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January 28, 2009 2009 Thrivent Builds Homes Make News with Thrivent Builds!

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Presentation on theme: "January 28, 2009 2009 Thrivent Builds Homes Make News with Thrivent Builds!"— Presentation transcript:

1 January 28, 2009 2009 Thrivent Builds Homes Make News with Thrivent Builds!

2 2 Presenters: Cheryl Winget, Media Relations Specialist Nicole Doebert, Web Site & Marketing Collateral Specialist Kelsey Midthun Media Relations Specialist 2 Pat Ostruszka Director, Marketing and Communications Miranda Moderson Thrivent Builds Mobile Coordinator

3 3 You want us to do what? Ongoing publicity expectations for Thrivent Builds Homes Read “Habitat Affiliate Publicity Coordinator Role Description” quick reference guide” –Attend training calls –Make a media plan –Use tools –Order an outdoor Thrivent Builds sign –Lead publicity efforts for/at events Watch “Media Relations 101” webinar

4 4 Recipe for dynamic media outreach Start thinking about a comprehensive, year-long media plan now Include your affiliate’s usual build events and milestones Add some new twists Keep it dynamic!

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8 8 Tools, tools and more tools… Media tools News releases Special event tools (wallraising, dedication, etc.) Webinar trainings

9 9 Reporting your successes Cheryl and Kelsey want to know about your media successes –Newspapers –Radio –Television –Magazines –Online

10 10 Reporting your successes The information that we like to know includes: –Name of print publication or broadcast program –Date of publication or broadcast –Time –Title/brief excerpt –Name of reporter or interviewer –Web address

11 11 Reporting your successes When you have a great story, you can… 1.Send us an e-mail with all the details 2.Fax or mail us a copy of the article 3.Work with your local Affiliate Project Leader to get media stories included in their Thrivent Builds Affiliate monthly report

12 12 Tips and Tricks for More Thrivent Builds Media Coverage Use a free press release distribution site Send your release to the Associated Press Send your release to your local media outlets with an additional local spin Send your release directly to niche or industry outlets Add your release to your own website or blog Set up Google or Yahoo alerts about your affiliate

13 13 Making news in the newspaper: writing and submitting your own article or letter to the editor Paul Kent, Deputy Executive Director for Tulsa Habitat for Humanity

14 14 Reaching Lutheran churches Bethany Kuehne, Church Relations VISTA volunteer, Central Minnesota Habitat for Humanity Thrivent Builds Community Kick Off Meetings and/or area church meetings Building relationships Inserts, newsletters, other typical communication channels

15 15 If you have questions about this training: Cheryl Winget (Habitat for Humanity International) Media Relations Specialist 612-844-5025 612-844-6498 (fax) Minneapolis, MN Kelsey Midthun (Thrivent Financial for Lutherans) Media Relations Specialist 612-844-5825 612-844-6498 (fax) Minneapolis, MN

16 16 Q & A

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