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China A Traveler’s Dream By: Stephen Dvorak. Climates and When to Travel Since China is so large, it has quite a few different climates. Weather in the.

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Presentation on theme: "China A Traveler’s Dream By: Stephen Dvorak. Climates and When to Travel Since China is so large, it has quite a few different climates. Weather in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 China A Traveler’s Dream By: Stephen Dvorak

2 Climates and When to Travel Since China is so large, it has quite a few different climates. Weather in the northeast region can vary greatly from summer to winter. Summers in this area, May to August, are usually hot and dry, and winters, November to March, are usually very cold at about -40 degrees Celsius. Central China’s weather is a bit different. Summers are hot and humid, but the winters are cold, wet, and miserable. The best time to travel to these regions would be spring to early summer. This is because you would avoid the intense cold and rain of the winter and be able to miss the brunt of summer’s heat.

3 Beijing Beijing, China’s capital city, is located in the northeast of the country. It is full of Chinese culture. From food vendors on the street to imperial palaces and Olympic stadiums, this amazing city will never cease to astonish its visitors. Two sites in particular, the Forbidden City and the Bird’s Nest, draw a lot of attraction from travelers. People love seeing the beautiful architecture and size of the Bird’s Nest. The Forbidden City lures visitors in with its beauty, mystery, and its ancient history. Both sites speak of China’s astounding leaps of ingenuity and culture. You do not want to miss either of these awe inspiring places.

4 Forbidden City and the Bird’s Nest The Bird’s Nest was an unbelievable feat of engineering and architecture. The Forbidden City is a throwback to when China was the most advance nation in the world.

5 Xi’an Xi’an, one of China’s industrial and cultural centers, is located in central China. This ancient city has been the capital to five different imperial dynasties including the Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, and Tang dynasties. It is most well known for being the site of the Terra Cotta Soldiers. These soldiers and horses were placed there long ago to guard the tomb of a Qin dynasty emperor. Visitors are enchanted by the detail placed in the construction of the soldiers. Another interesting thing to see is the Xi’an City Wall. This wall was built in ancient times as a means of fortification. It has been rebuilt several times since then. People use the wall as a greeting point, a travel route, and a place for parades. Both sites are very interesting.

6 Terra Cotta Soldiers and the City Wall The City Wall has been a witness to the rise and fall of five different dynasties. These soldiers are silent guardians to the tomb of China’s first emperor, Qin Shi Huang.

7 Currency and Value Comparison Just like every other nation, China has its own currency. It is referred to as Renminbi, which literally means “the People’s Currency.” Renminbi is divided into yuan, jiao, and fen. The yuan is the basic unit. 1 yuan equals 10 jiao, and 10 jiao equal 100 fen. The notes that are in use are 2, 5, 10, 50, and 100 yuan. Coins that are used include 1 yuan, 5 jiao, and 1, 2, and 5 fen. Compared to the American dollar, one yuan would equal about 15 cents.

8 Traveling To and Through China China is a very large country. That means that there are plenty of international airports and a ton of train stations. That makes it a lot easier to travel to and around China. From the U.S., you would take off from D.C.’s Dulles Airport and fly to O’Hare Intl. in Chicago. From there you fly directly to Beijing’s Capital Airport. The journey would be 7167miles long. Then, after a week in Beijing you would take a 1128 mile train ride to Xi’an. After another week there, you would depart to Beijing and fly home. The total mileage covered would add up to 16,590 miles. It would be a very long trip

9 Passports and Visas As usual for international travel, documents of your citizenship will be required. The only thing required by the United States to travel to China is a passport. However, the Chinese government requires all non-residents to have a passport and a travel visa. The visa must have come from the Chinese Consulate and Embassy before departure. If you don’t have one of the documents you will not be permitted entry, you will be fined, and you will be deported immediately. So make sure you received a travel visa from the Chinese officials, and don’t forget your passport either

10 Required Vaccinations Travelers going to China will have to receive a few vaccinations before departing the U.S. Routine vaccinations for diseases like measels, mumps, chicken pox, etc. will have to be updated. Also, a malaria vaccination will have to received along with an avian influenza vaccination. Also, if you are going to travel to a rural area, it would be wise to ask medical professional for advice on Japanese encephalitis. Those are the major health risks at large in China.

11 Conclusion The land of China is an exotic and beautiful one. It is full of amazing places that will continue to dazzle their visitors. Travelers to China will surely sing the praise of this great nation for many years after their journey’s end. I would not want to give up a chance to visit the great nation of China.

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