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UNIT FOUR Managing conflict p. 44, 45. ˝MANAGERS˝ a parenta teacher a sports coacha driving instructor.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT FOUR Managing conflict p. 44, 45. ˝MANAGERS˝ a parenta teacher a sports coacha driving instructor."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT FOUR Managing conflict p. 44, 45

2 ˝MANAGERS˝ a parenta teacher a sports coacha driving instructor

3 What experience do you have of managing other people? What sort of manager are you or would you be? Quiz!

4 ˝Are You the Manager People Love to Hate?˝ p.45 abrasive (behaviour) no-nonsense (guy) brusque (tone) phony demeanor bottom-line results belittle (somebody) rude, unkind simple, direct, businesslike abrupt, curt a person who is not honest or sincere attitude, behaviour, manner criticize, underestimate the ultimate, measurable VOCABULARY

5 Do you think abrasive or aggressive bosses are aware they are disliked? Can you be disliked and still ˝get to the top˝? What sort of managers do you think these terms describe? Field marshalsStreet fighters RebelsDr Jekylls and Mr Hydes Read and check!

6 To sugarcoat problems (line 6) I found his style to be my cup of tea…most of the time. (lines 19-20) They work with blinders on (line 34) To try to make something seem less unpleasant than it is. (alleviate) Mr Bibeault’s directness and no-nonsense style suited David Corcoran in general, but there were sometimes difficulties. They only see what they believe to be the essentials, to the exclusion of anything else.

7 Control freaks (line 46) A heart attack waiting to happen (line 62) But it can also work the other way round (lines 79-80) Someone who wants to control every aspect of a situation and will not allow other people to share in making decisions. Being constantly ready to fight to get what you want produces levels of stress which can often cause a heart attack. Sometimes managers can be loved by their subordinates but have trouble with their bosses.

8 Fill in! Mr Bibeault, a __________ specialist in Mill Valley, says he is extremely d________ and d__________ and doesn’t have time to ________problems. Val Arnold, an ___________ psychologist with Personnel Decisions Inc., a Minneapolis __________ firm, says that few managers, even those with ________ styles, see themselves as abrasive. turnaround edicatedetermined sugarcoat organizational consulting hard-driving

9 To determine whether others perceive you as the ____________ of your department, Dr Arnold has identified some problem personalities. Dr Arnold says they are on the _______ because small high-tech firms and other fast-_________ organisations that ________ individualism encourage rebel bosses. Napoleon rise growth prize

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