC is likely to be forward deployed to Kuwait in support of 1st TSC. Expeditionary Sustainment Commands (ESCs) are the other subordinate commands of TSCs. Sustainment Brigades are deployed either under the C2 of an ESC, the short-duration task organization of a Division, or as subordinate headquarters to the TSC. HR Companies are attached to the BTB of the Sustainment Bde for life support and C2. HR Companies have organic mechanics and food service personnel and have VSAT/CAISI for NIPR connectivity. SIPR connectivity and tactical voice commo is provided by the BTB. HR Companies will be attached to Combat Sustainment Support Battalions (CSSB) if the BTB is removed from the force structure by the Modular Force Review or during certain missions. Additionally, there is an HR Operations cell in the Support Operations Section (SPO) of the Sustainment Bde. SUSTAINMENT BDES SUBORDINATE TO TSC – DEPLOY UNDER THE C2 OF THE ESC – DO NOT “BELONG” TO DIVs SPO S1-S6 BTB CSSB CSSB HR OPS HR COMPANIES ATTACHED TO BTB OF A SUSTAINMENT BDE WHEN DEPLOYED HOME STATION- CAN BE ELEMENT OF A CSSB HHC HR HR
TSC ASCC/ARMY G1 O6 42B00 O5 42B00 E9 42A5O OFFICE, DIRECTOR, HRSC 2/0/1/3 20/7/56/83 O5 42B00 E8 42A5O W5 420A Plans & Opns Div O5 42B00 04 53A00 E8 42A5O E4 42A10 PASR/PRM/IM Div O5 42B00 W4 420A0 E8 42A5O O5 42B00 O4 42B00 E8 42A5O Cas Ops Div R5 Ops Div O5 42B00 4J O4 42B00 4J W3 420A E8 42L5O F4 E4 42L1O F5 Postal Ops Div 1/1/1/3 2/0/2/4 1/1/1/3 2/0/1/3 2/1/2/5 O4 42B00 W4 420A E7 42A4O E6 42A3O E5 42A20 E5 42F20 E5 25B20 E4 42A10 E4 42F10 O4 42B00 E7 42A4O E6 42A3O E5 42A2O E4 42A1O O4 42B00 W4 42OA E7 42A4O E6 42A3O E4 42A1O E3 42A1O Tm A Tm A O4 42B00 E6 42A3O E5 42A2O (2) E4 42A1O E3 42A1O (2) Tm A Tm A O3 42B00 4J E7 42L4O F4 E5 42L2O F5 E4 42L1O F5 Tm A 1/0/4/5 1/1/7/9 1/0/6/7 1/1/4/6 1/0/3/4 O4 42B00 E7 42A4O E6 42A3O E5 42A2O E4 42A1O O4 42B00 W4 420A E7 42A4O E6 42A3O E5 42A20 E5 42F20 E5 25B20 E4 42A10 E4 42F10 Tm B Tm B O4 42B00 E6 42A3O E5 42A2O (2) E4 42A1O E3 42A1O (2) Tm B O4 42B00 W4 42OA E7 42A4O E6 42A3O E4 42A1O E3 42A1O Tm B O3 42B00 4J E7 42L4O F4 E5 42L2O F5 E4 42L1O F5 Tm B 1/0/4/5 1/1/7/9 1/0/6/7 1/1/4/6 1/0/3/4 Mission: to provide theater-level support to the ASCC/Army G1 and Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) Commander to plan, integrate and coordinate the HR support to the theater. The HRSC is a multifunctional, modular organization (staff element) that integrates HR support throughout the theater as defined by the ASCC/Army Commander through the G1. The HRSC provides technical support to the TSC DMC and ASCC/Army G1 and technical guidance to HR Operations cells in Sustainment BDEs and Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) and supported G1s. The HRSC’s flexible, modular and scalable design increases the commander’s ability to tailor HR support based upon the number of Soldiers supported and METT-TC. The modular design of the HRSC further recognizes the requirement to provide support to the ASCC/Army G1 which establishes HR support requirements, priorities and policies for the theater and the TSC DMC which is responsible for providing the HR support, especially in terms of postal, R5, and PASR support. The HRSC consists of a Director, HRSC, Plans and Operations Division, PASR/PRM/IM Division, Casualty Operations Division, R5 Operations Division, and Postal Operations Division General Functions of the HRSC include providing technical guidance to HR Companies and S1 sections in the area of operations, operational planning and current and future operations coordination to support the TSC and ASCC/Army G1; ensuring connectivity and resource support for postal, R5 and casualty units; and integrating personnel data when necessary, and participating in the TSC distribution management process. PLT HQ & CLT ROA: 1 PER TSC
+ + DMC 1 XXXX ARCENT OP SUST G1 Plans/Ops Div Tm B 1/0/4 5 O4 42B00 E7 42A4O E6 42A3O E5 42A2O E4 42A1O R5 Ops Div Tm B 1/1/4 6 O4 42B00 W4 42OA E7 42A4O E6 42A3O E4 42A1O E3 42A1O O6 42B00 O5 42B00 E9 42A5O Office, Director, HRSC 2/0/1 3 Pstl Ops Div Tm B 1/0/3 4 O3 42B00 4J E7 42A4O F4 E5 42A2O F5 E4 42A1O F5 PASR/PRM/PIM Div Tm B 1/1/7 9 O4 42B00 W4 420A E7 42A4O E6 42A3O E5 42A20 E5 42F20 E5 25B20 E4 42A10 E4 42F10 Tm A PASR/PRM/IM Div 2/0/2/4 1/1/7/9 O5 42B00 04 53A00 E8 42A5O E4 42A10 O4 42B00 W4 420A E7 42A4O E6 42A3O E5 42A20 E5 42F20 E5 25B20 E4 42F10 Tm A Tm B Cas Ops Div 1/1/1/3 1/0/6/7 PLT HQ & CLT O5 42B00 W4 420A0 E8 42A5O O4 42B00 E6 42A3O E5 42A2O (2) E4 42A1O E3 42A1O (2) This slide depicts the manner in which an HRSC can be split to support both the ASCC/Army G1 and the TSC executing the theater sustainment mission. The HRSC Director task organizes the HRSC to support both primary HR providers at the theater-level, the ASCC/Army G1 and the TSC DMC. In this case, the HRSC is task organized as follows: To the ASCC/Army G1: The entire Casualty Operations Division, which, when augmented with a Casualty Plt HQ and a CLT, establishes the theater CAC, answering to the ASCC/Army G1 The HQs section and Team A of the PASR/PRM/IM Division to establish the theater deployed database, which is critiacal for accurate PASR data, allowing the ASCC/Army G1 to maintain and accurate deployed database. Team B from the Plans and Ops Div, R5 Div and Postal Div support the ASCC/Army G1 in theior area of expertise to ensure that the theater execution plan is synched with the policies and priorities established by the G1. To the TSC DMC: HQs sections and Team A of the Plans and Ops Div, R5 Div and Postal Div task organize with the TSC DMC to conduct the planning and coordination for the theater execution of their specialty. These sections work through the DMC to the supporting ESC HR Ops Cell or Sustainment Bde HR Ops cell. Team B of the PASR/PRM/IM Div works within the TSC DMC to provide required database support for the TSC and the theater in support of the ASCC/Army G1 Tm A Plans & Opns Div 1/1/1 3 1/0/4 5 O5 42B00 E8 42A5O W5 420A O4 42B00 E7 42A4O E6 42A3O E5 42A2O E4 42A1O Tm A R5 Ops Div 2/0/1 3 1/1/4 6 O5 42B00 O4 42B00 E8 42A5O W4 42OA E7 42A4O E6 42A3O E4 42A1O E3 42A1O Tm A Postal Ops Div 2/1/2 5 1/0/3/4 O3 42B00 4J E7 42A4O F4 E5 42A2O F5 E4 42A1O F5 O5 42B00 4J O4 42B00 4J W3 420A E8 42A5O F4 10/3/33 46 w/Dep Dir 11/4/23 38 w/Dep Dir
HR OPS SECT STRUCTURE: (4/1/7 12) HR OPS OFF (O5) HR PLANS OFF (O4) R5/CAS OPS OFF (O3) PSTL OPS OFF (O3) HR INFO SYS OFF (CW3 420A) SR OPS NCO (42A 42A50) HR OPS NCO (42A40) PSTL OPS NCO (42A40) R5/CAS OPS NCO (42A40) HR OPS SGT (42A20) HR INFO SYS SGT (42F20) MISSION: As an element of the ESC DMC; coordinate, integrate and synchronize the activities of subordinate HR units in the deployed theater (attached to Sustainment Bdes) to ensure they are resourced, positioned, and properly allocated to provide required R5, PSTL, CAS support to the supported population Interface with HRSC/ASCC G1 to ensure supported priorities are resourced appropriately Provide technical guidance for Sustainment Bde HR Ops Cells and MMT Tms and TG R5 Tms subordinate to the ESC Fulfill HR supported to supporting relationship with Division G-1s and Brigade/BCT S-1s in the ESC AO
X Cdr: O6 DC: O5 Primaries: O4 SPO: O5 Div Chiefs: O4 Sust Bde 67/15/208 // *290 TO Plug 23/01/30 54 CMD GRP 12/0/4 16 S 1 2/1/10 13 S 2 1/0/4 5 S3 3/0/ 6 9 S4 0/1/ 8 9 CA 1/0/2 3 S6 0/1/ 6 7 RST 0/0/1 1 SJA 1/0/1 2 PAO 1/0/1 2 SURG 2/0/1 3 SPO 1/0/2 3 BTB 2/0/3 5 PLANS 5/0/4 9// 9 Deploy Ops Division DISTRIB DIV 1/0/2 3 // 77 SVC DIV 1/0/1 2 // 30 HR OPS 4/1/7 12 HHC 2/0/6 8 S1 1/0/7 8 *MMT Tm Movements Branch CSS Effects 2/0/7 9 GEN SUPPLY 1/1/12 14 FM OPS 2/0/2 4 CONT TM 2/0/2 4 # MED 2/0/2 4 FOOD SVC 0/0/14 14 S2/3 1/0/ 6 7 *TO R5Tm Trans Ops Branch TRANS 7/1/5 13 PETRO WATER 1/0/5 6 HN Supt 1/0/1 2 FLD SVC 1/1/4 6 The Sustainment Bde is the Bde-level C2 HQs for all SRC12 theater HR structure except for ther HRSC. All MMTs, TG R5 Teams and HR Companies are assigned to the BTB of a Sustainment Bde. Additionally, The HR Ops Cell is in the SPO section of the Sustainment Bde. This element is critical to the execution of theater HR support. The HR Ops Cell conducts the full spectrum planning and staff management needed to synchronize HR support organizations that are assigned or supported within the Sustainment Brigade’s area of responsibility. The HROC receives technical and support guidance from the ASCC/Division/Corps G1 for establishment of priorities and concept of support. It is critical that the TG R5 Team and its supporting HR Company (R5-C) and the MMT Tm with it’s supporting HR Company (Postal) deploy with the early entry module of the Theater Opening missioned Sustainment Bde. These capabilities must be established prior to the arrival of the main flow of US forces to ensure an accurate deployed theater database is established and that there is no lag in postal services at the start of combat operations. Additionally, the PASR/PRM/IM and Casualty Divisions of the HRSC (in support of the ASCC/Army G1) must also deploy early in support of the theater database and the establishment of the theater Casualty Area Command prior to the flow of casualty reports commencing (when possible). S4 1/0/7 8 MAINT 0/0/ HR Co (PSTL) Terminal Ops Branch CL V 1/1/6 8 PBO 0/1/7 8 AUTOMATION 2/2/8 12 RST 1/0/1 2 Force Protection HR Co (R5/CAS) TDS 4/0/2 6 MAINT Br 1/0/1 2 * TSC MMT Engineer Operations *SIG 1/0/59 60 7TH SUST BDE AUTO 0/2/5 7 ELE /CAL 0/1/5 6 MISSILE 0/1/1 2 *SSMC 14/0/65 79
HR OPS CELL STRUCTURE: (3/1/4 8) OPS OFF (O4) PLANS/OPS OFF (O3) R5/PSTL OFF (O3) HR TECH (CW2 420A) SR HR OPS NCO (42A50) R5 OPS NCO (42A40) PSTL OPS NCO (42A30) INFO SYS NCO (42A30) MISSION: As an element of the Sustainment Bde SPO, plan, integrate and synchronize the activities of HR units in the Sustainment Bde AO to ensure they are resourced, positioned, and properly allocated to provide required R5, PSTL, CAS support to the supported population Ensure Supported G1 and Sustainment Bde Cdr HR priorities are enforced Provide technical guidance to subordinate HR Companies, Platoons and Teams Fulfill HR supported to supporting relationship with Division G-1 and Brigade/BCT S-1s in the Sustainment Bde AO The HROC has the following responsibilities: Receive the HR mission support requirement for assigned or supported units Conduct mission analysis to determine concept of support Develop courses of action to support mission requirement Analyze courses of action to determine best method to support HR operations Plan, coordinate, and support HR support during MSO/SRO operations Coordinate the preparations of plans and orders for HR support Ensure HR plans support the tactical plan, its branches, sequels, and the commander’s desired end-state Synchronize the Sustainment Brigade HR network Collect, correlate, analyze, and report program information to the Sustainment Brigade commander Plan and coordinate the location and support of HR units Establish and manage HR support for theater opening operations Plan and coordinate deployment and re-redeployment HR support Maintain liaison, coordinate, and synchronize HR operations with area of responsibility Assist HR units in securing resources to accomplish their mission Assist the ASCC/Division/Corps G1 in providing HR technical training and support to assigned or supported units Ensure adequate number of HR units are available to support HR missions and functions Plan, coordinate, and synchronize support (e.g. billeting, transportation, and feeding) needed to support HR operations to include MRO and SRO operations Assist and support the personnel portion of reconstitution efforts Provide the Sustainment Brigade commander the forecast for HR support requirements Coordinate with the G1 for the establishment of a PASR database for initial entry (if part of theater opening) operations Coordinate communications support for HR operations Provide technical assistance to HR units Monitor and track casualty reports Monitor patient tracking system
HR COMPANY (POSTAL) (SUST BDE IN DIV/CORPS AO) SRC: G000 POSTAL PLATOON W/SEP SRC # - BASED ON SUPPORTED POP - 1 TYPE OF PLATOON - 1:6,000 - 4 PLTs per MMT HR COMPANY (POSTAL) 2/0/1 3 CMD SEC CDR H XO B 1SG E8 42A HQ SUPPORT SEC 0/0/13 13 SUP SGT E7 92Y CHEM OPS NCO E6 74D AUTO LOG SGT E5 92A ARMORER E4 92Y SIG SUP SYS SPEC E4 25U (2) HR SGT E5 42A SR FIRST COOK E7 92G COOK E5 92G COOK E4 92G(2) COOK E3 92G(2) MAINT SUPPORT SEC 0/0/16 16 MOTOR SGT E7 63X SR MECHANIC E6 63B LT WHL VEH MECH E5 63B (3) LT WHL VEH MECH E4 63B (4) LT WHL VEH MECH E3 63B (4) PWR-GEN EQUIP REP E4 52D (3) POSTAL PLANS & OPERATIONS 1/1/1 3 TM LDR O3 42B4J PER TECH W3 420A5 NCOIC E6 42AF4 DIRECTORY NCOIC E5 42AF4 HR SPC E4 42AF5 (2) HR SPC E3 42AF5 (2) 0/0/5 5 POSTAL PLT 1/0/20 21 HR Companies (Postal) will support the MMT Operations and will also operate in Sustainment Bdes in the Army/Corps/Division AORs providing postal support to units and Soldiers. In support of the MMT: The HR Company (Postal) augmenting the JMMT or MMT will receive all technical supervision and guidance from the MMT Director. The HR-Postal Company Commander retains all command and control functions for the company. The MMT Team receives policy and technical assistance from the Postal Operations Division of the HRSC through the TSC DMC, ESC HR Ops Section and receives all employment and operating decisions and guidance from the Sustainment Brigade that it is attached or OPCON’d to. In support of Corps/Division AOR under the C2 of a Sustainment Bde: Provide C2, life support and Plans and Operations support for postal platoons Process and distribute mail to supported units Provide directory services Provide postal finance service Handle redirect and casualty mail Provide support to unit mail clerks as required Coordinate with Sustainment Bde HR Ops Section for the transportation of mail POSTAL PLT MAJOR EQUIPMENT QTY LIN TYPE T61494 TRK UTIL M998A1 T95992 TRL CGO ¾ T T60081 TRK CGO M1078A1 LMTV T93484 TRK VAN M1079A1 T96564 TRL FLAT BED M1082 T TRK FORK LIFT VAR RCH RT T TRK FORK LIFT 4k w/o CAB Z CAISI BRIDGE J CAISI 166 PAX
MILITARY MAIL TERMINAL (MMT) TEAM 2/1/15 18 O5 42H DIRECTOR O4 42H DEP DIRECTOR E9 42A TM SGM E X MECH E X MECH MMT TM HQS 2/0/3 5 HR COMPANY (POSTAL) OPS SEC POSTAL SQUAD A POSTAL SQUAD B 0/0/5 5 HR COMPANY (POSTAL) 0/1/2 3 0/0/5 5 W4 420AF4 OPS CHIEF E7 42AF NCOIC E4 42AF HR SPC E6 42LF4 Pstl Supv E5 42LF5 Pstl Sgt E4 42LF5 Pstl Spec E3 42LF5 Pstl Clk (2) E6 42LF4 Pstl Supv E5 42LF5 Pstl Sgt E4 42LF5 Pstl Spec E3 42LF5 Pstl Clk (2) To provide postal support to a Theater of Operations by coordinating, receiving and processing incoming mail as well as dispatching mail to CONUS. The Military Mail Terminal (MMT) Team is an organization in the Sustainment Brigade with Theater Opening mission. It establishes and runs the Army Component of a Joint Military Mail Terminal with the manpower support of an HR-Postal Company at the Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD). The modular structure is the direct link to other services for postal support. The MMT team provides specialized postal expertise and experience and limited augmentation manpower. The structure allows the commander to add the necessary level of seniority and experience appropriate for a joint theater level mission as well as consolidates the necessary specialty equipment to do this bulk mission. The main function of this team is to process incoming mail as well as dispatch mail to CONUS at the APOD. The MMT team consists of a headquarters section, operations section, and 2 postal squads. The headquarters section consists of a Director, Deputy Director, and Team Sergeant Major as well as 2 vehicle mechanics. The Director becomes the senior Army officer in the JMMT for all technical matters. The headquarters section provides a direct link with other services for operating space at the terminal, flight schedules and ground transportation of mail. The headquarters section also provides a single theater level executor with the expertise to support the TSC DMC and ASCC/Army G1 and other senior military leaders on the theater staff concerning MMT operations and issues. The operation section consists of a 4-man team providing logistical planning, operating guidance, and all other postal staff support. The operations section is the vital link for all theater postal operations planning implementing all necessary input from the other services and guidance from Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA) into the operating plan. It is the operational interface between the MMT and Sustainment BDE SPO HR Ops Sections which coordinate the distribution of mail received from the MMT. Equipment is crucial to the success of this theater level postal team. All heavy postal equipment for the theater is associated with the MMT Team. The Team has both a T-RTCH and large forklifts to move the bulk mail in and out of the APOD. Satellite Phones, radios and CAISI connectivity provide the necessary communication to track unit movements and control mail movement from CONUS to the theater and across the entire battle space. CMD SEC SUPPORT MAINT SEC SUPPORT HQ SEC POSTAL PLT 2/0/1 3 0/0/16 16 0/0/13 13 POSTAL PLANS & OPERATIONS 1/1/1 3 POSTAL DIRECTORY 0/0/5 5
POSTAL PLATOON 1/0/20 21 POSTAL PLATOON HQs SECTION POSTAL FINANCE SECTION POSTAL SQUAD A POSTAL SQUAD B 1/0/1 2 0/0/3 3 0/0/8 8 0/0/8 8 O2 42B4J Platoon Ldr E7 42AF5 Platoon Sgt E5 42AF5 Pstl Sgt E4 42AF5 Pstl Spec E3 42AF5 Pstl Clk E6 42AF4 Pstl Supv E5 42AF5 Pstl Sgt E4 42AF5 Pstl Spec (3) E3 42AF5 Pstl Clk (3) E6 42AF4 Pstl Supv E5 42AF5 Pstl Sgt E4 42AF5 Pstl Spec (3) E3 42AF5 Pstl Clk (3) Postal Platoon mission is to provide postal support to all individuals and units in an assigned area. The Postal Platoon is a multifunctional organization providing postal support for up to 6,000 personnel or serving as one of four platoons in support of an MMT. This universal modular platoon is capable of performing the complete spectrum of postal functions from postal service and postal finance to postal operations. It replaces the legacy Operations and Services platoons. The postal platoon consists of a headquarters section, postal finance section, and 2 postal squads. See Figure The headquarters section provides command and control, leadership, and resourcing. The postal finance section sells money orders, stamps, and provides accountable mail services. Each postal squad has the capability to perform operations or services missions or to perform independently as needed as a mobile mail team. The platoons are each equipped with 3 variable reach forklifts to provide efficient mail movement in whatever type of area the platoon is supporting. The Postal Platoon receives all technical guidance through the HR Company headquarters and the corresponding Postal Plans and Operations Team. The HR Company HQ provides all command and control to the attached postal platoons.
(ARMY/ASCC) Army/ASCC G1 PSTL Ops Div (DIV/CORPS) (MNVR AREA) HRSC Postal Opns Division X X X X X (PORTS) HR Ops Cell (Postal Ops) Expeditionary Sustainment Cmnd X X X HR Ops Cell (Postal Ops) Sustainment BDE X JMMT or MMT* XX X X S-1 HR Ops Cell (Postal Ops) Sustainment BDE MMT Tm HR Ops Cell (Postal Ops) Sustainment BDE X … HR CO (POSTAL) HR CO (POSTAL) … S-1 … Postal Plt HR CO (POSTAL) Postal Plt … Postal Plt * Army Component Supports from FOB or w/mobile teams CONUS (JMPA) Mail arrives to the theater to the APOD where it is received and broken down at the Joint Military Mail Terminal (JMMT) or MMT, led by the Army Component MMT team with an augmenting HR-Postal Company and 4 postal platoons. The mail is broken down by 9 digit zip code and moved primarily by 20 foot containers or 463L pallets from APOD/Port to Sustainment BDEs in the ASCC/Army or Corps/Division battle space. There, the postal platoons and HR Company headquarters assigned for area support based on supported population, break down the bagged mail and parcels for units to collect. The forward companies and platoons also perform mail services, postal finance missions and act as mobile postal teams moving forward to support geographically separate units. The units handle retrograde and redirected mail, moving it back to the JMMT or MMT by 20 foot containers or 463L pallets for movement CONUS. Casualty mail is handled in Theater, Corps or Division areas for movement to the medical facilities or back to JMMT and CONUS. All necessary statistics, guidance on mail, and policy comes from the Postal Operations Directorate of HRSC as the ASCC/Theater G1’s experts on postal operations. The HR Ops Cells of the Sustainment BDEs assist with coordination for mail movement and security as well as assists in making sure personnel data from the supported G1s is shared with the HR Postal Companies to ensure up-to-date alignment with zip codes and unit numbers and rapidly passes changes to task organization. Postal Plt … Postal Plt X Hospitals S-1 - Mail Flow - Support - Existence -Workload
THEATER GATEWAY (TG) R5 TEAM 3/1/6 10 TO R5 TM HQS O5 42B DIRECTOR O4 42B DEP DIRECTOR W3 420A PER TECH E9 42A TM SGM HR COMPANY (R5/C) 2/1/1 4 HR COMPANY (R5/C) OPS SEC 1/0/5 6 O3 42B OPS CHIEF E7 42A NCOIC E7 88N TRANS NCOIC E5 88N TRANS NCO E5 42AF5 HR SGT E4 42AF5 HR SPC CMD SEC SUPPORT HQ SEC SUPPORT MAINT SEC 0/0/16 16 R5 PLT CAS PLT 2/0/1 3 0/0/13 13 R5 PLANS & OPS SEC 1/0/4 5 DATA INTER TM 0/1/3 4 To provide R5 support to the theater of operations by coordinating and providing Theater level reception (RSOI), replacement, returns-to-duty, R&R, and redeployment operations support which provides personnel accountability and database inputs as Soldiers enter, transit, and depart the theater, and executes the associated tasks supporting the personnel accountability task. The Theater Gateway R5 Team is an organization in the Sustainment Brigade with Theater Opening (and Theater Distribution) mission to establish and execute a theater level R5 Center with the manpower support of an HR-R5 Company at the principle inter-theater Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD). More than one TG R5 Center will be required if more than one inter-theater APOD is active. The modular structure is the direct link to other services regarding replacement, reception, R&R, return-to-duty and redeployment personnel flow into and out of the theater. The Theater Gateway R5 Team with supporting HR-R5 Company is capable of supporting a population including other services, multinational forces, contractors, DoD civilians, and US government agencies when directed by ASOS and JFC orders. The Theater Gateway R5 team provides specialized R5 expertise and experience to oversee the entire spectrum of R5 functions from large scale unit reception missions (RSOI) during Theater Gateway to labor intensive R&R missions in sustainment operations. The modular structure allows the commander to add the necessary level of seniority and experience appropriate for a high visibility theater level mission. The main functions of this team is to provide the supporting staff to do all the necessary coordination, planning and implementation for a large scale R5 mission during the various stages of an operation. The Theater Gateway R5 Team consists of a headquarters section and operations section. The headquarters section consists of a Director, Deputy Director, Personnel Tech and Team Sergeant Major. The Director becomes the senior officer in the Theater Gateway R5 Team for all technical matters. The headquarters section provides a direct link with other services and other supporting units for operating space at the terminal, flight schedules, follow-on transportation and all logistical support. The headquarters section also provides a senior authority with the expertise and experience to interact with the Theater/ASCC G1 and other senior military leaders in the theater on all R5 matters. The operation section consists of a 6-man team providing logistical planning, movement control and transportation planning, operating guidance, and all other necessary coordination. The operations section is the vital link with supporting Sustainment support units (CSSB), forward S1 and G1 sections, and CONUS based staging areas. To provide vital personnel service capability for soldiers in transient, the R5 Plans and Operations Team has equipment and system accesses such as CAC Card, Dog Tags and DEERS RAPIDS machines as well as world-wide eMILPO access to update DD Form 93 and SGLV. CURRENTLY LABELLED: PERSONNEL PROCESSING CENTER IN CFLCC-FWD
HR COMPANY (R5-C) (INTER-THEATER R5 TG CENTER) -CASUALTY PLT TO’d AWAY -R5 PLTS ROA 4/TG R5 CNTR -R5 PAT ROA 2 OR 3/PLT -12 R5 PAT TO A TG R5 CNTR -600 PAX/DAY FLOW FOR ADDTN’L R5 PAT HR COMPANY (R5-C) 2/0/1 3 CMD SEC CDR H XO B 1SG E8 42A SUPPORT HQ SEC 0/0/13 13 SUP SGT E7 92Y CHEM OPS NCO E6 74D AUTO LOG SGT E5 92A ARMORER E4 92Y SIG SUP SYS SPEC E4 25U (2) HR SGT E5 42A SR FIRST COOK E7 92G COOK E5 92G COOK E4 92G(2) COOK E3 92G(2) MAINT SUPPORT SEC 0/0/16 16 MOTOR SGT E7 63X SR MECHANIC E6 63B LT WHL VEH MECH E5 63B (3) LT WHL VEH MECH E4 63B (4) LT WHL VEH MECH E3 63B (4) PWR-GEN EQUIP REP E4 52D (3) R5 PLANS & OPS SEC 1/0/4 5 DATA INTEGRATION TM 0/1/3 4 TM LDR O3 42B NCOIC E7 42A TRANS NCO E6 88N HR SGT E5 42A HR SPC E4 42A HR TECH W2 420A HR SYS SGT E5 42F HR SYS SPC E4 42 F R5 PLT W/3 R5 PAT 1/0/25 26 CAS PLT W/6 CLTs 1/0/31 32 MISSION: To provide command and control and provide technical support to all assigned or attached platoons and teams. (R5, Casualty and/or Postal) The HR Company headquarters is a modular headquarters that provides command and control as well as technical support to postal, R5 and/or casualty platoons found at the APOD, and in the Corps/Division and ASCC/Army battlespace, as directed by the TSC, ESC and Sustainment BDE Cdrs based on the technical guidance and HR planning prioirities and guidance from the Division/Corps/ASCC/Army G1. The HR Company’s general functions include leadership and command and control for attached R5, Casualty and/or Postal platoons and R5 and Postal Plans and Operations Teams. The headquarters can also provide technical guidance to area S1 sections regarding postal, R5 or casualty matters. The Command Section, consisting of a Commander, an Executive Officer, and a First Sergeant, plans, supervises, and monitors the activities of the HR Company and is aided by the Headquarters Support Section. The Command Section provides leadership to all attached personnel and units. The Headquarters Support Section provides limited maintenance, logistics, and automation support to the company. See Figure 4-13. The HR Company headquarters receives its short and long term planning as well as current and future operations management capability from the Postal and/or R5 Plans and Operations Team when postal or R5 platoons are attached. The company receives policy guidance from the R5, Postal or Casualty Ops Division of the HRSC, planning guidance from HR Ops Cell and overall HR planning priorities from the ASCC/Army G1. The HR Ops Cell Sustainment BDEs will provide the planning and resourcing assistance within the sustainment brigade. The HR Company falls under the BTB or CSSB of the sustainment brigade for all administrative support. The R5 Plans and Operations Team is a staff section attached to an HR Company headquarters when one or more R5 platoons are attached. It provides R5 planning, operations management and data integration to the HR Co Commander. The R5 Plans and Operations Team consists of a 5-man Plans and Operations Section and a 4-man Data Integration Section. See Figure The R5 Plans and Operations Section manages current operational requirements and plans both long and short range R5 missions. The Data Integration Section manages and integrates data into the deployed theater database. The integration Section consolidates data from various sources, performs quality control measures and manages transmittal of data to higher headquarters and affected units. The HR-R5 or R5-C Company augmenting the theater level R5 mission will receive all technical supervision and guidance from the Theater Gateway R5 Director. The HR-R5 Company Commander retains all command and control functions for the company. 177 PAX
HR COMPANY (POSTAL/R5) (SMALL THEATER W/DIV –LEVEL ARFOR) -COMPANY SPTS BOTH INTRA- THEATER GATEWAY r5 AND MMT -DIVISION IS ARFOR -REL SMALL SUPPORTED POP -CRITICAL LINK TO HR OPS SPO HR COMPANY (R5-C) 2/0/1 3 CMD SEC CDR H XO B 1SG E8 42A SUPPORT HQ SEC 0/0/13 13 SUP SGT E7 92Y CHEM OPS NCO E6 74D AUTO LOG SGT E5 92A ARMORER E4 92Y SIG SUP SYS SPEC E4 25U (2) HR SGT E5 42A SR FIRST COOK E7 92G COOK E5 92G COOK E4 92G(2) COOK E3 92G(2) MAINT SUPPORT SEC 0/0/16 16 SR MECHANIC E6 63B MOTOR SGT E7 63X LT WHL VEH MECH E5 63B (3) LT WHL VEH MECH E4 63B (4) LT WHL VEH MECH E3 63B (4) PWR-GEN EQUIP REP E4 52D (3) POSTAL PLANS & OPS 1/1/1 3 TM LDR O3 42B4J PER TECH W3 420A5 NCOIC E6 42AF4 DIRECTORY NCOIC E5 42AF4 HR SPC E4 42AF5 (2) HR SPC E3 42AF5 (2) 0/0/5 5 R5 PLT W/3 R5 PAT 1/0/25 26 POSTAL PLT 1/0/20 21 R5 PLANS & OPS SEC 1/0/4 5 TM LDR O3 42B NCOIC E7 42A TRANS NCO E6 88N HR SGT E5 42A HR SPC E4 42A MISSION: To provide command and control and provide technical support to all assigned or attached platoons and teams. (R5, Casualty and/or Postal) The HR Company headquarters is a modular headquarters that provides command and control as well as technical support to postal, R5 and/or casualty platoons found at the APOD, and in the Corps/Division and ASCC/Army battlespace, as directed by the TSC, ESC and Sustainment BDE Cdrs based on the technical guidance and HR planning prioirities and guidance from the Division/Corps/ASCC/Army G1. The HR Company’s general functions include leadership and command and control for attached R5, Casualty and/or Postal platoons and R5 and Postal Plans and Operations Teams. The headquarters can also provide technical guidance to area S1 sections regarding postal, R5 or casualty matters. The Command Section, consisting of a Commander, an Executive Officer, and a First Sergeant, plans, supervises, and monitors the activities of the HR Company and is aided by the Headquarters Support Section. The Command Section provides leadership to all attached personnel and units. The Headquarters Support Section provides limited maintenance, logistics, and automation support to the company. See Figure 4-13. The HR Company headquarters receives its short and long term planning as well as current and future operations management capability from the Postal and/or R5 Plans and Operations Team when postal or R5 platoons are attached. The company receives policy guidance from the R5, Postal or Casualty Ops Division of the HRSC, planning guidance from HR Ops Cell and overall HR planning priorities from the ASCC/Army G1. The HR Ops Cell Sustainment BDEs will provide the planning and resourcing assistance within the sustainment brigade. The HR Company falls under the BTB or CSSB of the sustainment brigade for all administrative support. The R5 Plans and Operations Team is a staff section attached to an HR Company headquarters when one or more R5 platoons are attached. It provides R5 planning, operations management and data integration to the HR Co Commander. The R5 Plans and Operations Team consists of a 5-man Plans and Operations Section and a 4-man Data Integration Section. See Figure The R5 Plans and Operations Section manages current operational requirements and plans both long and short range R5 missions. The Data Integration Section manages and integrates data into the deployed theater database. The integration Section consolidates data from various sources, performs quality control measures and manages transmittal of data to higher headquarters and affected units. The HR-R5 or R5-C Company augmenting the theater level R5 mission will receive all technical supervision and guidance from the Theater Gateway R5 Director. The HR-R5 Company Commander retains all command and control functions for the company. DATA INTEGRATION TM 0/1/3 4 269 PAX HR TECH W2 420A HR SYS SGT E5 42F HR SYS SPC E4 42 F HR SPC E4 42A
R5 PLATOON 1/0/25 26 R5 PLATOON E7 42A Platoon Sgt
HQs SEC R5 PERS ACCTY TEAM 1/0/7 8 0/0/6 6 O2 42B Platoon Ldr E7 42A Platoon Sgt E5 88N Trans Mgmt NCO E4 88N Trans Mgmt Coord E4 92Y Supply SPC (2) E5 42A HR SGT E4 42F HR SPC E6 42A HR SGT E5 42A HR SGT E4 42A HR SPC (4) R5 Platoon HQs: To provide command and control to R5 Personnel Accounting teams. The R5 Platoon Headquarters is a multifunctional structure providing command and control to 2 to 3 R5 Personnel Accounting teams in the ASCC/Army and Corps/Division battle space. The headquarters consists of an 8-man team that provides technical guidance, leadership, logistical support and command and control for attached R5 teams, while also providing a transportation element critical in coordinating the movement of personnel flowing through R5 Centers. Further, the team tracks emergency leaves, inter-theater and intra-theater transfers as dictated by METT-TC.See Figure 4-21. The R5 platoon headquarters receives all technical guidance from the HR Company headquarters and the corresponding R5 Plans and Operations Team. The HR Company HQ provides all command and control to the attached R5 platoons. R5 Personnel Accounting Tm (R5PAT): To provide personnel accounting and personnel movement coordination support including accurate personnel accountability of transient personnel and coordination of movement for reception, replacements, returns-to-duty, R&R, and redeployment personnel entering, transitting, or exiting the ASCC/Army theater APOD/APOE and at those major intra-theater APOD/APOE with daily passenger flow sufficient to merit the R5 platoon support (passenger flow greater than 1200 per day). The R5 Personnel Accounting Team is an organization that provides reception (individual and unit), replacement, R&R, return-to-duty, and redeployment passenger tracking and accountability for 600 personnel a day moving in or out of an assigned area or theater of operations. The general functions include personnel accounting, administrative processing, and logistical support of transient personnel. The team is capable of operating in a joint or multinational environment. This modular, scalable and flexible structure allows the commander to support the large population flow for port operations with numerous teams organized into platoons and HR-R5 companies, but also support the small, but essential mission of managing sustainment missions such as R&R at the Corps/Division level with one team or a platoon as necessary at an intra-theater APOD/APOE.
(ASCC/ARMY) (DIV/CORPS) (BCT/Maneuver Area) X X X X X X X X X XX X (PORTS) HR Sustainment Center HRC TG R5 Center* R5 Ops Division HR Ops Cell Sustainment BDE BCT/BDE S1 TG R5 Tm HR CO (R5-C) HR Ops Cell Sustainment BDE R5 PLT HQ R5 Teams (2-3) BCT/BDE S1 CONUS (CRC) INTER-THEATER R5 CENTER The Theater Gateway R5 Team establishes the R5 Center at the inter-theater APOD with augmenting HR-R5 (R5-C) Company with R5 platoon headquarters and R5 Personnel Accounting teams based on projected flow rates. The Theater Gateway R5 Team receives and processes all units (Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration(RSOI) arriving to the area of operations and coordinates onward movement of the units to their designated staging areas which are controlled by CSSBs of the Sustainment BDE with Theater Opening mission through coordination with the port MCT and the CSSB. The SPO HR Ops cell will also work the transportation coordination. Individual replacements flow in a similar manner from the R5 Center to the BCT/BDE S1 of the unit assigned. The Theater Gateway R5 team and supporting HR R-5 Company coordinate all onward movement, logistical support and personnel tracking of units and individual replacements at the theater APOD in the Personnel Processing Center (PPC). As the theater matures, other ports of entry may be established requiring R5 support at more than one location. The size of this R5 element will be based on the projected flow. During sustainment, the R&R program requires intense coordination to ensure proper accountability and movement control. Soldiers on R&R will move with coordination from the BCT/BDE S1 to an R5 platoon or team at the Corps/Division level. The size of the R5 element at that level will be based on daily personnel flow. The R5 Personnel Accounting team will ensure accountability and necessary processing is done for follow-on travel to the R5 Center or to in-theater R&R programs. These intra-theater R5 Centers may or may not receive R5 support based on daily passenger flow. The rule of thumb to direct allocation of R5 structure is a daily flow greater than 600 passengers. This will direct 2 R5 Personnel Accounting teams and an R5 Platoon HQs. At the R5 center the Soldiers on R&R are briefed, processed and manifested for R&R travel. Upon return from R&R, the R5 Center processes and moves soldiers back into the theater to the unit of assignment, either through intra-theater R5 centers or direct to S1s and G1s. Return-to-Duty Soldiers will return from theater-based hospitals or military medical treatment facilities to the Theater R5 Center, Corps/Division intra-theater R5 center, or directly to the unit based on the location of the medical facility. The R5 element will coordinate with the CLTs for movement back to the units through the BCT/BDE S1. Upon completion of a rotation or the end of theater operations, the Theater Gateway R5 team will coordinate onward movement with other services, coordinate logistical support and properly account for individuals and units as they leave the theater. The R5 Operations Division of the HRSC provides technical guidance and theater policy information to the Theater Gateway R5 and HR-R5 Companies on R5 matters in accordance with ASCC/Army G1’s policies, TTP, and guidance presented in OPORDs. The Sustainment Brigade HR Ops Cell assists the forward R5 elements with coordinating logistical needs from assets within the Sustainment Brigade as well as providing operational planning guidance from the sustainment brigade. Guidance/Info Replacement Return to Duty R&R Unit Reception (RSOI) Redeployment HR CO (R5/POSTAL) As Needed based on METT-TC * Capable of servicing all services, DoD civilians, contractors and multi-national troops R5 PLT HQ R5 Teams Hospitals -Workload C2 INTRA-THEATER R5 CENTER - Existence -Workload
HR (R5) CO HQs COORDINATES PLTs INTEGRATES DTAS DATA ENSURES 100% BY NAME UNIT ACCTY PASSES DATA TO ASCC/ARMY G1 PASR TM ENSURE REPLACEMENTS ARE PINPOINTED A/DACG OR MCT MEETS ACFT OFFLOADS BAGGAGE MOVES PAX TO PPC R5 PLT HQs COORDINATES TMs COORDINATES ONWARD MVMNT ENSURES PAX CONTROL INTER-THEATER APOD R5 PATm RECEIVES PAX FROM MCT INPUTS PAX INTO THETAER DATABASE (DTAS) CONDUCT INITIAL BRIEFINGS ENSURE 100% BY NAME CHALK ACCT’Y PROVIDE TRANSIENT HOLDING AS REQUIRED W/SUPPORT FROM CSSB TG R5 TM COORDINATE TG R5 CENTER ACTIONS COORDINATE W/ SPTING SUST BDE (TO) COORDINATE W/ A/DACG OR MCT ENSURE ONWARD MOVEMENT TO RSOI STAGING AREA This concept sketch describes the inbound Inter-theater Theater Gateway R5 Center, and in detail, the Personnel Processing Center of the TG R5 Center. This concept represents data provided by the last two PSBs used to execute this mission in SWA. The A/DACG or MCT receives inbound aircraft and offloads pax and baggage. The MCT turns the chalk over to the TG R5 Center at the Personnel Processing Center (PPC). R5 personnel are responsible, as their principle task, to ensure all chalks are completely and accurately entered into the theater deployed database, currently operated in DTAS. The R5 team provides initial theater welcome and base security briefs as well as ensuring initial military pay data is collected to initiate hostile zone pays. R5 personnel supervise the process of returning equipment (body armor, weapons) to R&R and Emergency Leave returnees. A limited, short duration transient holding facility is part of the PPC. This portion of the facility, as well as the DFAC – if present, is contracted through LOGCAP or is provided by the Force Provider company which is part of the Staging area CSSB. R5 C2 structures coordinate with the port (APOD) MCT for onward movement of newly arrived/returned personnel to either the RSOI staging areas or the pax holding facility for intrs-theater flights. INBOUND PROCESSING C2 NODE OUTBOUND PROCESSING ONWARD MVMNT TO RSOI STAGING AREA DB MGMNT TRANSIENT HOLDING FACILITY TG R5 CENTER – PERSONNEL PROCESSING CNTR
A/DACG OR MCT RECEIVES LOADS BAGGAGE LOADS PAX REDEPLOYMENT STAGING AREA OR APOD (CSSB/MCT) TG R5 TM COORDINATE TG R5 CENTER ACTIONS COORDINATE W/ SPTING SUST BDE (TO) COORDINATE W/ A/DACG OR MCT ENSURE CONTROLLED FLOW IN & OUT INTER-THEATER APOD HR (R5) CO HQs COORDINATES PLTs INTEGRATES DATA ENSURES 100% BY NAME UNIT ACCTY PASSES DATA TO ASCC/ARMY G1 PASR TM R5 PLT HQs COORDINATES TMs COORDINATES MVMNT TO ACFT MAINTAIN CHALK SEPARATION ENSURES PAX CONTROL This concept sketch depicts outbound operations at the PPC of the TG R5 Center at an Inter-theater APOD. Pax are received at the PPC by the TG R5 Tm/HR Company (R5-C) from either the RSOI Staging areas for redeployers or intra-theater pax holding areas run by the A/DACG/MCT or the CSSB. Soldiers enterring the PPC receive final theater clearance briefings, secure equipment (R&R), are removed from the theater database (most critical R5 task), go through customs inspections and are kept in a sterile area prior to be turned over to the MCT for loading on outbound aircraft. The TG R5 Team provides the C2 and accomplishes the external coordination with the CSSB and Sustainment Bde HR OPS Cell while the HR Company Cdr runs the internal operations of the center. ROA: Each TG R5 Team covers 1 Inter-theater APOD with 1 HR Company (R5) with 4 platoons with 3 R5PA Tms per platoon TRANSIENT HOLDING FACILITY INBOUND PROCESSING C2 NODE DB MGMNT TG R5 CENTER – PERSONNEL PROCESSING CNTR C U S T O M S EQPMNT HOLDING BRIEFING PAX SATO S T E R I L R5 PATm RECEIVES PAX - MCT/CSSB REMOVES PAX FROM THEATER DATABASE/REFLECT R&R STATUS CONDUCT FINAL BRIEFINGS STORE R&R EQUIPMENT ENSURE 100% BY NAME CHALK ACCT’Y ENFORCE CUSTOMS POLICIES HAND CHALK OVER TO MCT
R5 PLANS/OPS TM COORDINATES PLT/R5 PA Tms INTEGRATES DTAS DATA COORDINATES TRANS W/MCT PASSES DATA TO ASCC/ARMY G1 PASR TM KEEPS UNITS INFORMED OF SOLDIER LOCATION A/DACG OR MCT MEETS ACFT OFFLOADS BAGGAGE MOVES PAX TO PPC R5 PLT HQs COORDINATES TMs COORDINATES ONWARD MVMNT ENSURES PAX CONTROL INTER-THEATER APOD R5 PATm RECEIVES PAX FROM MCT INPUTS PAX INTO THETAER DATABASE (DTAS) CONDUCT INITIAL BRIEFINGS ENSURE 100% BY NAME CHALK ACCT’Y PROVIDE TRANSIENT HOLDING AS REQUIRED W/SUPPORT FROM CSSB R5 PATm – OUTBOUND MOVEMENT PUTS C130 CHALKS TOGETHER COORDINATES MANIFEST ENSURES STATUS IN DTAS CHANGED TURNS CHALK OVER TO MCT FOR LOADING This concept sketch describes the intra-theater R5 Center, and in detail, the Personnel Processing Center of the R5 Center. This R5 Center is different from the Inter-theater TG R5 Center which has a significantly larger daily flow which requires significantly more R5 structure to accomplish this task. The pax flow required to generate this center is a flow greater than 600/day. Like the TG R5 Center, the A/DACG or MCT receives inbound aircraft and offloads pax and baggage. The MCT turns the chalk over to the R5 Center at the Personnel Processing Center (PPC). R5 personnel are responsible, as their principle task, to ensure all chalks are completely and accurately entered into the theater deployed database with the change in location, currently operated in DTAS. The R5 PLOPs works closely with the MCT to coordinate the offloading of inbound aircraft and the loading of outbound aircraft. Generally, ASCC/Army G1 or the Corps G1 will determine flow rates through R&R planning guidance. A limited, short duration transient holding facility is part of the PPC. This portion of the facility, as well as the DFAC – if present, is contracted through LOGCAP or is provided by the Force Provider company which is part of the Staging area CSSB. R5 C2 structures coordinate with the port (APOD) MCT for onward movement of newly arrived/returned personnel to either the RSOI staging areas or the pax holding facility for intrs-theater flights. INBOUND PROCESSING C2 NODE OUTBOUND PROCESSING ASSUME PAX FLOW: 1300/DAY ROA GENERATES: -3 R5 PATm -1 R5 PLT HQs -1 R5 PLOPs DB MGMNT TRANSIENT HOLDING FACILITY APOE/APOD – PERSONNEL PROCESSING CNTR
CASUALTY PLATOON HQ 1/0/1 2 CASUALTY PLATOON CASUALTY LIAISON TM 0/0/5 5 CASUALTY LIAISON TM HQs SEC CASUALTY LIAISON TM 1/0/1 2 TEAM CHIEF E5 42A HR SGT E4 42A (2) HR SPC E3 42A (2) PLT LDR O2 42B PSG E7 42A ROA: 1 PER CSH or ½ CSH, MORTUARY AFFAIRS COMPANY (SRC 10548FA00), DIV/CORPS HQ, ASCC/ARMY HQ, AND HRSC Casualty Plt Mission: To provide command and control to casualty liaison teams. The Casualty Platoon Headquarters is a headquarters that provides command and control of 3 to 6 Casualty Liaison Teams (CLTs). The Casualty Platoon HQ consists of a platoon leader and platoon sergeant. When deployed, 1 Casualty Plt HQs will augment the Theater CAC at the ASCC/Army G1. The casualty platoon receives all administrative guidance through the HR Company headquarters and the Theater CAC. The Casualty Platoon functions as part of the Casualty Operations Center in a deployed environment. The headquarters ensures that all CLTs are properly resourced to perform the casualty reporting tasks and provide assistance to Soldiers when needed at the CSHs To provide accurate casualty information (reporting and tracking) at medical facilities, mortuary affairs collection points and higher headquarters as well as facilitate real-time casualty information for commanders. Assist in management of casualty operations as needed based on location. CLT Misiion: to provide accurate and timely casualty information to the deployed theater Casualty Area Command formed by the HRSC Casualty Operations Division that serves under the control of the ASCC/Army G1. The CLT consists of 5 personnel led by an E5. See Figure 4-24. The CLTs primary function is to ensure timely casualty reporting to the deployed CAC and ultimately to the CMAOC at HRC. They also assist commanders in keeping accurate casualty statistics throughout the course of an operation. When necessary, based on a split mission, the CLT is capable of splitting the team to support smaller more forward locations such as a Corps/Division mortuary affairs collection company or a CSH that executes split based operations as a result of a task organization change. CSHs that split at the start of a rotation will each receive a full CLT. CLTs not only provide accurate casualty information, but they also act as a liaison for each effected commander. The CLT provides updated status reports to the effected unit and informs the unit if the soldier leaves the theater. The CLTs assist with coordinating a soldier’s return to duty with the unit and/or an R5 unit. The CLT acts as an administrative liaison for the injured Soldier ensuring he or she has access to necessary services such as finance, MWR, or any HR related service. CLTs use DCIPS-Fwd to ensure that subordinate commanders and G1s are able to maintain updated status of casualty location and condition.
(BCT/Maneuver Area) (ASCC/ARMY) (DIV/CORPS) (PORTS) ASCC/Army G1 Corps/Div G1 BCT S1 X XX X X X X X X X X X THEATER CAC CLT HRC … CAS OPS DIV (HRSC) CASUALTY PLT CLT BN S-1 TG R5 Tm CLT HR Co (R5-C) HR Sustainment Center CSH When a casualty occurs, the unit reporting the casualty generates a DD Form 1156 which flows to the BCT/BDE S1. The Casualty Report using the Defense Casualty Information Processing System - Forward (DCIPS-FWD) comes from the BCT/BDE S1 and/or the Casualty Liaison Teams located at the CSHs and Mortuary Affairs Collection Company. The reports are digitally sent to the Theater Casualty Area Command formed from the Casualty Operations Division of the HRSC as an element of the ASCC/Army G1 using DCIPS-FWD. ASCC/Army/Corps/Division G1s will ensure Commander-directed guidance on clearance of casualty reports (both DA1156 and DCIPS-FWD traffic) is strictly adhered to by BCT/BDE S1 and CLTs operating in support of the Commander. Accuracy is the more critical element of the casualty report over timliness (which is also critical). The reports are verified through the medical or mortuary affairs systems and the Casualty Operations Division sends the report to HRC. Simultaneously to the formal casualty reporting process, CLTs provide any status changes back to the effected unit and its headquarters. Supplemental reports are done each time status or location changes. CLTs update patient tracking data in eMILPO and perform duty status changes when necessary. The CLT located at the Corps/Division G1 provides the Corps/Division G1 with a link to the CLTs and the Casualty Area Command keeping the commander informed of all casualty information, updates and statistics. The Casualty Operations Division of HRSC (with augmenting Casualty Platoon HQ and CLT) provides the ASCC/Army G1 with the necessary casualty information to keep the ASCC/Army Commander informed. The HR-R5C Company is not involved in the casualty reporting. CLT FST MA CP CLT CLT BCT S1 CLT (AD HOC) CSH RELEASE AUTH DETERMINED BY ASCC CDR MA CP DD Form 1155/1156 Casual Report Verification Supplemental Reports/Updates - Existence -Workload
LEWIS (3UA) 56 Army Band 1XMMT Tm 22 HR Co (Oct 07) 3XPstl Plt; 1XPstl P/O Tm 2XR5 Plt w/6XR5 Tm 1XR5 P/O Tm 1X Cas Plt HQ w/6XCLT MYER The U.S. Army Band LEE 392 Army Band MONROE 50 Army Band ABERDEEN 389 Army Band MEADE The U.S. Army Field Band OCONUS 9 Army Band (Alaska) 8 Army Band (Korea) 33 Army Band (Germany) 25 Div Band (Hawaii) 8 PERSCOM/HRSC (Hawaii) WEST POINT The USMA Band DRUM 10 Div Band RILEY (3UA) 1ID Band KNOX (1 UA) 113 Band LEONARDWOOD 399 Army Band EUSTIS 1XTG R5 Tm (Sep 06) 510 HR Co ** (Sep 06) 1XR5 P/O Tm 4XR5 Plt w/13 R5 Tm 1XCas Plt HQ w/7XCLT CARSON (4 UA) 4 ID Band JACKSON 282 Army Band SILL 77 Army Band BRAGG (4 UA) 82 Div Band 14th HRSC (Sep 06) 1XMMT Tm (Sep 06) 90 HR Co**(Sep 06) 1XPstl P/O Tm 3XPstl Plt 1X Cas Plt HQ w/6XCLT HUACHUCA 36 Army Band This map depicts the current (April 2006) FORSCOM plan for the basing of HR SRC12 structures in CONUS. There will be 5 HR Companies (22 platoons – 9 Postal, 9 R5, 4 Casualty) and in the AC, all based in CONUS. The HR Companies will be based at: Fort Bragg Fort Eustis Fort Campbell Fort Hood Fort Lewis Three MMT Teams will also be based in CONUS as well as two TG R5 Teams and one HRSC (Fort Bragg with duty forward in SWA) BLISS (4 UA) 1 AD Band CAMPBELL (4 UA) 101 Div Band 1XTG R5 Tm (Apr 07) 101 HR Co (Apr 07) 1XR5 P/O Tm w/3XR5 Plt 9XR5 Tm 1XCas Plt HQ w/6CLT STEWART (3 UA) 3ID Band HOOD (5 UA) 1 CD Band 1XMMT Tm 502 HR Co (Apr 07) 1XPstl P/O Tm w/3XPstl Plt SAM HOUSTON 323 Army Band FORSCOM OTHER MACOM HR Company/HRSC Restation from USAEUR-** BENNING 283 Army Band GORDON 434 Army Band MCPHERSON 214 Army Band RUCKER 98 Army Band AS OF: 19 APR 06
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