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Youth Link A Tutorial for Out of Home Providers. 22 YouthLink is an electronic file created and maintained by the CSA. YouthLink identifies children,

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Link A Tutorial for Out of Home Providers. 22 YouthLink is an electronic file created and maintained by the CSA. YouthLink identifies children,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Link A Tutorial for Out of Home Providers

2 22 YouthLink is an electronic file created and maintained by the CSA. YouthLink identifies children, youth and young adults referred for Out of Home Treatment Services; it allows for appropriate placement by accurately matching the Intensity of Service (IOS) needs, the Provider Information and program capacity.

3 CYBER LOGIN   Enter your login name and password into the CYBER Login screen below: 3 The browser cache is the internet explorer browsing history.

4 CYBER WELCOME SCREEN   Once at the Welcome Screen, select the OOH Treatment button located on the button bar on the left.   This will open access to Youth Link and default to the Provider Queue. 4

5 Youth Link Basics   There are three sections that can be accessed by clicking on tabs located on the top left.   Provider Queue- displays automated referrals and referrals that are assigned by the OOH provider;   Youth Link- displays referral requests that match a provider’s IOS or higher;   Census – displays a list of current admissions and complete admission history for youth within your facility; 5

6 Youth Link Tab   In the Youth Link tab, you have the ability to view a list of referral requests that match your IOS or higher. *Referral requests displayed in Youth Link are available to all similarly matched OOH providers in their Youth Link display. 6

7 Youth Link Tab   If your agency has multiple sites, you have the ability to filter the display by a location using the drop down box “filter by location”. *If your agency has a single site, the filter option and Youth Link display will default to that single site. 7

8 Youth Link Features   The Youth Link Tab displays a grid with several columns headings: – –Referral Number – –Status – –Member ID – –Gender – –Age – –Case Management Entity – –Intensity of Service – –Days on Youth Link – –Admission Date – –Created By *The referral records in the grid can be sorted by clicking the column headings. 8

9 Youth Link Features (continued)   Scroll from left to right, the Youth Link Tab displays column headings which indicate 14 specifiers selected from the referral request. – –Gender Serviced – –IQ 69 or Under – –Assault – –Fire Setting – –Eating Disorder – –Runaways – –Sexuality – –Sex Offender – –Suicide risk – –Substance Abuse – –Destructive Behavior – –Psych Condition – –Med Condition – –Education Classified 9 To print this screen, click the “Print” button located on the top right.

10 Print and Export Features   The referral information can be exported to various formats that can be selected from the drop down menu. Exporting allows more information to fit on one page. Click the printer icon to print the selected format.  To return to the Youth Link, click “back to Youth Link”. 10

11 Accessing a Referral Request From Youth Link   To view a Referral Request from Youth Link, double click on the Referral ID.   The information displayed will be one of two forms: Transition Joint Care ReviewOut of Home Referral Request 11

12 Accessing a Referral Request From Youth Link   The child’s Case Management Entity, contact name, phone #, and email address will be displayed in the demographics section of referral information (this is populated from the information entered in the Provider tab by the CM entity). 12

13 Provider Queue   The Provider Queue tab displays a grid with several column headings:   Referral Number   Status   Member ID   Member Name   Gender   Age   Case Management Entity   IOS   Days on Youth Link   Days in Provider Queue   Create Date   Date Assigned to Queue   Auto Assigned 13 Information can be sorted by clicking on the column headings

14 14 AutoAssignProcess Auto Assign Process  Referral Requests on Youth Link that are exact matches to your agency’s PIF will be auto assigned to your Provider Queue.  If a referral was auto assigned by the CSA, there will be an indication under the Auto Assigned Heading in the Provider Queue (the Send to YouthLink process will auto-assign the Referral Request to any providers with an exact match IOS and Provider Information criteria.)

15 Assigning a Referral Request From Youth Link to Provider Queue   While in the Referral Request, you have the ability to:   ASSIGN the referral to your Provider Queue.   Print the referral information. *If you decide not to assign your agency to this Referral Request, click the Cancel button which will exit the document and return back to Provider Queue. 15

16 Assigning a Referral Request From Youth Link to the Provider Queue (continued)  Once assigned, this Referral Request will no longer display in your Youth Link Tab but will now display in your Provider Queue with the status of Assign. You will then have read- only access to the child’s complete electronic medical record through the Provider Queue by clicking on the “Facesheet” button. 16

17 Access to Face Sheet   From your Provider Queue, you will have the ability to view a child’s record by clicking on the “face sheet” button located on the far left of the grid.   To return back to the Provider Queue from the child’s record, click the “Out of Home Treatment” button located on the button bar on the left. 17

18 Provider Queue Changing the Status of a Referral  To change the status of a assigned referral in your Provider Queue, access a child’s Referral Request. A list of statuses will appear in the Current Status drop down box at the bottom of the page. 18 ASSIGN- the referral request is assigned to this out of home provider REVIEW – the out of home provider is currently reviewing referral AWAITING INFO- the out of home provider is waiting for additional information MEETGREET- a meet and greet has been scheduled with the child, family and CM ACCEPT- child has been accepted to the out of home program SCHEDULE*-an admission date has been scheduled *a Referral Request in SCHED status will remain in the Provider’s Queue but will be removed from all other provider’s Youth Link and Provider Queues. ADMIT- child has been admitted to program (described in detail later) NOT ACCEPT- the program has not accepted this child Select the status and then click submit

19 Changing the Status of a Referral Not Accept Process 19 When changing the status to Not Accept, two additional steps are required. 2. Enter a 50 character minimum explanation in “Reason Comment” section. 1. Select a reason under “Reason Code”. Reason Code/Open Text will be viewable and printable to CM/DCBHS/CSA on the Provider Status portion of Youth Link. Then Click Submit

20 20 Admission Process Youth Link now allows you to admit a child to your program directly from Youth Link. – –Double click on the Referral ID from your Provider Queue to access the Referral Request document. – –From the Referral Request document change the status to ADMIT *If your agency has reached bed capacity, the referral status will not be able to be changed to ADMIT and you may need to true-up occupancy. – –The date of admission field will auto populate with today’s date but you will have the ability to override and change the date as needed. This step should only be completed on the actual date of admission.

21 Admission Process   Once the status has been changed to Admit, the following automated processes will occur: 1. 1.An admission is recorded in the Admission’s tab of face sheet. *The child’s record will indicate that it is open to your facility in Tracking Elements. 2. An Authorization is created to your facility in the Authorization Tab. 3. An automated progress note will be posted in the youth’s electronic medical record which will include the date of admission, Provider ID#, and Agency/Site Name). 21

22 Admitting a Child to an OOH Facility   Once the status has been changed to ADMIT, the record will be moved from Provider Queue to the Census Tab where you are able to view current admissions.   To view past admissions for your facility click on “View Historical Data ”. A window will appear with a your agency’s Admission History since the beginning of your agency’s DCBHS contract. – –Clicking on the “Facesheet” button will open the Historical Data, which is a snapshot of the child’s record that includes all information up until date of discharge. 22

23 Admission Process   If you choose to admit a child with an IOS higher than yours (i.e. TH accepting a youth with an RTC IOS), you will be required to enter a note with clinical justification stating your agency's ability to serve the child before the status may be changed to ADMIT.   This justification text will be auto populated to the Progress Notes in the child’s record. 23

24 Completion of Admission   After admission is processed, you will have full access to child’s record and can:   Enter and view progress notes.   Create an OOH treatment plan (Joint Care Review).   View authorizations and print and export authorization letters. 24

25 Census Tab   The Census Tab grid displays the following columns:   Status   Member ID   Member Name   Gender   Age   Case Management Entity   Intensity of Service   Admission   OOH Auth Expiration Date   Progress Note Last Posted Date   JCR status 25

26 Authorization Letter Generation   To generate an authorization letter, click on the authorization tab from the button bar on the left.   Highlight the authorization by clicking on it once, and select “Print Provider Selected”.   An authorization letter template will appear. 26

27 Authorization Letter Generation   To export the authorization letter, select “export to the selected format” from the drop down menu located directly above on the menu bar.  Once the desired format is selected, click ‘export’.  To return to the list of the child’s authorizations, click “back to authorizations”.  To Print, select the print icon. 27

28 Authorization Letter Generation   An authorization letter can also be generated for parents and legal guardians by clicking “Print Parent Selected”.   This letter will be addressed to the Parent/Legal Guardian.   Exporting and printing this letter template can be done by following the same process mentioned in the previous slide. 28

29 Exceptions to Admission Process Admissions to the following programs will continue to use a telephonic process and do not follow the Youth Link Process: Admissions to the following programs will continue to use a telephonic process and do not follow the Youth Link Process: –Intensive Residential Treatment Services (IRTS) –Emergency Diagnostic Residential Unit (EDRU) –Detention Alternative Programs (DAP) –Out-of-State Programs (OOS) 29

30 Admission Process for SPEC, PCR and Pregnancy Programs An approval progress note entered by DCBHS Specialized Residential Treatment Unit (SRTU) is required for the following referrals before the status of the Referral Request can be changed to Admit: Specialty (SPEC) Psychiatric Community Residence (PCR) Pregnancy Programs  Once the Specialized Residential Treatment Unit (SRTU) posts the Placement Authorization Progress Note, the youth’s referral will auto- populate to the provider’s queue.  The Provider will then proceed with processing the admission electronically as described previously. 30

31 Youth Link “Clean-Up”  In order to assure that only active referrals are on Youth Link, two new features have been added: 1.“Cancel Referral Request” button; 2.“45-day Continued Need for OOH Treatment” progress note; 31

32 32 Canceling OOH Referral Request  To cancel the request for an OOH placement, the Case Manager will select the referral on YouthLink and choose the “CANCEL REFERRAL REQUEST” button.  A window will open prompting the Case Manager to select a reason for cancellation from the drop down list and enter an explanation in the text box. Open-text is only mandatory when “other” is selected from the dropdown selections.

33 33 Canceling OOH Referral Requests (YCM, CMO, UCM)  Cancellation Reasons  Child no longer needs OOH Treatment  Child will remain at current placement  Child moved out of state  Child already placed in DCBHS OOH treatment  Child placed in Non DCBHS placement  Other  Upon completion of the cancellation request, the OOH referral is removed from YouthLink and the status is changed to CANCEL.  The status of CANCEL is viewable to the CM, CSA and DCBHS by clicking status filter on the YouthLink Screen. Once cancelled, the referral will be automatically removed from all provider queue’s and YouthLink view.  Once the cancellation reason is submitted, a progress note will be auto-generated in the youth’s record reflecting this information.

34 Canceling OOH Referral Requests (DYFS only cases) If DYFS would like to cancel an OOH referral request, they shall e- mail PerformCare at; This e-mail should include the youth’s ID# and reason for OOH cancellation (child no longer needs OOH treatment, child will remain at current placement, child moved out-of-state, child already placed in DCBHS treatment, child placed at a non-DCBHS placement, other); PerformCare shall check this e-mail twice per day; Upon receipt of e-mail, PerformCare shall document confirmation of the OOH referral cancellation in the youth’s progress notes and manually cancel the youth’s OOH referral on Youth Link; 32

35 35 Continued Need for OOH Treatment (YCM, CMO, UCM) If a child is on YouthLink for more than 45 days, the Case Manager will be required to enter a progress note explaining the need for the continuation of the out-of-home treatment search process;  The Continued Need Progress Note must include the following:  Child’s physical location at the time of the Progress Note  Presenting barriers toward securing OOH treatment;  An automated process will check for the Continued Need Progress Note every 45 days that a child is active on YouthLink. The Continued Need progress note must be entered at minimum every 45 days, the CM entity can enter this note more often, if desired.  If the Continued Need Progress Note is not found within the 45 day time range the referral request will be removed from YouthLink.

36 36 Reposting to YouthLink (YCM, CMO, UCM) If a child is auto-removed from Youth Link, the CM entity may request that the referral be reposted to YouthLink. If a child is auto-removed from Youth Link, the CM entity may request that the referral be reposted to YouthLink.  To request a repost, the CM entity should enter a Continued Need for OOH treatment progress note.  The reposted OOH Referral Request will retain the original referral # and YouthLink create date;  If the OOH Referral Request was completed more than 90 days prior to the request to repost, the CM entity must submit a new OOH Referral Request to the CSA. Once the new OOH Referral request is reviewed and approved by the CSA, the referral will be posted to Youthlink with a new referral number and date.

37 Continued Need for OOH Treatment (DYFS only cases) DYFS shall e-mail PerformCare confirming that there is a continued need for OOH treatment at minimum every 45 days at; This e-mail should include the following information, 1) youth’s physical location at the time of the progress note, and 2) presenting barriers toward securing OOH placement. The CSA shall check this e-mail twice daily. PerformCare shall document the e-mail contents in the youth’s progress notes and enable the referral to remain on Youth Link until the next 45-day continued need for OOH treatment notification. 37

38 Reposting to YouthLink (DYFS only cases) If DYFS does not submit this e-mail within the 45-day window, they will have the ability to “repost” the referral between days 46-90 via e-mail. After day 90, DYFS must complete a new telephonic review; If case is dually involved, it is the responsibility of the DCBHS case management entity (YCM, CMO, UCM) to maintain the youth’s referral on YouthLink; 38

39 OOH Treatment Documentation  The Initial JCR is due 120 days after admission and every 90 days after (or 60 days and every 30 days after for IRTS placements). The Joint Care Review (JCR) can be accessed by selecting “Treatment Plans Assessment” from the button bar on the left.  To create a JCR, choose “Add New Treatment Plan”.  Select OOH Treatment Plan Type, then JCR type (JCR, TJCR, DJCR) from the drop down menu.  A Strengths and Needs Assessment must be completed in conjunction with a JCR and must be within the last 30 days. 39 The OOH Treatment Plan should be checked

40 OOH Treatment Documentation   The JCR should be submitted to the CSA 14 days prior to the authorization expiration.  Your JCR will be submitted to the Case Management Entity (if involved) before it is routed to the CSA for review and approval.  If the child does not have Case Management (DYFS only), the JCR will be forwarded directly to the CSA upon submission.  Case Management has 72 calendar hours to review the JCR before it is auto-routed to the CSA.  The CSA will make an authorization determination within 5 calendar days of receipt of the JCR. 40 *Please refer to the JCR Hierarchy WebEx which is located on the DCBHS website.

41 Transitional Joint Care Review   A Transitional JCR (JCR) is completed when Child Family Team agrees that a transition from one OOH provider to another will best meet the child’s needs.   Within the TJCR, you have the ability to recommend specific out-of-home providers at a particular IOS;   Once a provider is selected from the search list, click “add provider”;   This provider will populate in the “Recommended Providers” box;   Please note that this is a recommendation only. If the clinical information provided in the TJCR indicates that the child needs a different IOS, the recommended provider may not be appropriate. 41

42 42 Transition Joint Care Review Access to Geo Map  The Geo Map can be accessed by Provider Queue or Census Tabs.  To aid in searching for recommended OOH providers based on location, you will now have access to view a map of out of home treatment facilities within the state of New Jersey.

43 Geo Map Features A color key that represents each type of IOS is located on the right of the map. Click on an IOS box to check the IOS facilities displayed. Only the child will appear as the default view. To return to the Provider Queue, click Exit.  The Geo Map shows OOH treatment facilities by location using color coded flags. The Geo Map has several views that can be turned on or off by selecting the view of your choice. Children from your caseload/program can be placed on the map by typing ID # or Zip Code. Location of the child icon matches the address on the face sheet. *To zoom in on the map either use the scroll dial on your mouse or double click on the child icon. 43

44 44 Geo Map Features  The Child’s location is indicated by the address on the face sheet, the secondary address, or the zip code. If none are these are present, the child will not populate on the map.  Hover over a flag to display a box with the name, address, contact information, # of beds and the # of admitted children of that facility.  The child’s location is calculated based on distance from a facility.

45 Discharge Process  To report a discharge, you must complete a Discharge JCR (DJCR). Within the DJCR, you will enter the Actual Discharge Date (when the child will officially be discharged from your facility) in the Target Behaviors/Discharge section. This date will be automatically entered in the Admissions tab.  You will have access to the record for 10 days after the discharge date entered (as indicated in Tracking Elements), unless the DJCR is returned to you from the CSA.  In the Target Behaviors/Discharge tab, you can indicate if a discharge was unplanned by checking “Unplanned Discharge” in the Discharge Plan and Discharge Planning Activities section. 45

46 Discharge Process All discharges must follow the TJCR process and policy; All discharges must follow the TJCR process and policy; The use of 10 day notices is no longer acceptable as a discharge modality; The use of 10 day notices is no longer acceptable as a discharge modality; –This data will be monitored. 46

47 Provider Information File (PIF)   Providers will have the ability update the contact information on your PIF in CYBER at will. 47  To view your PIF information click the “Update PIF” button from the CYBER Welcome Screen.

48 CSA Contact Information For questions regarding YouthLink, please contact the CSA: By Phone: 1-877-652-7624 By email: For technical questions please contact the CYBER service desk: By Phone: 1-877-736-9176 By email:

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