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Great gatsby chapter 7 Five Questions. Question One Why is the weather important again in this chapter? What does it symbolize for the reader?

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Presentation on theme: "Great gatsby chapter 7 Five Questions. Question One Why is the weather important again in this chapter? What does it symbolize for the reader?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Great gatsby chapter 7 Five Questions

2 Question One Why is the weather important again in this chapter? What does it symbolize for the reader?

3 Question Two What does the following quote show about why Gatsby loves Daisy? "Her voice is full of money," [Gatsby] said suddenly. That was it. [Nick had] never understood before. It was full of money--that was the inexhaustible charm that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it, the cymbals' song of it.... High in a white palace the king's daughter, the golden girl....

4 Question Three How are George Wilson and Tom similar? Are they similar or different in the ways that they react to their news about their wives? Find and explain one quote in your answer.

5 Question Four Part One: What does Gatsby want from Daisy? Can she give it to him? Why or why not? Find and explain one quote in your answer. Part Two: How does Gatsby’s reaction to Daisy’s daughter Pamela show the cracks in his plan? Find and explain one quote in your answer.

6 Question Five How does Myrtle’s death change the relationship between Daisy and Tom? Find and explain one quote in your answer.

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