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“Necessity is the mother of invention.” A culture’s development is dependent upon its ability to adapt to or modify the environment. What does this mean?

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Presentation on theme: "“Necessity is the mother of invention.” A culture’s development is dependent upon its ability to adapt to or modify the environment. What does this mean?"— Presentation transcript:


2 “Necessity is the mother of invention.”

3 A culture’s development is dependent upon its ability to adapt to or modify the environment. What does this mean?

4 Following are three slides of different environments. Imagine what your life might be like if you lived in each environment.

5 Imagine that you lived in the desert. Describe your... housing. food. clothing.

6 housing. food. clothing. Imagine that you lived in the arctic. Describe your...

7 housing. food. clothing. Imagine that you lived in the rain forest. Describe your...

8 Though many aspects of your life will be determined by geography... your survival will be determined by how well you adapt to your environment.

9 adapt- 1. to change (oneself) to meet particular circumstances. 2. to alter or change to meet new requirements.

10 The more a culture adapts, or changes themselves or the environment to fit their needs, the more advanced they will become.

11 What adaptations in the desert would make your life easier? camels irrigation or water gathering system

12 What adaptations in the arctic would make your life easier? snowshoes sleds

13 What adaptations in the rain forest would make your life easier? canoes more advanced weapons

14 We will be studying the Native Americans of Texas. These cultures will be shaped by their geography. Each group had to adapt to their geography for their very survival.

15 There are four Native American culture groups in Texas. SoutheasternSoutheastern Gulf CoastGulf Coast PuebloPueblo PlainsPlains

16 Tribes within a culture group are similar because they live in the same environment. However, the four culture groups are different because the geography of Texas is diverse. Southeastern Pueblo Gulf Coast Plains

17 Look at the map on your student page and complete the following: 2. Use four colors to fill in your map key. 1. Use the next slide to fill in the Native American group locations. 3. Color all the Plains groups one color, the Southeastern another, etc. Make sure your key and map match. The groups on the slide are color coded according to culture groups, so use it as your guide.


19 4 Native American Culture Groups Pueblo Culture 1. Tiguas 2. Jumanos Plains Culture 1. Comanche 2. Kiowas 3. Apache 4. Tonkawa Southeastern Culture 1.Wichita 2.Caddo Gulf Coast Culture 1.Karankawa 2.Coahuilticans

20 As we study Native Americans, pay close attention to how geography shaped the lives of these first Texans. See if you can pick up on unique adaptations such as...

21 irrigation trotlines use of oil horsemanship farming moss clothing dugout canoes

22 A culture’s development is dependent upon its ability to adapt to or modify the environment. Let’s see the many ways how the Native Americans of Texas adapted to their geography.

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