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The Holocaust. Table of Contents Antisemitism The Nuremberg Laws The “Final Solution” The Ghettos Death Camps.

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Presentation on theme: "The Holocaust. Table of Contents Antisemitism The Nuremberg Laws The “Final Solution” The Ghettos Death Camps."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Holocaust

2 Table of Contents Antisemitism The Nuremberg Laws The “Final Solution” The Ghettos Death Camps

3 Antisemitism Historic: Religious—Jews blamed for death of Jesus; stereotype of the “wandering Jew” Economic—Jews accused of economic exploitation Social—Jews viewed as outsiders, suffering expulsions, discriminatory laws, confinement to ghettos Modern: Protocols of the Elders of Zion—purports a worldwide Jewish conspiracy Political—Jews accused of spreading Marxism Racial—Nazi racial ideology promoted the idea that Jews are a separate race “polluting” the German Volk

4 Nazi Antisemitic Propaganda Demonized Jews Perpetuated stereotypes Reinforced Nazi racial ideology Encouraged viewing Jews as “alien” Engendered fear and paranoia

5 Antisemitic Propaganda

6 “The Eternal Jew” What type of source might this be? What do you think the title of the poster means?

7 What antisemitic belief does this part of the image reinforce? What is in the man’s right hand?

8 What might it symbolize? What is the man holding in his other hand?

9 What does the man hold under his arm? What is the symbol? Why is the symbol placed there?

10 Describe the man’s clothing, facial features, and posture. How do all these serve Nazi purposes? Why is he shown with his eyes closed?

11 Consider all the highlighted parts of the poster. What message is conveyed by the poster as a whole? Is there any significance in the colors that are used in the poster? How does referring to Jews in this way reinforce Nazi stereotypes? How does this characterization of Jews support Nazi goals?

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