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Ways in which Information can be misused By:Nastassja Grant Tajea Taylor Abigail White.

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Presentation on theme: "Ways in which Information can be misused By:Nastassja Grant Tajea Taylor Abigail White."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ways in which Information can be misused By:Nastassja Grant Tajea Taylor Abigail White

2 Agenda Violation of Privacy Identity Theft Storage of Inaccurate Information Propaganda Credit Card Fraud

3 Violation of Privacy

4 Definition Privacy in Information Technology refers to the right of individuals to determine what information is stored about them and how that information should be used. Violation of Privacy is to breach the boundaries and content of information that is considered private to an individual or group.

5 Breach of Information Organizations such as businesses and government bodies, hold private information on individuals, which are given to them for specific purposes. Information given is often times personal &/ sensitive, such as a person’s religion, political affiliation or personal activities. Breach of such information can cause: Defamation of character Identity theft Discrimination Personal embarrassment Damage to one’s professional reputation



8 Identity theft  It is a crime used to refer to fraud that involves someone pretending to be someone else in order to steal money or get other benefits.  The person whose identity is used can suffer various consequences when he or she is held responsible for the perpetrator's actions.

9  Identity theft can happen : when a criminal uses stolen or fake documents to open an account in someone else's name. when a criminal tries to take over another person's bank or credit card account, first by gathering information about the intended victim, then contacting their card issuer masquerading as the genuine cardholder

10 Storage of Inaccurate Information

11 Due to the increase of computers, expansion of the internet and World Wide Web applications it is extremely important that information be stored accurately. Data Integrity concerns the accuracy of data. Data is said to be accurate when it enters a system and does not become inaccurate after processing.

12 Corruption of Data  Stored Data becomes corrupted when it is changed, deleted or substituted without authorization. Data becomes inaccurate when it is compromised in the following ways: 1.Through human error 2.Natural Disasters 3.Worms and Viruses 4.Hardware malfunctions 5.Fraud 6.Malicious deletion or changing of data


14 Propaganda Propaganda is the dissemination of information aimed at influencing the opinions or behaviors of people. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense, often presents information primarily in order to influence its audience.

15 Types of Propaganda  Assertion  Bandwagon  Card Stacking  Glittering Generalities  Lesser of Two Evils  Pinpointing the enemy  Plain Folks  Simplification (Stereotyping)  Testimonials  Transfer  Name Calling

16 Credit Card Fraud

17 Credit card fraud  It is a wide-ranging term for theft and fraud committed using a credit card or any similar payment mechanism as a fraudulent source of funds in a transaction.  The purpose may be to obtain goods without paying.  It is only after the billing cycle of the relevant credit card is completed, that the legitimate cardholder may become aware of the unauthorised transaction.

18  There are various means by which these numbers can be obtained:  From a credit card generator site on the Internet  From an unscrupulous retail merchant who retains credit card numbers processed through a retail outlet and uses them unlawfully  From offenders who utilise skimming machines to record multiple credit card numbers via retail outlets  From sourcing discarded copies of credit card vouchers via waste receptacles  From hacking into computes where credit card numbers are stored


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