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April 8, 2009 1. Welcome Basic Curriculum Standards Training Participants Week 9 2.

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Presentation on theme: "April 8, 2009 1. Welcome Basic Curriculum Standards Training Participants Week 9 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 8, 2009 1

2 Welcome Basic Curriculum Standards Training Participants Week 9 2

3 4:00-4:05Welcome 4:05-4:30Increasing English proficiency in science 4:30-5:10From Schemes of Work to Yearly Plan 5:10-6:00From Yearly Plan to Unit Plans 6:00 – 6:30Prayer and Meal Break 6:30-7:45Shared Expertise 7:45-7:50Closure & Homework Reminders 7:50-8:00Evaluations Agenda - Week 9

4 Increase Language Proficiency In Science A few strategies to use often…

5 Delivering the Content  Build Vocabulary Instruction: includes journals or homemade dictionaries for unknown and new words, portable word walls, and oral practice.  Increase Reading Opportunities: This may be done by guided reading, independent reading, or direct instruction.  Written Language: Teacher modeling Inquiry Lessons conducted in the lab that reinforce the content.

6  Display 15 - 20 key words from a text on a projector.  Students have one minute to write down as many words as they can.  Cover the words and give students another minute to write the words from memory.  Students check their words against the full list and then ask other members of the group for word meanings they don't know.  Students use dictionaries as well at this stage.  Lastly, have a whole class discussion of words that were unknown or not fully known. Vocabulary Jumble

7  Teachers make portable word walls in folders or on foam or corrugated board that they carry to each science class.  Words can be color coded according to the science strand.

8 Word ListWhat I think the words meanRevised definition a producer a consumer a herbivore a carnivore an omnivore ecology adaptation a food chain a food web a habitat a decomposer a population a community an ecosystem an organism

9  Survey: chapter titles, section headings, pictures, picture captions, charts, graphs, etc.  Question: turn section headings into questions  Read: to answer selected questions  Recite: try to answer questions  Review: review the material by rereading

10  Skimming is used to identify the main ideas of a text quickly.  Scanning is used to look up a word in a text or you are concentrating on finding a particular answer. Skimming and Scanning

11 Read the text in Handout 1d and answer the following questions.  How was magnetism discovered?  What is a domain?  Describe the forces in magnets N-N and N-S.  What are the materials used in fridge?  What are the types of magnets?  Define electromagnets and give examples on their uses.  Compare between permanent and electromagnets 11

12 Exploring the Schemes of Work Cooperative Learning: Corners

13 1. Count off by 4. 2. All 1s go to Corner number 1. 3. All 2s go to Corner number 2. 4. All 3s go to Corner number 3. 5. All 4s go to Corner number 4. 6. Examine the section(s) of the SoW listed. 7. Write the most important things to remember in that section and why they are important. Exploring the Schemes of Work

14 What did you discover in your section? How can you use this information in planning? Share you Findings

15 Step #1 – Map the Units across the Year Choose the SoW for your grade level. 1. Use one set of the monthly planning calendar. 2. Locate the Unit organization in the SoW. 3. Organize the Units for Semester 1 across the months. (Watch the suggested hours)

16 Share the Semester Maps Reflection : What was easy about this activity? What was difficult? How can the SoW make planning easier? How will you use the Schemes of Work?

17 1. Return to the Group with whom you did the Unit Map. 2. Choose one of the Units on the Map. 3. Look at the categories under each week. 4. Using the Schemes of Work, fill in the information which will be covered each week to develop the unit. Hint: Keep Standards/Objectives/Key Questions in student- friendly language. Be prepared to share what you sketched.



20 Shared Expertise

21 What are the Schemes of Work? How can they be used to make planning more efficient and effective?

22 22 Homework: Bring a unit plan and highlight the strategies and activities you have learned and used in your classroom.

23  Evaluation  Questions? 23

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