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Welcome to India. © Flickr user: Ryan ReadyRyan Ready.

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2 Welcome to India. © Flickr user: Ryan ReadyRyan Ready

3 © Flikr user: Pablo Nicholas Taibi Cicare The country is well known for its incredible architecture...

4 © Flikr user: Greeno 777 It’s food...

5 ...but it’s also home to one third of the world’s poorest people.

6 All We Can’s partner, READ, works with tribal women, some of the most marginalised people in India.

7 READ helps women form groups and helps them gain the skills they need to set up their own businesses.

8 READ also uses drama to spread vital messages about issues such as HIV/AIDS and trafficking.

9 The organisation brings women together to address community issues and to lobby the government for services they are entitled to, such as healthcare.

10 Laxmi has two children with learning disabilities. Before she became involved with READ she wasn’t sure how she would pay for their medical care if one of them became ill.

11 She joined a women’s group established by READ. Together they grow crops and lobby the government for access to better services.

12 After receiving training from READ, Laxmi’s group set up a business cooking school meals.

13 Laxmi took a loan from the group when her daughter, Gayatri, became ill. The loan covered Gayatri’s medication and time in hospital. When asked what she would have done without the group, Laxmi said ‘That’s why I joined the group, I could not have solved this problem alone.’

14 Laxmi’s group have also recently secured funds from the government to build a community centre.

15 You can help more women like Laxmi to overcome the challenges they face.

16 £17 will provide 10 women with business skills training.

17 £27 will put on a street play to teach 100 people about health, women’s rights and the environment.

18 £100 will teach four women better agricultural techniques.

19 Speak. Pray. Share. Give. Do all you can.

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