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Animal Diseases & Parasites A.Categorize diseases by their cause B.List common diseases found in animals C.Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Diseases & Parasites A.Categorize diseases by their cause B.List common diseases found in animals C.Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Diseases & Parasites A.Categorize diseases by their cause B.List common diseases found in animals C.Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms D.Perform an animal health check E.Identify & describe zoonotic diseases

2 Types of Disease Disease Disease diˈzēz (noun) A disorder of structure or function that produces signs and symptoms A.Categorize diseases by their cause

3 Types of Disease Physiological Organs or glands don’t function properly o Diabetes: Pancreas doesn’t produce insulin to regulate blood sugar o Hyper/Hypothyroidism: Thyroid doesn’t produce thyroxin to regulate metabolism A.Categorize diseases by their cause

4 Types of Disease Nutritional Caused by inadequate nutrition o Ricketts: Insufficient iron in diet causes bones to weaken o Milk Fever: Caused when a lactating animal becomes deficient in calcium o White Muscle: Caused by lack of selenium and vitamin E in sheep and goats A.Categorize diseases by their cause

5 Types of Disease Morphological Physical defect caused by an accident or neglect o Cuts o Bruises o Scratches o Broken Bones A.Categorize diseases by their cause

6 Types of Disease Pathogenic Caused by a virus, bacteria, protozoa, or fungus o Parvovirus: Virus mostly effecting puppies that is transmitted through vomit & diarrhea of other sick puppies o Rabies: Virus transmitted through bite wounds A.Categorize diseases by their cause

7 Types of Disease Parasitic Caused by parasites (internal or external) o Heartworm Disease: Mosquitos transmit worms from animal to animal that grow and multiply in the bloodstream and will eventually cause heart failure. o West Nile Virus: Disease affecting birds, horses, and humans. Spread by mosquito bites A.Categorize diseases by their cause

8 Types of Disease Congenital Acquired through genetic inheritance o Hip Dysplasia: Commonly seen in large breed dogs. Condition is genetic and causes the hip sockets to be too loose and to degenerate quickly causing pain and lameness. A.Categorize diseases by their cause

9 Common Diseases How many animal diseases can you name? B. List common diseases found in animals

10 Parasites Parasite: Any organism that lives on/in another organism Causes the host harm Parasites will die without a host C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms

11 Parasites Internal Parasite: Live INSIDE it’s host C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms

12 Parasites Internal Parasite: Roundworm Looks like spaghetti Found in intestines C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms

13 Parasites Internal Parasite: Tape Worm Long and flat in intestines Break off in sections which look like rice in the stool C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms

14 Parasites Internal Parasite: Hook Worm Small, hook shape Attaches to walls of intestine C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms

15 Parasites Internal Parasite: Heartworm Found in circulatory system Eventually blocks heart valves C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms

16 Parasites External Parasite: Lives OUTSIDE it’s host C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms

17 Parasites External Parasite: Flea C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms Causes extreme Itching Not found in Utah! (They don’t survive the winters here) Can infect houses, live in couches, etc

18 Parasites External Parasite: Flies C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms Problem in the late summer & early fall Flies are attracted to animals Flies are annoying, but biggest problem is that they transmit disease

19 Parasites External Parasite: Maggots C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms Fly larvae (eggs) This parasite begins as external and then becomes internal

20 Parasites External Parasite: Mites C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms Live on surface of skin Attracted to warm, moist places such as the ear

21 Parasites External Parasite: Ticks C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms Attach themselves to body and suck blood Can transmit Lyme Disease

22 Parasites How are Parasites Transmitted? C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms Ingesting infected feces From mother to fetus Mosquitos (heartworm) Eating flesh of infected animal Ie: Cat eating mouse

23 Parasites How are Parasites Transmitted? C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms

24 Parasites Preventing Parasites C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms Internal: Pills Pastes Crumbles Injections

25 Parasites Preventing Parasites C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms External: Topical Medications Anti parasitic dips Sprays & Powders

26 Parasites External = Stand Internal = Sit C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms

27 Parasites Name that Parasite C. Identify common animal parasites and their symptoms

28 Health Checks D. Perform an animal health check

29 Health Checks D. Perform an animal health check Unhealthy Livestock: Loss of appetite Rough hair coat Abnormal feces Dull eyes High temperature Discolored urine Ruminants not chewing their cud


31 Types of Poisonous Plants These are only a few of the most poisonous plants found on western ranges. 1- Milkweed11- Halogeton 2- Chokecherry12- False Hellabore 3- Lupine13- Yellow Star Thistle (horses) 4- Nightshade14- Larkspur 5- Cocklebur15-Oak 6- Brackenfern16- Hemlock 7- Locoweed17- Ponderosa Pine Needles 8- Arrowgrass18- Klamath Weed 9- Death Camas19- Tansy Ragwort 10- Greasewood

32 » Preventing losses from Poisonous Plants: Avoid areas heavily infested with poisonous plants which, due to animal concentration and overgrazing, include waterholes trails, salt licks, and bedding grounds. Control and eradicate poisonous plants by mechanical or chemical means. Recognize signs of poisoning in various livestock species. Recognize various species of poisonous plants and their characteristics. Graze in proper season, when poisonous plants are not palatable or are unavailable. Provide salt. Avoid cutting poisonous plant infested meadows for hay. Types of Poisonous Plants

33 Preventing Losses from Poisonous Plants……. When poisonous plants become mixed with hay, it is difficult for animals to separate the safe from the toxic material. The increase likelihood of consumption of poisonous plants make the hay a very poor investment of time and money.

34 Can you figure it out?? Colorado State's department of public health was alerted to an unusual cluster of diarrheal illness in Denver. Thus far, 26 cases have been associated with this outbreak. All of the cases submitted fecal samples and cultured positive for the pathogen Salmonella Serotype Infantis. 83% of these cases are children. E. Identify & describe zoonotic diseases

35 Can you figure it out?? Clue…. They all visited 1 place E. Identify & describe zoonotic diseases

36 Can you figure it out?? Clue…. And saw the same Komodo Dragon E. Identify & describe zoonotic diseases

37 Can you figure it out?? Answer…. Many of the children visiting the exhibit placed their hands upon the wooden barrier. You can see the Komodo Dragon also placing its claws upon the same barrier. When the investigators tested the wooden barrier, they cultured Salmonella Serotype Infantis. Additionally, they also found that persons were significantly less likely to become ill if they washed their hands after visiting the exhibit. This outbreak demonstrated the following three things: 1) people can acquire salmonellosis from reptiles, 2) salmonellosis from animals can be transmitted indirectly, and 3) washing hands is protective against illness. E. Identify & describe zoonotic diseases

38 Zoonotic Disease Zoonotic Disease= An infectious disease that is transmitted from one species to another -Example: From animal to human E. Identify & describe zoonotic diseases

39 Zoonotic Disease Preventing Zoonotic Disease= Wash your hands! Keep animals healthy and dewormed regularly E. Identify & describe zoonotic diseases /zoonoses/zoonotic_diseases.html

40 Herd Health Plan Provide adequate nutrition Maintain adequate livestock facilities; avoid overcrowding. Keep facilities clean and disinfected. Use proper immunization. Develop procedure for parasite control. Isolate new or returning animals for 3-4 weeks before combining with bred. Rotate pastures. Keep animal stress to a minimum. Control possible disease spread by visiting humans. Work closely with veterinarian in developing prevention programs as well as treating diseases.

41 Herd Health Plan Bring only clean animals into herd. Drain lots so that they will remain dry and free of stagnant water (paved lots are best). Isolate all animals known to have contagious infections. Treat open wounds and navels of newborn calves with reliable disinfectant. Provide plenty of exercise for breeding herd. If cows calve in places other than clean pastures, be sure area is well-bedded and disinfected. Provide plenty of clean, fresh water.

42 Bell Quiz Objectives A & B 1.What are 3 causes of disease? (There are 6 total) 2.What type of disease is diabetes where the body does not produce adequate insulin? 3.Give an example of a disease caused by nutritional deficiency. 4.Give an example of a parasitic disease 5.Describe a pathogenic disease

43 Bell Quiz Objectives C, D, & E 1.What are the 2 types or classifications of parasites? 2.List 3 internal parasites 3.What are 5 common signs that an animal is healthy? 4.What is a zoonosis? 5.What is the first and best line of defense against zoonotic diseases?

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