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The Mountains of the Moon Especially well visible near the terminator – the borderline between light and shadow.

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Presentation on theme: "The Mountains of the Moon Especially well visible near the terminator – the borderline between light and shadow."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mountains of the Moon Especially well visible near the terminator – the borderline between light and shadow

2 The Moon - Touchdown Note the soft edges of the crater  Erosion! Traces of the Apollo lunar rover

3 Structure of the Moon Also consists of crust, mantle and core No hydrosphere, magnetosphere or atmosphere Little seismic action

4 Tides Daily fluctuations in the ocean levels Two high and two low tides per day A result of the difference in gravitational pull from one side of the Earth to the other –F = G M m / R 2

5 Lunar Craters Old scars from meteoroid impacts Lots of them; all sizes –Copernicus ~ 90 km across –Reinhold ~ 40 km across –Also craters as small as 0.01 mm!

6 Moon’s Changing Surface

7 Ages of the Earth and Moon Determined by radioactive dating –Compare amount of radioactive material with amount of decay product –Useful isotopes: Uranium-238 (half-life 4.5 billion years) Uranium-235 (half-life 0.7 billion years) For shorter time scales, Carbon-14 (5730 years) Oldest surface rocks on Earth (Greenland, Labrador) about 3.9 billion years old –When rocks solidified Lunar highlands: 4.1–4.4 billion years old –Rocks from lunar maria slightly younger, more recently melted Meteorites: 4.5 billion years old –Date to origin of solar system

8 Creation of the Earth-Moon system 1.Sister theory: Earth and Moon formed at same time in the same part of the solar system (but they have different compositions??) 2.Capture theory: Earth captured the Moon as it passed by; need not have the same composition (but gravitational capture is improbable) 3.Daughter or fission: spinning Earth threw off the Moon (but how did it get to be spinning that fast?) 4.Impact theory: large body hits the (molten) Earth and is absorbed; part of Earth's mantle is knocked out. (Plausible: supported by computer simulations; but there's no direct evidence!)

9 Impact (“Big Whack”) Theory 1 2 3 4 5 6

10 The Terrestrial Planets Small, dense and rocky Mercury Venus Earth Mars

11 Mercury Small, bright but hard to see About the same size as the moon Density about that of Earth Day ~ 59 Earth days Year ~ 88 Earth days

12 Venus Bright, never very far from the sun –“Morning/Evening star” Similar to Earth in size and density Day ~  243 Earth days (retrograde!) Year ~ 225 Earth days

13 Venus Very thick atmosphere, mostly CO 2 Heavy cloud cover (sulfuric acid!) –About 90 times the pressure of Earth’s atmosphere –Very strong greenhouse effect, surface temperature about 750 K No magnetic field

14 Surface Features Two large “continents” –Aphrodite Terra and Ishtar Terra –About 8% of the surface Highest peaks on Aphrodite Terra rise about 14 km above the deepest surface depression –Comparable to Earth’s mountains

15 Venus - Touchdown View from Russian probe Venera 14 (1975)

16 Hothouse Venus: 850 °F

17 Mars Fairly bright, generally not too hard to see Smaller than Earth Density similar to that of the moon Surface temperature 150–250 K Day ~ 24.6 hours Year ~ 2 Earth years Thin atmosphere, mostly carbon dioxide –1/150 the pressure of Earth’s atmosphere Tiny magnetic field, no magnetosphere

18 Mars Northern Hemisphere basically huge volcanic plains –Similar to lunar maria Valles Marineris – Martian “Grand Canyon” –4000 km long, up to 120 km across and 7 km deep –So large that it can be seen from Earth

19 Martian Volcanoes Olympus Mons –Largest known volcano in the solar system –700 km across at base –Peak ~25 km high (almost 3 times as tall as Mt. Everest!)

20 Martian Seasons: Icecaps & Dust Storms

21 Mars’ Rotation November 7, 2005, 23:00 EST (Photographed with the C-8, and department’s Sony DSC F-717 Digital Camera) October 29, 2005, 1:28 AM EST, one day before opposition

22 Martian Surface Iron gives the characteristic Mars color: rusty red! View of Viking 1 1 m rock Sojourner

23 The structure of terrestrial planets Note: Mercury is almost entirely core, the moon almost entirely mantle  different density!

24 Water on Mars? Mars Louisiana Outflow Channels Runoff channels

25 Life on Mars? Giovanni Schiaparelli (1877) – observed “canali” (channels) on Martian surface Interpreted by Percival Lowell (and others) as irrigation canals – a sign of intelligent life Lowell built a large observatory near Flagstaff, AZ (Incidentally, this enabled C. Tombaugh to find Pluto in 1930) Speculation became more and more fanciful –A desert world with a planet-wide irrigation system to carry water from the polar ice caps? –Lots of sci-fi, including H.G. Wells, Bradbury, … All an illusion! There are no canals…

26 Viking Lander Experiments (1976) Search for bacteria- like forms of life Results inconclusive at best

27 Atmospheric Histories Primary atmosphere: hydrogen, helium, methane, ammonia –Too light to “stick” to a planet unless it’s very big  Jovian Planets Secondary atmosphere: water, CO 2, SO 2, … –Outgassed from planet interiors, a result of volcanic activity

28 Atmospheric Histories - Venus Venus is closer to Sun than Earth  hotter surface Not a lot of liquid water on surface initially CO 2 could not be absorbed by water, rocks because of higher temperatures  run-away Greenhouse effect: it’s hot, the greenhouse gases can’t be be stored away, it gets hotter …

29 Earth’s Atmospheric History Volcanic activity spews out water steam Temperature range allowed water to liquify CO 2 dissolves in oceans, damping greenhouse effect More water condenses, more CO 2 is absorbed If too cold, ice forms  less cloud cover  more energy No oxygen at this point, since it would have been used up producing “rust” Tertiary atmosphere: early life contributes oxygen –1% 800 Myrs ago, 10% 400 Myrs ago

30 Mars – Freezing over Mars once had a denser atmosphere with liquid water on the surface As on Earth, CO 2 dissolves in liquid water But: Mars is further away from the Sun  temperature drops below freezing point  inverse greenhouse effect permafrost forms with CO 2 locked away Mars probably lost its atmosphere because its magnetic field collapsed, because Mars’ molten core cooled down

31 Greenhouse Effect Earth absorbs energy from the Sun and heats up Earth re-radiates the absorbed energy in the form of infrared radiation The infrared radiation is absorbed by carbon dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere

32 Global Warming Excessively “politicized” topic Very complex problem scientifically Slow changes over long periods of time Sources of heating, sources of cooling themselves are temperature dependent

33 Hard Facts: Measurements Undisputed: global temperatures go up

34 Man-made CO 2 in the Atmosphere goes up

35 Correlation: Temperatures rise when Carbon Dioxide levels rise This is true since prehistoric times

36 The Last Millennium – “Hockey Stick”

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