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Esk Valley Pathfinder Putting You First Working together to make our health, care and support services better A partnership between Dumfries and Galloway.

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Presentation on theme: "Esk Valley Pathfinder Putting You First Working together to make our health, care and support services better A partnership between Dumfries and Galloway."— Presentation transcript:

1 Esk Valley Pathfinder Putting You First Working together to make our health, care and support services better A partnership between Dumfries and Galloway Council, NHS Dumfries and Galloway, third and independent sectors.

2 Introduction & Background Regional Picture – Workstream Diagram & Change & Innovation Projects. Population & Demographics of Esk Valley: –Approximately 4561 people across Langholm, Canonbie, Eskdalemuir & surrounding areas. –a larger proportion of older people and a smaller proportion of young people. –Life expectancy in Langholm is currently 81.5 years for males and 82.9 years for females. Community-led Pathfinder: –Community engagement took place in February 2012, however, is an ongoing process. –Staff engagement is also taking place on an ongoing basis. –Langholm Initiative & CADISPA Community Appraisal. Development of multi-agency Esk Valley Pathfinder Group – this group has been formed to take forward specific pieces of work within the locality.

3 PYF Workstreams All Workstreams will benefit the Esk Valley communities. Delivering Innovative, Modern Services Pathfinder Area Change & Innovation Change & Innovation Change & Innovation Pathfinder Area Pathfinder Area Forward Looking Care Supporting People at Home Keeping People Safe Delivering Seamless Care Supporting Carers Developing Effective, Efficient Care Pathways Building Community Resilience Change & Innovation D&G

4 Esk Valley Community Engagement In February-March 2012, the community asked for: Improved community transport; More support for Carers including respite care; Localised services; Better use of Thomas Hope Hospital; Use of technology to provide services closer to home; Increased access to low level support services; Some of the above has also been highlighted in the Langholm Initiative & CADISPA report.

5 Examples of Recent Developments Technology Solutions - Video Conferencing facility and Office Communications Systems (OCS) installed in Thomas Hope Hospital. Multi-site OCS telemedicine clinics are being developed to enable follow on appointments with some clinical services without patients/clinicians having to travel. Local Carers Strategy Launch. Carers Self Assessment Test of Change. Langholm Initiative & CADISPA Community Appraisal and 5 year Action Plan. Social Worker and Mental Health Support presence in THH.

6 Various meetings with local partners/community members working together to develop Person Centred/Needs led solutions to local issues such as identifying solutions to local transport issues. Community Volunteers identified for further involvement through Community Engagement Team.

7 Local low level support and self management groups being developed through co-production, including Mental Health Support and Reminiscence Group. Groups for Respiratory Support and Carers are also being developed locally. Groups and other Community Assets are being ‘mapped’ by the Engagement Team and added to the ALISS (Access to Local Information to Support Self-management) search engine. A Community Notice Board been created as a means to get information about local health improving activities and low level support to a wider audience. Muckle Toon Memories at the Day Centre ‘The Langholm Group’ at the Thomas Hope

8 Change & Innovation Projects Change & Innovation Fund Projects will also have a positive impact on the Esk Valley including: Home from Hospital; WRVS – Good Neighbours Scheme; Basic Footcare Podiatry Project; A&E HIT Community Resilience Project; Hard of Hearing - Care, Repair & Support Service; Building Healthy Communities - Long Term Conditions, Self Management Programme; Living Well with Dementia; Stress & Distress Team.

9 Any Questions?

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