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You should be reading the article “Stalin Killed Millions” and answering the attached questions. REMINDERS: – PERMISSION SLIPS: needed for tomorrow – ABSENT:

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Presentation on theme: "You should be reading the article “Stalin Killed Millions” and answering the attached questions. REMINDERS: – PERMISSION SLIPS: needed for tomorrow – ABSENT:"— Presentation transcript:

1 You should be reading the article “Stalin Killed Millions” and answering the attached questions. REMINDERS: – PERMISSION SLIPS: needed for tomorrow – ABSENT: If you were absent yesterday, you need to turn in the Rise of Dictators chart (pink sheet) and the War in Europe and North Africa paragraph and timeline (blue sheet) if you have not already – DEBATE: Next Monday, March 2nd – QUIZZES: MAKEUPS: If you did not take the quiz last Wednesday, you have until tomorrow to make it up. See board for periods you can make it up.

2 QUIZZES If you got <13 you must redo answers you missed on a separate piece of paper, attach to quiz and turn in by FRIDAY, you will get points back accordingly If you got >13 you can redo answers for points back THE POINT? Checking our learning. Quizzes are intended to be FORMATIVE not SUMMATIVE.

3 Today’s Plan “Stalin Killed Millions” article The Holocaust (below: Stalin’s “Killing Fields”) Meet with groups briefly

4 Genocide The Holocaust and The Great Purge

5 Big Terms – Genocide – The Holocaust – Ghettos – The Great Purge Questions: What is genocide? How does the creation of the term relate to WWII? People – Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union) – Adolf Hitler (Germany) Right: Joseph Stalin Below: Adolf Hitler

6 What is genocide? gen·o·cide noun the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. Synonyms: mass murder, mass homicide, massacre

7 A Brief History of Genocide Some scholars think the Neanderthals went extinct due to genocide at the hands of modern humans (40,000 years ago) (Below: An illustration of the destruction of Carthage) Others call the destruction of Carthage (in North Africa) at the hands of the Romans the 1 st genocide (149-146 B.C.)

8 Modern Examples The Congo (1890s-1910s and 1998-2003) (side note: Ms. Campbell is a big nerd who wrote a 25 pg. research paper on the Congo if you’re interested in knowing more) Sri Lanka (1983-2009) – M.I.A. (the rapper- Paper Planes) lived in war torn Sri Lanka the first 11 years of her life and her father was part of the terrorist group LTTE Darfur (2003-present)

9 The Holocaust 1933-1945 the killing of 6 million Jews and 5 million others (Roma, homosexuals, disabled, Poles, Jehovah Witnesses, Soviet POWs, etc.) by the Nazis during World War II Increasing legal discrimination  violence  ghettos  death camps and the “Final Solution” (Above: 2004, A Holocaust survivor shows the number tattooed on his arm at Auschwitz)

10 (Right: Ms. Campbell wearing a pink triangle- the pink triangle was used to mark the prison uniforms of homosexuals in the camps, and is now used as a gay rights symbol.) (Left: Homosexual prisoners in Sachsenhausen wearing the pink triangle.) The Triangles: Jews- yellow, Jehovah's Witness- purple, political prisoners (such as communists)- red, homosexuals- pink, criminals – green, Roma/”asocials” – black,


12 Increasing Legal Discrimination Here are a couple examples, but there are TONS

13 Concentration Camps First one, Dachau, opens in March 1933 Forced labor camps At first only includes political opponents: Communists, Social Democrats, etc. Later, more groups are added (Above: Sleeping arrangements at the first concentration camp, Dachau.)

14 Translates to “work will set you free” – a Nazi slogan. This sign, at the Auschwitz camp, is still there today.


16 (This is related to Eugenics)

17 And now the violence starts as legal discrimination continues to worsen


19 The Book Thief Movie Scene 8Li5ZE 8Li5ZE

20 Refugees and how the world responds





25 Ghettos – they date back to the 1500s!! As part of the Holocaust they begin in Germany in 1939 1. a section of a city, especially a thickly populated slum area, inhabited predominantly by members of an ethnic or other minority group, often as a result of social or economic restrictions, pressures, or hardships. (Below: Lodz ghetto, reads "Jewish residential area— entry forbidden." 2. (formerly, in most European countries) a section of a city in which all Jews were required to live. 3. a section predominantly inhabited by Jews. 4. any mode of living, working, etc., that results from stereotyping or biased treatment.

26 Death Camps Concentration camps had been around since 1933, but death camps start in late 1941 Right: the unloading gate at Auschwitz, called the “Gate of Death”

27 The “Final Solution” to the “Jewish Question”


29 From Concentration Camps to Displaced Persons Camps Allied troops liberate camps, but are overwhelmed by the numbers of people and needs  anti-immigration policy continues, so many camp refugees have nowhere to go “As matters now stand we appear to be treating the Jews as the Nazis treated them except that we do not exterminate them. They are in concentration camps in large numbers under our military guard instead of S.S. troops.” – Earl Harrison, sent by FDR to inspect the camp conditions in summer 1945

30 “Harrison and his ilk believe that the Displaced Person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to the Jews who are lower than animals.” –U.S. General George S. Patton “Compared with the Nazi camps, it was heaven, but of course we felt abandoned. We were treated not quite as human beings. In a camp like that with a few thousand people, the only thing you feel is abnormal.” –Joe Sachs, an 88 year old Holocaust survivor who currently livse in Miami

31 Debate Groups Get into your groups (picking up desks please, not dragging) 1. Several groups still need to turn in or finish debate sheet from last time 2. Finish readings 3. Start individual outline of what you will say for debate We will have time to practice on Fri., you will need to work on this some on your own time

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