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By: Joseph Stanford III Mr. Rush April 11, 2012 Bell 1.

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1 By: Joseph Stanford III Mr. Rush April 11, 2012 Bell 1

2 ① Global warming is scientifically unproven and that the facts reveal that the earth periodically experiences changing climates. ② Carbon dioxide emissions have any noticeable impact on global temperatures and furthermore claims that human-made emissions are insignificant when compared to the carbon output of natural sources that have always been beyond human control.

3 ③ A single year does not constitute a trend reversal, but the magnitude of that temperature drop- equal to 100 years of warming- is noteworthy. ④ It can be argued that mere 0.6 degree warming in a century is so tiny it should never have been considered cause for alarm in first place.

4 ⑤ Global temperature has declined since 1998. ⑥ Atmospheric carbon dioxide has gone in the other direction, increasing 15-20%. ⑦ They have long been ignoring far greater evidence that basic assumption of greenhouse warming from increases in carbon dioxide is false.

5 ⑧ Earth warms, ocean yield more carbon dioxide to atmosphere because warmer water cannot hold as much carbon as colder water. ⑨ The public has been led to believe that increased carbon dioxide from human activities is causing a greenhouse effect that is heating planet.

6 ⑩ It does not help because global warming alarmism is not based on rational argument.

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