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September 17--Monday Practice use of end punctuation and question marks plus capitalization Write the following sentence correctly in your relay section:

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Presentation on theme: "September 17--Monday Practice use of end punctuation and question marks plus capitalization Write the following sentence correctly in your relay section:"— Presentation transcript:

1 September 17--Monday Practice use of end punctuation and question marks plus capitalization Write the following sentence correctly in your relay section: Have you read “The adventure of the Specked Band” by sir arthur Conan Doyle

2 Helpful Resources Nouns pages 294-298 Pronouns pages 300-314 Verbs pages 315-323 Adjectives pages 326-335 Adverbs Pages 339-343 Prepositions pages 346-350 Conjunctions and Interjections pages 356-358

3 Is this homework ? You will use page n your agenda in completing the assignment.

4 September 18, 2012—ALL (copy guessed and guest into your relay section) HAVE OUT your homework. guessed (v.) past tense of “to guess,” which means “to predict or estimate” (“He didn’t know the answer, so he guessed.”) guest (n.) a visitor to a home or business (“I was a guest at my friend’s party.”) September 19 Wednesday: wave (n.) a ridge or swell moving along the surface of the water (“an ocean wave); (v.) to move back and forth or up and down (“to wave goodbye”) waive (v.) to give up a claim or right voluntarily (“to waive your right to an attorney”)

5 September 20, 2012—ALL (copy into your relay section) core (n.) the center or most important part of something (“An apple’s seeds are in its core.”) corps (n.) a special branch of the armed forces; a group of people acting together (“the Marine Corps”) September 21, 2012 __ALL--FRIDAY prophet (n.) one who speaks with divine inspiration or predicts the future (“God spoke through his prophet.”) profit (n.)advantageous gain; return on an investment (“the profit from a good business”)

6 September 21, 2012—ALL (copy into your relay section) assistants (pl. n.) helpers (“I need three assistants to help me with my project.”) assistance (n.) aid or help (“The hurricane victims need assistance with food and shelter.”) September 24, Monday--ALL shone (v.) past tense of “to shine” (“There were no clouds last night, so the stars shone brightly.”) shown (v.) past participle of “to show” (“The math teacher has shown his students how to divide fractions three times already.”)

7 September 25, 2012--ALL Use 8 out of the 12 homophones from this week’s warm-ups in as few sentences as possible. Each sentence must use AT LEAST TWO homophones. Example: My assistants waved goodbye when they left my room. (declarative) CREATE YOUR OWN SENTENCES Try to create sentences in the 4 types: Exclamatory Imperative Interrogative Declarative

8 September 27, 2012 Indefinite pronouns refer to unknown people, places, or things. These words are always replaced by a singular pronoun: Eacheitheranybody Anythingno onesomebody Anyonesomethingeverything Nothingnobodysomeone

9 September 27, 2012--ENHANCED REVIEW: Indefinite pronouns refer to unknown people, places, or things. These words are always replaced by a singular pronoun: Eacheitheranybody Anyonesomethingeverything Nothingnobodysomeone neither anything everybody Write the following correctly into your relay section: 1. Each girl who danced wore a flower in ____hair. 2. Everyone should proofread ________work before handing it in to Mrs. Watson.

10 September 28, 2012--ALL ALL—REVIEW FOR 6 WEEKS TEST

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