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1. 2 3 4 5 6  RESNA, the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America, is the premier professional organization.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 3 4 5 6  RESNA, the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America, is the premier professional organization."— Presentation transcript:

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7  RESNA, the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America, is the premier professional organization dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of people with disabilities through increasing access to technology solutions.  RESNA advances the field by offering certification, continuing education, and professional development; developing assistive technology standards; promoting research and public policy; and sponsoring forums for the exchange of information and ideas to meet the needs of our multidisciplinary constituency. 7

8 The RESNA Catalyst Project is a sponsored project of RESNA, RESNA operates the Catalyst Project under a new grant from the Rehabilitation Services Administration, U.S. Department of Education (RSA). 8

9  The RESNA Catalyst Project is funded to provide assistance to the AT Act Grantees to assist them in increasing awareness, access, acquisition, and advocacy to assistive technology (AT) devices and services for consumers with disabilities of all ages.  The project works with the 56 statewide AT programs, the 57 protection and advocacy for AT programs, and the 36 alternative financing programs. It also works with 19 access to telework financial loan programs. 9

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20 The publication contains four case studies from Statewide AT programs that describe how their VR agencies have realized savings by partnering with each program. 20

21 Remote AT Training and Consultation Services: Assistive Technology of Alaska’s “TeleAT” Saves Money for Alaska’s State Vocational Rehab Agency 21

22 Year# of Clients Trained Cost for On- site Training Cost for Distance Training (Bomgar) Savings to VR Using Distance Training Year One6$5,500$3,063$2,437 Year Two9$9,000$600$8,400 Year Three18$18,000$600$17,400 Year Four25$25,000$600$24,400 TOTALS58$57,500$5,463$52,637 22

23 “Try before You Buy” Device Loan Program: Connecticut Tech Act Project Saves Money for Connecticut Bureau of Rehabilitation Services 23

24 24 YEAR# ClientsAT Met Client’s Need %AT Did Not Meet Client’s Need %Client Tried Different AT Cost Savings 201216744%425%2 $2429 2011151173%533%1$2979 20108337%562%1$499 TOTAL392154%1436%4 $5907 Try Before You Buy Cost Savings Data

25 “Pennsylvania’s Assistive Technology Financing Opportunities Gets People To Work” 25

26 26 From 2010 through 2011, PATF worked with OVR to: PATF worked with OVR to: Provided 13 Guaranteed Loans ($173,523) with partial OVR funding. The amounts listed below are dollars guaranteed by PATF: 10 loans for adapted vehicles ($164,578) 2 loans for hearing aids ($7,245) 1 loan for a lift on a vehicle ($1,700) Provided 21 Traditional Loans ($553,262) for vehicles. OVR paid for vehicle adaptations. Provided 103 Information and Assistance services to OVR and OVR consumers helping consumers access OVR services

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28 28 Summing up the benefits of partnering with AT Act Entities

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