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The trkNavigator plugin 22/10/2003 - CERN - DataBase meeting Simone Paoletti INFN - Sez. Firenze.

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Presentation on theme: "The trkNavigator plugin 22/10/2003 - CERN - DataBase meeting Simone Paoletti INFN - Sez. Firenze."— Presentation transcript:

1 The trkNavigator plugin 22/10/2003 - CERN - DataBase meeting Simone Paoletti INFN - Sez. Firenze

2 CERN, 22/10/2003 S. Paoletti: trkNavigator 2 Two are the same...  The trkNavigator Java client: a stand-alone java application which connects to the tracker DB in Lyon and retrieves information via the relay application  the trkNavigator plugin (since 22 Sept.): an extension to the BigBrowser: same functionality of the Java client, same interface.  Faster access to the trakcer DB  Integrated into the BigBrowser (one tool)  need to have BigBrowser installed and to log into the database.

3 CERN, 22/10/2003 S. Paoletti: trkNavigator 3 What it does trkNavigator retrieves single tracker object information from the tracker database, allowing to: i) select one sample of objects (sensors, hybrids, modules, apvs) according to ID (part of ID, qualification result …) ii) show:  basic object information (type, description, location, last action performed, status, failures/repairs...)  the objects contained, according to the OBJECT_ASSEMBLY table  the main qualification tests performed iii) Browse tests according to their composite structure

4 CERN, 22/10/2003 S. Paoletti: trkNavigator 4 Why It is an analysis-oriented tool:  Browse the DB on a “per object” basis  keep ID typings at a minimum  make full test information available, following the DB table structure  general:  any object appearing in the OBJECT_ASSEMBLY table will be shown  any test described in the ACTION_DESCRIPTION table may be inserted  Plots:  either scatter plots or histos (rebinnable)  plot interface based on JAS. May adjust appearance (Axis, labels, binning,…)  may be exported to text files (easy to import into excel)

5 CERN, 22/10/2003 S. Paoletti: trkNavigator 5 Installation Download and install instructions and manual at: Plugin: Download (trkNav_BigBrowser.tar.gz) inside the directory where BigBrowser is installed. Unpack it: will add dbmod.jar inside the “lib” directory, will replace jas.jar with a newer version, will install the trkNavigator.class inside the “plugin” directory. Add $INST_DIR/lib/dbmod.jar to the CLASSPATH Execute BigBrowser: trkNavigator will be accessible from the "plugin" menu. Stand-alone application Just need JRE installed (; include dbmod.jar, jas,jar xercesImpl.jar in the classpath and run “java dbmod/DBModules” Please test it and send me feedback/comments

6 CERN, 22/10/2003 S. Paoletti: trkNavigator 6 The BigBrowser script rem Set the installation directory set INST_DIR= set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%LD_LIBRARY_PATH%;%INST_DIR%\jdk1.3\jre\bin echo off echo " _____ _ ____ ____ " echo " |_ _| __ __ _ ___| | _____ _ __| _ \| __ ) " echo " | || '__/ _' |/ __| |/ / _ \ '__| | | | _ \ " echo " | || | | (_| | (__| < __/ | | |_| | |_) |" echo " |_||_| \__,_|\___|_|\_\___|_| |____/|____/ " echo "" echo "Starting..." echo on %INST_DIR%\jdk1.3\jre\bin\javaw -classpath "%INST_DIR%\lib\;%INST_DIR%\lib\jas.jar;%INST_DIR%\l ib\hep.jar;%INST_DIR%\lib\jbcl.jar;%INST_DIR%\lib\mail.jar;%INST_ DIR%\lib\xerces.jar;%INST_DIR%\lib\Plot2D1.2.jar;%INST_DIR%\lib\c mstrk.jar;%INST_DIR%\lib\dbmod.jar" BigBrowser %INST_DIR%

7 CERN, 22/10/2003 S. Paoletti: trkNavigator 7 How it works...

8 CERN, 22/10/2003 S. Paoletti: trkNavigator 8 1) Select here the kind of object defining the sample 2) type here the ID or part of the ID (or nothing at all !) 3) Press the search button 4) Choose one object The object information is displayed here 5) click on any of the red links to the tests … (only composite actions here) Contained objects Composite tests for this object

9 CERN, 22/10/2003 S. Paoletti: trkNavigator 9 Links to base-actions available here Basic test information Test result value Green links to plot interfaces Composite Action

10 CERN, 22/10/2003 S. Paoletti: trkNavigator 10 Basic Action: measurements are shown in blue (units are shown within “[ ]”, if present in the ACTION_DESCRIPTION table). By clicking on blue links the mesurement content is printed in the output area at the bottom of the screen (may select into the clipboard)

11 CERN, 22/10/2003 S. Paoletti: trkNavigator 11 Red links: bring either to Tests or to other tracker objects (when you click it, something else is shown) Blue links: print the raw data for one measurement into the output area at the bottom of the interface (may be useful when data is too long to be shown on the table: in this case the “click to print” is shown iside the table). Green links: make the relative plot appear in a separate frame. Color codes

12 CERN, 22/10/2003 S. Paoletti: trkNavigator 12 Tests  “??” means that the application did not jet try to look for that test in the database  “:0:” means that the application did find the test in the DB and the test result is shown  “(none)” means that the test is not registered in the DB  “(running)” means that the test has running status, so the test result is not yet defined Information related to module validation and long-term tests is presently searched in the “Test” database instead of the “Production” database. By default only tests with “reference” status are shown. This can be changed by enhancing the depth of the test searches via the “Customization” button. In any case, the application will show the most recent test with the higher priority (in the order: reference > running > valid) existing in the database.

13 CERN, 22/10/2003 S. Paoletti: trkNavigator 13 Plot interface Use the “WriteData” button to write plot data into ASCII format (may later import it inside excel) File plot.txt inside the directory where the application is running. Use these to over-impose this plot to another one

14 CERN, 22/10/2003 S. Paoletti: trkNavigator 14

15 CERN, 22/10/2003 S. Paoletti: trkNavigator 15 Hybrid Information

16 CERN, 22/10/2003 S. Paoletti: trkNavigator 16 Sensor information

17 CERN, 22/10/2003 S. Paoletti: trkNavigator 17 Sensor Batch Allows to access PQC information

18 CERN, 22/10/2003 S. Paoletti: trkNavigator 18 Conclusions  trkNavigator is an analysis tool which allows to retrieve single- object information from the tracker DB  it is a “general” tool: the information is displayed according to the DB table structure for any object  no special “customization” of the information is performed  it is both:  a stand-alone tool which connets to the tracker DB through the relay application  an extension (plugin) to the BigBrowser

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