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Week February 2, 2015 – February 6, 2015 DECA NEWS: Meetings held second week of each Month – Wear Red on FRIDAY! – Promote Heart Health for the American.

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Presentation on theme: "Week February 2, 2015 – February 6, 2015 DECA NEWS: Meetings held second week of each Month – Wear Red on FRIDAY! – Promote Heart Health for the American."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week February 2, 2015 – February 6, 2015 DECA NEWS: Meetings held second week of each Month – Wear Red on FRIDAY! – Promote Heart Health for the American Heart Association! Sign up for Relay for Life Team! Sign up to help at the KG Home Show! Due This Week: My Story – Due NOW! (last day is Friday) Marketing Test Monday Vocabulary Test Friday Get a Job Packet – Keep Working!

2  Early Work: What is the Marketing Concept?  Today’s Objective: Developing a Career/Developing a Career/  Activities (Collect My Story)  Super Bowl Discussion  Check off Vocabulary and Journal from last Friday  Marketing Test  Review your References  Career Investigation –  Show & Tell  Homework: Be sure to turn in My Story! ☞ Point of the Day: A Goal is the result or achievement toward which effort is directed. What was your favorite commercial? Magic Monday Morning – Manners Moment

3  Early Work: What is the Marketing Mix (the 7 Ps)?  Today’s Objective: Developing a Career/Developing a Career/  Activities  Vocabulary Vocabulary  Marketing Test  Magic Book  Perfect Handshake & Body Language  Career Investigation –  Show & Tell  Homework: Be sure to turn in My Story! ☞ Point of the Day: You should always have three (3) references that you can use at anytime. “Rule #1 – Never lose money. Rule #2 – Never forget Rule #1! ~ WB Tough Tuesday – Name that Company

4  Early Work: What do you want to be when you finish school?  Today’s Objective: Developing a Career/Developing a Career/  Activities  Vocabulary – Is this in your Composition Book? Define! Vocabulary  Personal Interest Packet  Resume Worksheet  Any more Marketing Tests?  Any more Show and Tell?  Homework: Be sure to turn in My Story! ☞ Point of the Day: Your Name is so very important! Don’t you love hearing it? “Rule #1 – Never lose money. Rule #2 – Never forget Rule #1! ~ WB Wicked Work Wear Wednesday & Role Play Day!

5  Early Work: Newspaper Day – The Free Lance Star What is the most important thing on your Resume?  Today’s Objective: Developing a Career/Developing a Career/  Activities (Last day for My Story)  Vocabulary – Due Tomorrow! Test Tomorrow! Vocabulary  Personality on Paper – Your design – create your Letterhead  Finish all worksheets  Career Objectives – how to write these  What should your Resume look like?  What job should you apply for? Want Ads – what are these?  Where else to look for possible positions  Homework: Vocabulary Test tomorrow ☞ Point of the Day: The most important thing on your resume is YOUR NAME! Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast; in the pool, where you least expect it, there will be a fish. Thundering Thursday – Share a Weird Fact today!

6  Early Work: Where can you look for a job?  Today’s Objective: Developing a Career/Developing a Career/  Activities  Vocabulary – TEST Today Vocabulary  Index Cards – fill out 3x5 – Name & Words/WDYWTB & HOW  Marketing History – Read & follow directions to answer questions  Due Monday!  Next Step – Your Resume & References  Journal – “I think I make a great first impression and here is why…” OR “I need to improve my first impression and here is how…”  Homework: Marketing History – answer questions ☞ Point of the Day: First Impressions Matter! People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character. Foxes Friday - The Week’s Wrap-Up & Good News!

7 You can find the definitions to these words in your Career Guide for Virginia book, dictionary, or the Internet. Define in your Composition book IN THE PROPER SECTION! Remember to LABEL & DATE the Page! Due FRIDAY!!  Resume  Reference  Job Application  Cover Letter  Accomplishments  Career Objective  Interview  Follow-Up  Want Ad  Networking

8  Developing a Career  Analyze personal interests, personality traits, and skills  Research career opportunities in marketing  Use various job search strategies  Develop/update a resume  Describe the steps for posting an electronic resume  Update a cover letter  Complete a job application  Complete an employment interview and follow up  Describe networking skills for professional development  Develop a personal marketing plan  Identify the purposes and types of employment tests and personality profiles  Identify procedures in resigning from a position CTE Competencies Linked to SOLs

9 What is your Personality on Paper? How do you Present Yourself in Person? The Get a Job Packet is your Package of YOU! Your RESUME, Your REFERENCES, Your COVER LETTER, Your APPLICATION, Your INTERVIEW, & Your FOLLOW-UP THANK YOU NOTE! Take note of everything you can this week to prepare for your future job opportunities – and get ready for your INTERVIEW next week!

10  R-E-S-P-E-C-T EVERYTHING!!!  Your supplies – bring your stuff every-day! Bring your book every-day! Bring your notebook & composition book every- day! Bring pen/paper/thinking cap/open mind ever-day!  Place all bags on the floor under your table!  Wait for Teacher instruction before beginning activity!  Passes out of Class - No Exit First 10/Last 10  One person out of room at a time  Pass Board – USE IT!  Keep it short!  Stay in your seat until you are dismissed from class – the bell tells Teacher when class is over; Teacher then dismisses you.  No talking while Teacher or others have the floor.  Watch your language and mind your manners, please.  All School Rules will be followed without question.

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