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ATOMIC STRUCTURE NEUCLONS ELECTRONSPARTICLES HISTORY STABLE or not ELEMENTS $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500.

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Presentation on theme: "ATOMIC STRUCTURE NEUCLONS ELECTRONSPARTICLES HISTORY STABLE or not ELEMENTS $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500."— Presentation transcript:



3 NEUCLONS ELECTRONSPARTICLES HISTORY STABLE or not ELEMENTS $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 End game and credits

4 NUCLEONS - $100 n The particle that has a positive charge. n What is a proton? Back to game board

5 NUCLEONS - $200 n Particle that has no charge. n What is a neutron? Back to game board

6 NUCLEONS - $300 n Where scientists collide particles (protons) to study fundamental atomic particles. n What is a particle collider? Back to game board

7 NUCLEONS - $400 n Protons and neutrons – size and mass n What particles have approximately the same size and mass? Or n What is 1 amu (atomic mass unit)? Back to game board

8 NUCLEONS - $500 n The forces that hold the neutrons and the protons together in the nucleus. n What are nuclear forces? Back to game board

9 ELECTRONS - $100 n 1/2000 th the mass. n What is the size of an electron compared to a proton or neutron? Back to game board

10 ELECTRONS - $200 n Charge of an electron. n What is negative? Back to game board

11 ELECTRONS - $300 n Where electrons are located n Electron cloud Back to game board

12 ELECTRONS - $400 n the maximum number of electrons that go on the first 3 energy levels? n What is 2, 8, 8? Back to game board

13 ELECTRONS - $500 n Groups or families n How are elements grouped based on number of electrons in the atoms (of the same group or family) outer energy levels? OR n How are elements grouped that have similar properties based on outer energy level electrons? Back to game board

14 PARTICLES - $100 n particles makeup the nucleus of the atom n What are Protons and neutrons? Back to game board

15 PARTICLES - $200 n How you calculate # of neutrons. n What is subtract atomic # (# of protons) from atomic mass? Back to game board

16 PARTICLES - $300 n These subatomic particles are located in orbitals around the nucleus. n What are electrons? Back to game board

17 PARTICLES - $400 n Positively charged alpha particles. n During the gold foil test (Rutherfords experiment) what was “shot” at the gold foil? Back to game board

18 PARTICLES - $500 n Several atoms with differing numbers of neutrons, same element. n What is an isotope? Back to game board

19 HISTORY - $100 n Philosopher that first described smallest piece of matter as indivisible or not to be cut. n Who was Democritus? Back to game board

20 HISTORY - $200 n The “father of the modern periodic table” and first grouped elements together. n Who was Mendeleyev? Back to game board

21 HISTORY - $300 n Scientist that conducted gold foil test n Who was Rutherford? Back to game board

22 HISTORY - $400 n 3 of the 5 individuals we discussed that contributed to the development of modern atomic model/theory. n Who were Democritus, Dalton, Thompson, Rutherford, Bohr? Back to game board

23 HISTORY - $500 n Scientist that discovered electrons. n Who was JJ Thomson? Back to game board

24 STABLE or not - $100 n Atoms that lose or gain an electron. n What is an ion? Back to game board

25 STABLE or not - $200 n The outermost energy level with electrons. n What is the valence shell? Back to game board

26 STABLE or not - $300 n Alkali metals in the first column of the periodic table all form this type of ion. n What is +1 ion? Back to game board

27 STABLE or not - $400 n Elements in Column 18 that are most stable. n What are the noble gases? Back to game board

28 STABLE or not - $500 n Radioactive elements. n What are elements that have an imbalance of neutrons and protons? OR n What is an atom that has more neutrons (too many neutrons) in relation to protons? Back to game board

29 PERIODIC TABLE - $100 n This element has NO neutrons. n What the element hydrogen? Back to game board

30 PERIODIC TABLE - $200 n This noble gas does NOT have 8 electrons in its outer energy level. n What is Helium? Back to game board

31 PERIODIC TABLE - $300 n Groups or families on the periodic table. n What are the vertical columns (elements that have similar properties)? Back to game board

32 PERIODIC TABLE - $400 n This number on the periodic table gives you the number of protons AND electrons of an element. n What is the atomic number? Back to game board

33 PERIODIC TABLE - $500 n This elemental number signifies the number of neutrons and protons for each element. n What is atomic mass or atomic weight? Back to game board

34 THANK YOU FOR PLAYING... ATOMIC STRUCTURE Jeopardy Atom image from Jeopardy backgrounds from Power point template received from Cheryl Cronbaugh Atomic structure game created by Lee Rowlinson

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