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Cooking Up A Plot 3rd Grade, Language Arts Mary Ruebusch, McCurdy School To Teacher Pages.

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2 Cooking Up A Plot 3rd Grade, Language Arts Mary Ruebusch, McCurdy School To Teacher Pages

3 Teacher Page Plot development involves creating a problem and a solution. Developing a plot will help a story to have a beginning, middle, and an end. Objective: The students will practice using a graphic to make a story plot. Summary:

4 Procedure: 1. The teacher will click through the slides, reading and discussing the content. 2. The students will plot a story on a graphic. 3. They should then share their story plot with a partner. Teacher Page

5 Putting a plot together is a little like cooking. If you put the pieces together well, the result is wonderful.

6 You can use a plot chart to plan your story.

7 Beginning The story beginning should show the character, the setting, and set up the action.

8 Middle The middle of the story is where the problem is established. The action happens in the middle.

9 Ending At the end of the story the problem is resolved.

10 Plot your own story. Copy this graphic on your paper.

11 Hint: A Story Middle may have many parts.

12 Share your story chart with a partner. It is easier to write a well planned story. The end

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