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What is the Pathways Project?  Access to enhanced services that have been proven to increase the completion rate of education, training, and employment.

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2 What is the Pathways Project?


4  Access to enhanced services that have been proven to increase the completion rate of education, training, and employment programs A full-time, on-site Pathways Project case manager Specialized Basic Education programs Exclusive Post-Secondary certificates Job Seeking/ Job Retention workshops Computer Basics & Career Awareness classes Transportation Assistance Support for Child Care Expenses

5 Track One:  Accelerated General Equivalency Diploma (GED) Career Awareness Job Seeking /Job Retention Computer Basics Track Two:  Pre-College Preparation Career Awareness Computer Basics Pre-College Education Certificates

6 Post-Secondary Training Certificates Track Three:  Gerontology/ Memory Caregiver Introduction to Gerontology Introduction to Dementia Care Caregiving at the End of Life Medical Terminology CNA Job Seeking /Job Retention

7 Post-Secondary Training Certificates …..continued Track Four:  Customer Service/ Office Technology Customer Service Management Core Business Skills Microsoft Office Hardware & Software Troubleshooting Data Communications Computer Basics Job Seeking/Job Retention

8 Post-Secondary Training Certificates …..continued Track Five:  Industrial Manufacturing Fundamentals Core Business Skills Microsoft Office Pre-Algebra College Math Core Manufacturing Skills ( Manufacturing Skills Standards Council (MSSC )certificate) Job Seeking/Job Retention

9 Evidence CertificateStudents Enrolled Students Completed Employed Continued Education Gerontology/ Memory Caregiver 43 34 34 16 Accelerated GED108605127 Pre-College Preparation 53433226 Customer service/Office Technology 30 14 12 8 Students Enrolled Students Completed Employed Continued Education 23415112977

10 Evidence…………Employment Low Wage$7.25 Average Wage$8.61 High Wage$15.20  47 area employers including……………. Del Monte St. Joseph's Hospital Ho-Chunk Nation Veolia Wisconsin Rapids Care Center Innovative Services ECC Corrosion Johnson’s Distributing MC Services

11 Evidence……Post-Secondary Nursing12 Bio-refinery1 Instrumentation1 Business15 Medical Assistant5 Auto Mechanic1 IT Programming1 Phlebotomy2 WAIT LIST - Auto Mechanic1 Administrative Professional9 Renewable Energy Specialist3 Gerontology Certificate11 Industrial Manufacturing Certificate3 Customer Service Certificate3 Urban Forestry1 Medical Assistant (waitlist)4 Accounting2 Early Childhood2 Total77

12 Meet the Schmid’s Schmids Beat the Odds - YouTube

13 Financial Reality  FSET 50/50 Match Grant A sub-grant of the State of Wisconsin’s Food Share and Employment Training grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Wood County Human Services – fiscal agent 1 – year renewable  MSTC Standard contract service agreement costs Full-time instructors  Incourage Community Foundation $30,000 for transportation and other ancillary support for participants $5,000 towards MSSC materials and assessments

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