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Published byStephany Grant Modified over 9 years ago
Building Hope Class Living Hope Lutheran Church Reunion, CO
Lesson Seven: God the Holy Spirit Uses the Lord’s Supper to Strengthen Faith.
Last Week’s Homework: 1. A Sacrament is a sacred act that was started… a. ___ by Jesus for the original disciples but isn’t very important today. b. ___ by the early believers to show that they were different from unbelievers. c. ___ by Jesus for believers to use until the end of the world.
Last Week’s Homework: 1. A Sacrament is a sacred act that was started… a. ___ by Jesus for the original disciples but isn’t very important today. b. ___ by the early believers to show that they were different from unbelievers. c. ___ by Jesus for believers to use until the end of the world.
Last Week’s Homework: 2. The two sacraments are… a. ___ Baptism and the Lord’s Supper b. ___ prayer and God’s Word (the Bible). c. ___ Baptism and God’s Word
Last Week’s Homework: 2. The two sacraments are… a. ___ Baptism and the Lord’s Supper b. ___ prayer and God’s Word (the Bible). c. ___ Baptism and God’s Word
Last Week’s Homework: 3. We should remember that Baptism is… a. ___ using water to symbolize the washing away of sins. b. ___ special “holy water” blessed in a church ceremony. c. ___ water plus the Word of God, used according to God’s command.
Last Week’s Homework: 3. We should remember that Baptism is… a. ___ using water to symbolize the washing away of sins. b. ___ special “holy water” blessed in a church ceremony. c. ___ water plus the Word of God, used according to God’s command.
Last Week’s Homework: 4. The Lord Jesus commanded us to baptize… a. ___ by applying water in any manner, as long as we do so with God’s Word. b. ___ by sprinkling or pouring water on the person at least three times. c. ___ by immersing people completely so that the whole body is cleaned.
Last Week’s Homework: 4. The Lord Jesus commanded us to baptize… a. ___ by applying water in any manner, as long as we do so with God’s Word. b. ___ by sprinkling or pouring water on the person at least three times. c. ___ by immersing people completely so that the whole body is cleaned.
Last Week’s Homework: 5. The Lord Jesus also commanded us to baptize… a. ___ all people old enough to confess their sins. b. ___ all people who are from Christian homes. c. ___ all people, regardless of age.
Last Week’s Homework: 5. The Lord Jesus also commanded us to baptize… a. ___ all people old enough to confess their sins. b. ___ all people who are from Christian homes. c. ___ all people, regardless of age.
Last Week’s Homework: 6. One thing we should remember about infants who are baptized is that they… a. ___ cannot really believe in Jesus, since they are not old enough. b. ___ are not sinful yet, but will need Baptism later on in life. c. ___ are included in Christ’s command, are sinful, and can believe in Jesus.
Last Week’s Homework: 6. One thing we should remember about infants who are baptized is that they… a. ___ cannot really believe in Jesus, since they are not old enough. b. ___ are not sinful yet, but will need Baptism later on in life. c. ___ are included in Christ’s command, are sinful, and can believe in Jesus.
Last Week’s Homework: 7. The idea that small children can truly trust in Jesus as their Savior is… a. ___ something we cannot be sure about. b. ___ clearly taught in the Bible and is a result of God’s power in the heart. c. ___ impossible, since people must be able to understand before they can believe.
Last Week’s Homework: 7. The idea that small children can truly trust in Jesus as their Savior is… a. ___ something we cannot be sure about. b. ___ clearly taught in the Bible and is a result of God’s power in the heart. c. ___ impossible, since people must be able to understand before they can believe.
Last Week’s Homework: 8. Baptism is… a. ___ only a sign or symbol that a person is now a believer. b. ___ a means by which God forgives sins and works faith in the heart. c. ___ a church ceremony that shows obedience and makes a person a church member.
Last Week’s Homework: 8. Baptism is… a. ___ only a sign or symbol that a person is now a believer. b. ___ a means by which God forgives sins and works faith in the heart. c. ___ a church ceremony that shows obedience and makes a person a church member.
Last Week’s Homework: 9. If one rejects Baptism,… a. ___ that is a result of unbelief and results in condemnation. b. ___ it doesn’t make that much difference as long as you believe in Jesus. c. ___ we don’t know what will happen to that person.
Last Week’s Homework: 9. If one rejects Baptism,… a. ___ that is a result of unbelief and results in condemnation. b. ___ it doesn’t make that much difference as long as you believe in Jesus. c. ___ we don’t know what will happen to that person.
Last Week’s Homework: 10. The difference between an older person and an infant in Baptism is that… a. ___ an older person’s Baptism has deeper meaning because a baby doesn’t understand what’s happening. b. ___ an older person can be instructed before Baptism while an infant is first baptized, then instructed. c. ___ adult Baptism is commanded by God while infant Baptism isn’t.
Last Week’s Homework: 10. The difference between an older person and an infant in Baptism is that… a. ___ an older person’s Baptism has deeper meaning because a baby doesn’t understand what’s happening. b. ___ an older person can be instructed before Baptism while an infant is first baptized, then instructed. c. ___ adult Baptism is commanded by God while infant Baptism isn’t.
What is the Lord’s Supper? Read Matthew 26:26-28 The Lord’s Supper is the Sacrament that Christ instituted on the night before his death. It involves eating bread and drinking wine through God gives us Jesus’ body and blood.
How are Christ’s body and blood present in the Sacrament? Read Mark 14:22-24 Jesus doesn’t bother to explain how his body and blood are present. He only assures us that they are. We accept his words in faith without trying to explain how. As with the Trinity and baptism, we do not have to understand them in order to believe and enjoy the benefits they give us. Cf. Deuteronomy 29:29
How are Christ’s body and blood present in the Sacrament? Read 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 Paul explicitly says that Christ’s body and blood are present in the Sacrament. But he does not try to explain how. Both of God’s Sacraments are as transcendent as his essence (i.e. Trinity).
Why do we still receive the Lord’s Supper today? A. Luke 22:19 Jesus said that we are to continue celebrating the Lord’s Supper in the church in order to remember him and his work in our behalf. B. 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 We also have an opportunity to proclaim Christ’s redeeming work to others when we partake of the Sacrament.
What are the benefits of receiving the Lord’s Supper? Matthew 26:28 The Lord’s Supper is a means by which God gives his forgiving grace to the individuals. We receive the forgiveness of sins. Romans 10:17 Whenever we receive forgiveness from God our faith is strengthened. SIN
What gives the Lord’s Supper such power? Matthew 26:28 The promise of Christ when he instituted the Sacrament. …for the forgivenes s of sins.
Who may receive the Lord’s Supper? 1 Corinthians 11:26-27 Those who can and do properly examine themselves… 1. Am I truly repentant of all my sins? Romans 6:1,2 If we come to the Lord’s table with the intent that we will continue in any particular sin we are not truly repentant. $
Who may receive the Lord’s Supper? 1 Corinthians 11:26-27 Those who can and do properly examine themselves… 1. Am I truly repentant of all my sins? Matthew 5:23-24 A fruit of repentance is a willingness to make amends with anyone we have offended. I’m sorry!
Who may receive the Lord’s Supper? 1 Corinthians 11:26-27 Those who can and do properly examine themselves… 1. Am I truly repentant of all my sins? Matthew 6:14-15 A fruit of repentance is a willingness to forgive anyone who has sinned against us. We cannot bear a grudge. I forgive you!
Who may receive the Lord’s Supper? 1 Corinthians 11:26-27 Those who can and do properly examine themselves… 2. Do I believe Jesus is my Savior? (1 John 1:8-9) Jesus said the Lord’s Supper is for the forgiveness of our sins. When we celebrate it we are taking the opportunity to confess our sins and be cleansed from all unrighteousness.
Who may receive the Lord’s Supper? 1 Corinthians 11:26-27 Those who can and do properly examine themselves… 3. Do I know and believe what the Lord’s Supper is? A.It is a blessed Sacrament in which I receive Christ’s true body and blood for the forgiveness of my sins. B.It is an opportunity for me to remember my Savior and to proclaim his death and resurrection to a fallen world.
Who May Receive the Lord’s Supper? 4. Do I share a common faith with those with whom I commune? Acts 2:42From the very beginning the Christian Church recognized that unity at the Savior’s Table was a witness of unity in the Savior’s teaching. 1 Cor. 10:17Partaking of the “one loaf” we are expressing unity as one body.
Who may receive the Lord’s Supper? 1 Corinthians 11:26-27 Those who can and do properly examine themselves… 3. Do I know and believe what the Lord’s Supper is? Note: Because the Lord wants us to examine ourselves before taking the Sacrament, the insane, uninstructed, and unconscious should not receive the Sacrament. These souls still have opportunities to receive God’s grace through the Word and Baptism.
If I feel weak in my faith should I come to the Lord’s Supper? Read Matthew 11:28-29 Absolutely! Come to the Lord’s Supper confessing your sins and weakness. In the Sacrament look for his grace and forgiveness which strengthen your faith in him.
What do other churches teach in regard to the Lord’s Supper? The Catholic Church A.That the Lord’s Supper is an unbloody Sacrifice of Christ all over again. B.That the priest through using the Words of Christ changes the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. (Transubstantiation) C.That Masses (The Lord’s Supper as Sacrifice) can be offered on behalf of others not present, even the dead. D.That the forgiveness of sins offered in the Mass is received even if the person does not believe. (ex opera operata)
What do other churches teach in regard to the Lord’s Supper? Most Protestant Churches (i.e. Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Evangelical Free, etc.) A.That Jesus’ words, “This is my body… This is my blood” actually mean, “This represents my body… This represents my blood.” B.That the Lord’s Supper is a memorial meal only and not a Sacrament through which we receive forgiveness. It is special to them, only it is not Sacramental.
What do other churches teach in regard to the Lord’s Supper? The Catholic Church Most Protestant Churches Biblical Truth Body and Blood Bread and Wine X X X X
In the Lord’s Supper God comes to you individually and gives you the forgiveness of your sins. Accept such forgiveness with joy and continue using the Sacraments in order to strengthen your faith.
Homework:Homework: 1. Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper… a. ___ right after He rose from the dead. b. ___ on the night He was betrayed, the night before He died on the cross. c. ___ during a time when He was alone with His disciples on a mountain.
Homework:Homework: 2. When a person receives the Lord’s Supper, he receives… a. ___ only bread and wine. b. ___ only Christ’s body and blood. c. ___ bread and wine, in, with, and under Christ’s body and blood.
Homework:Homework: 3. Just how Christ’s body and blood can be present in this Sacrament… a. ___ cannot be explained, but it is clearly what the Bible teaches. b. ___ can be explained by saying that the bread and wine are changed into Christ’s body and blood. c. ___ can be explained by saying that the bread and wine represent Christ’s body and blood.
Homework:Homework: 4. Two good reasons for receiving the Lord’s Supper are… a. ___ to be assured of forgiveness and to show what good Christians we are. b. ___ to remember Jesus’ death and be helped in doing good works to be saved. c. ___ to remember Jesus’ death and be assured of personal forgiveness.
Homework:Homework: 5. Receiving the Lord’s Supper with fellow believers is… a. ___ necessary for the sacrament to have any power or purpose? b. ___ a beautiful expression of our shared unity in the Christian faith. c. ___ part of God’s will that must be done if we hope to earn eternal life.
Homework:Homework: 6. The Lord’s Supper may be given to… a. ___ all people, regardless of age or beliefs. b. ___ repentant Christians who can properly remember Jesus’ death and examine themselves. c. ___ anyone who is a church member, regardless of his personal faith or conduct.
Homework:Homework: 7. The Lord’s Supper is… a. ___ a sacrament, that is, an instrument God uses to forgive sins and strengthen Christian faith. b. ___ a sacrifice, that is something we do to complete payment for sins. c. ___ neither a sacrament nor a sacrifice, but a fine church custom.
Homework:Homework: 8. The practice of “close communion” is designed to… a. ___ protect true believers from the corrupting influence of church visitors. b. ___ protect all communicants from receiving communion improperly or foolishly. c. ___ remind everyone that some disciples don’t need to receive communion at all.
Homework:Homework: 9. We will always love and desire the Lord’s Supper because… a. ___ it is a very important part of getting to heaven by active obedience. b. ___ in keeps us good church members and sets a fine example for others. c. ___ Jesus lovingly commanded it and we receive in it a stronger faith in Him.
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