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Communism Communism= common ownership of land and industry by the people as a group collective ownership of goods usually dominated by a group of people.

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2 Communism Communism= common ownership of land and industry by the people as a group collective ownership of goods usually dominated by a group of people i.e. the communist party

3 Socialism Socialism=government ownership of some essential of land and industry (health care. Central planning government decides what to produce, how much, and at what cost. Often closely related to communism. Idea developed by Karl Marx “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”

4 Capitalism or Market Economy Capitalism/Market Economy=private ownership of land and industry with the opportunity to make a profit, companies sell their goods at the highest price they can get. The buyers decide what they want and how much of it and producers respond by supplying the product for a price.

5 Democracy Capitalist countries are usually also democratic countries like the United States Presidential democracy (United States) people vote directly for president and also for legislature (Congress) Parliamentary Democracy people vote for legislature (Parliament) and Parliament picks Prime Minister (leader) Democracy= rule by the people (idea from Greece). In the USA we vote for representatives like President, Senators, school boards, etc.

6 How did Communism ever come to power? Russian revolution 1917 Under Czar (king) Nicholas many were very poor. Peasants rioted in the streets demanding bread. If your basic needs are not being met communism might seem like a good idea.

7 All C’s in School Those of you who don't get great grades how would you feel about a system that gives students C's compared to giving them the opportunity to earn an A-E. Several kids would like to be given a C just for showing up and doing the work others want the opportunity to do better.

8 All C’s in School The all-C system would be comparable to Communism and our system is based on our Capitalist economy. Results- Lack of production and progress has plagued many communist countries because what is in it for the individual person. There is no incentive to improve or to do better. How would your school work change if just turning it in complete was enough to guarantee you a C and there was no possibility of getting higher? COMMUNISM DOES NOT GIVE ALL C’s

9 Fall of Communism and Transition to Democracy How many of you would want to live for a while with your parents out of town?

10 Fall of Communism and Transition to Democracy Yes you all want to live on your own and eat pizza and play video games all day, but do you have the skills to function w/o parents. First week pizza and video games, but by second or third week who pays the electric bill who buys the food with what $$$ and so on.

11 Transition to democracy can be very difficult People who had live in communism for 60- 70 years did not have the skills to live in a free market consumer based economy so the transition has been difficult. When people had never made consumer decisions about what product to make how they decide between the numerous choices provided by a western economy. Some areas are reverting back to the stability of communism and others organized crime; military, etc groups are filling that void of control and domination that was created by the communists. Similar to what is currently going on in Iraq. Iraq wasn’t communist but it was controlled by a totalitarian dictator, Saddam Hussein, and people had little or no freedom.

12 Cold War USSR/USA (1945-1991)

13 Standoff between Democratic governments led by the USA and Communist governments led by USSR (Russia). Warsaw Pact= Alliance of Communist Countries – Bulgaria – Czechoslovakia – Hungary – Poland – Romania – USSR

14 NATO=North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Democratic Countries) Original countries – United States – Canada – Belgium – France – The Netherlands – United Kingdom – Denmark – Iceland – Italy – Norway – Portugal – In 1952, Greece and Turkey joined – Germany 1955 (West Germany) Additional Countries – Spain 1982 – Czech Republic 1999 – Hungary 1999 – Poland 1999 – Bulgaria 2004 – Estonia 2004 – Latvia 2004 – Lithuania 2004 – Romania 2004 – Slovakia 2004 – Slovenia 2004 – Russia (not a full member/ but a partner)

15 Cold War USSR/USA (1945-1991) The term third world country was created during this era. It was used to describe the poorer countries that weren’t aligned with either side No real battles during the Cold War but many times when relations were tense (Cuban missile, Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc) Movie Miracle about the 1980 US Olympic Hockey Team See larger image

16 Communism Today There still are communist countries in the world like Cuba, China, and North Korea but nowhere near as many as there were at the height of the cold war.

17 Communism Today Communism is no longer the dominant philosophy in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union but the remnants remain. Western European countries, which have been capitalist democracies for years are far ahead of some of there Eastern European counterparts both industrially and economically.

18 EU=European Union Euro European Union-EU attempting to unify Europe. EU is an organization that hopes to promote trade and wealth within Europe by sticking together. Creating the Euro (currency) to make trade and business easier. These countries despite their differences have a lot in common and several common or shared interests.

19 EU=European Union Member countries as of February 2008 Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden The Netherlands United Kingdom

20 Current Applicants to the EU Croatia Macedonia Turkey Bulgaria Bulgaria Croatia Croatia Romania Romania

21 NATO’s Current Role NATO= North Atlantic Treay Organization. It is military alliance to provide mutual defense for member nations. If The USA was attacked by Mexico, or any other non-NATO member, NATO members would provide support.

22 Differences in these International Organizations UN-Organization of countries around the world for political, military, economic and social reasons EU- Economic organization between many of the countries of Europe NATO- Military alliance between many European countries and the USA

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