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Communicating in the Internet Age Chapter Twelve Copyright © 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin Organizational.

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2 Communicating in the Internet Age Chapter Twelve Copyright © 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin Organizational Behavior: Key Concepts, Skills & Best Practices, 3/e

3 12-3 After reading the material in this chapter, you should be able to: Describe the perceptual process model of communication Describe the process, personal, physical, and semantic barriers to effective communication Contrast the communication styles of assertiveness, aggressiveness, and nonassertiveness Discuss the primary sources of nonverbal communication

4 12-4 After reading the material in this chapter, you should be able to: Review the five dominant listening styles and 10 keys to effective listening Explain the information technology of Internet/intranet/extranet, e-mail, handheld devices, blogs, videoconferencing, and group support systems, and explain the related use of teleworking

5 12-5 Basic Dimensions of the Communication Process Communication – interpersonal exchange of information and understanding

6 12-6 A Perceptual Model of Communication Figure 12-1

7 12-7 Question? What part of the communication process is the output of encoding? A.Sender B.Feedback C.Endless loop D.Message

8 12-8 A Perceptual Model of Communication Sender – individual, group, or organization that desires or attempts to communicate with a particular receiver Encoding – translates mental thoughts into code or language that can be understood by others

9 12-9 A Perceptual Model of Communication Message – output of encoding -May contain hidden agendas as well as trigger affective or emotional reactions -Need to match the medium used to transmit them

10 12-10 A Perceptual Model of Communication Selecting a Medium – depends on the nature of the message, its intended purpose, type of audience, proximity to the audience, time horizon for disseminating the message, personal preferences, and the complexity of the problem/situation at hand

11 12-11 A Perceptual Model of Communication Potential Media: Face-to-face conversations Telephone calls E-mail Voice mail Videoconferencing Written memos or letters Photographs or drawings

12 12-12 A Perceptual Model of Communication Decoding – consists of translating verbal, oral, or visual aspects of a message into a form that can be interpreted Feedback – receives encodes a response and then transmits it to the original sender

13 12-13 A Perceptual Model of Communication Noise – interference with the transmission and understanding of a message

14 12-14 Barriers to Effective Communication Process Barriers: Sender barrier Encoding barrier Message barrier Medium barrier Decoding barrier Receiver barrier Feedback barrier

15 12-15 Barriers to Effective Communication Personal Barriers: Ability to effectively communicate Way people process and interpret information Level of interpersonal trust between people Stereotypes and prejudices

16 12-16 Barriers to Effective Communication Personal Barriers: Egos Poor listening skills Natural tendency to evaluate or judge the sender’s message Inability to listen with understanding

17 12-17 Barriers to Effective Communication Physical Barriers: Distance between employees Time zone differences Work and office noise Quality of telephone lines Crashed computers

18 12-18 Barriers to Effective Communication Semantics – study of words Semantic barriers – encoding and decoding errors that involve transmitting and receiving -Fueled by the use of jargon and acronyms

19 12-19 Interpersonal Communication Communication competence – ability to effectively use communication behaviors in a given context

20 12-20 Communication Competence Affects Upward Mobility Figure 12-2

21 12-21 Assertiveness, Aggressiveness, and Nonassertiveness Assertive style - expressive and self- enhancing, but does not take advantage of others. Aggressive style - expressive and self- enhancing, but takes advantage of others Nonassertive style - timid and self- denying behavior.

22 12-22 Communication Styles

23 12-23 Sources of Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal Communication - messages sent outside of the written and spoken word Sources: Body movement and gestures Touch Facial expression Eye contact

24 12-24 Advice to Improve Nonverbal Communication Skills Positive nonverbal actions include the following: Maintain eye contact Nod your head to convey that you are listening or that you agree Smile and show interest Lean forward to show the speaker you are interested Use a tone of voice that matches your message

25 12-25 Advice to Improve Nonverbal Communication Skills Negative nonverbal actions include the following: Avoiding eye contact and looking away from the speaker Closing your eyes or tensing your facial muscles Excessive yawning Using body language that conveys indecisiveness or lack of confidence Speaking too fast or too slow

26 12-26 Active Listening Listening - actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages.

27 12-27 Question? Which listening style integrates information by focusing on relationships among ideas? A.Appreciative B.Empathetic C.Comprehensive D.Discerning

28 12-28 Listening Styles Appreciative – listens for pleasure, entertainment, or inspiration Empathetic – interprets messages by focusing on emotions and body language Comprehensive – organizes specific thoughts and actions and integrates this information by focusing on relationships among ideas

29 12-29 Listening Styles Discerning – attempt to understand the main message and determine important points Evaluative – listen analytically and continually formulate arguments and challenges to what is being said

30 12-30 The Keys to Effective Listening

31 12-31 Women and Men Communicate Differently Linguistic style – person’s characteristic speaking pattern

32 12-32 Internet/Intranet/Extranet Internet - a global network of computer networks. Intranet - an organization’s private internet. Extranet - connects internal employees with selected customers, suppliers, and strategic partners

33 12-33 Electronic Mail Electronic Mail - uses the Internet/Intranet to send computer-generated text and documents

34 12-34 Benefits of E-mail 1.Reduces the cost of distributing information to a large number of employees 2.Tool for increasing teamwork 3.Reduces the costs and time associated with print duplication and paper distribution 4.Fosters flexibility

35 12-35 Drawbacks to E-mail 1.Can lead to a lot of wasted time and effort 2.People overestimate their ability to effectively communicate via e-mail 3.Information overload 4.People are using e-mail to communicate when they should be using other media

36 12-36 Additional Issues with E-mail 1.E-mail only works when the party you desire to communicate with also gets it 2.Speed of getting a response is dependent on how frequently the receiver examines his messages 3.Many companies do not have policies for using email

37 12-37 Blogs Blog – online journal in which people comment on any topic Read an example of BusinessWeek’s Blog

38 12-38 Videoconferencing Videoconferencing – uses video and audio links along with computers to enable people in different locations to see, hear, and talk with one another

39 12-39 Group Support Systems Group support systems – using computer software and hardware to help people work better together

40 12-40 Teleworking Teleworking – (telecommuting) a work practice in which an employee does part of his job in a remote location using a variety of information technologies

41 12-41 Benefits of Telework 1.Reduction of capital costs 2.Increased flexibility and autonomy for workers 3.Competitive edge in recruitment 4.Increased job satisfaction and lower turnover 5.Increased productivity 6.Tapping nontraditional labor pools

42 12-42 Video: Job Threat Paul Solman reports on how technology is threatening traditional jobs. (8:24)

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