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Activator Cal Ripken played in 2,632 consecutive major league baseball games. Each season he played 162 games per year. How many years of perfect attendance.

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2 Activator Cal Ripken played in 2,632 consecutive major league baseball games. Each season he played 162 games per year. How many years of perfect attendance should he be awarded?

3 Answer That’s over 16 years of not missing a day of work. Ripken ended up in the Hall of Fame and earned millions of dollars. What could happen to you if you set the goal of perfect attendance for one quarter or three months, or even a year? At the very least, it’s an achievement you could add to your resume, says Tim Cotroneo, an account manager for MDS Staffing in Minneapolis, an employment/search firm specializing in the engineering and architecture industry. MDS Staffing

4 What are we learning? Essential Question(s): How will work ethics contribute to my success in CTAE courses? Key Question(s): Why do employers value good attendance? What do employers do to encourage good attendance in the workplace?

5 ATTENDANCE IS NOT A SCHOOL ELECTIVE To move ahead, teens need a strong academic foundation, but employers also want students prepared for the world of work. Your CTAE course will offer you a chance to practice and perfect skills needed for work, but will also require a commitment from you to be present and alert everyday.

6 Attendance cont. High school students are being asked to collaborate on long-term projects with their classmates both at school and electronically with their peers in other locations. They are also learning while using many of the same types of technologies (e.g., Powerpoint presentation software and desktop publishing) currently used in the workplace.

7 Attendance Cont This type of learning takes dedication. And, unlike simple memorizations of facts, which can be done just about anywhere, teens need to be at school and on-task each day to get the most from hands-on learning.

8 JCHS Tardy and Attendance Policies JCHS students should miss no more than 8 days per semester. If a student misses more than 8 days in a semester he/she will not receive credit for classes.

9 JCHS Tardy Policy Students tardy to class will serve lunch detention. These students will be served peanut butter and jelly sandwiches while sitting in a secluded area. **WBL students required to serve lunch detention will stay on campus until the detention is served.

10 Two Magic Words Recently a student close to completing his degree was interviewed and asked one simple question. How was your attendance? The response? “Pretty good,” said the candidate. The interviewer asked “What’s pretty good?” The candidate replied “I’ve only missed nine or 10 times.” “Call me old fashioned, but if you were an employer, would you hire someone that was going to miss work roughly once per month?” jump-to-the-top-of-a-recruiters-wish-list

11 Question If you’re a student scrambling to make your resume stand out, what can your resume say that screams to an employer that you’re a superior candidate - especially if your grades are average, you have no internship or work experience, and you’re competing with dozens of other students.

12 Answer The answer? The two magic words that employers love and rarely see on a resume are “perfect attendance”. Just think, if you were a business owner, would you want to pay a salary to someone whose attendance is spotty?” If you have yet to graduate, what is keeping you from perfect attendance in the next year, or at least for the next semester? If practice makes perfect, start showing up today and everyday. The words “perfect attendance” on your resume could be the key to a better resume, your next interview, and the first step toward a perfect career.

13 CTAE Attendance Incentive Program All CTAE students with perfect attendance will be invited to an end of the semester celebration catered by the CTAE faculty. What is perfect attendance in CTAE?--must be present at school everyday in EVERY CTAE class scheduled plus have NO tardies

14 Educators in Industry What are the attendance policies of local businesses? Do local businesses offer incentives for employees with really good attendance?

15 A student’s attendance behaviors affect the success of that individual, the class, or business. Employer expectations, like that of an instructor, are simple – be present and on time. And should circumstances arise that cause one to be absent or late, call and let a supervisor/teacher know.

16 Maintaining Good Attendance Student groups will make posters with tips on “How-To” maintain good attendance. Groups will have 10 minutes to develop posters. Each class will need to provide a representative to hold the poster and a representative to present the tips to our audience.

17 Make work attendance your highest priority. Know your schedule. Make daily use of an alarm clock. Get enough sleep. Arrange your transportation ahead of time and have a contingency plan. Inform your supervisor (Who is your supervisor at school?) directly in plenty of time if you are unable to perform duties. Steps for Maintaining Good Attendance

18 Charades Volunteers needed: two-three per class Each volunteer or group of volunteers will demonstrate a reason for being late for work. No talking allowed by the actor The audience will guess the reason and respond by “Shouting Out” the answer.

19 *Summarizer On your own paper write your personal goal for maintaining good attendance this school year. See the sample below. Sample Commitment Card: I come to work/school on time whenever scheduled. I make good attendance my highest priority, knowing that this is my way of making a living. I know when I am expected to work. I make daily use of an alarm clock. I get enough sleep. I know exactly how I will get to work and arrange an alternative plan in case my ride falls through. If I am sick, I call my supervisor personally to explain why I cannot be at work. I take pride in excellent attendance.

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