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Rules Round-Table Discussion 2013 Annual Business Meeting.

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1 Rules Round-Table Discussion 2013 Annual Business Meeting

2 Rule 1-101: Adjudicated Status Offender Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Uniformity with Statute definition

3 Rule 1-101: Aftercare (temporary community placement) Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Rescind definition; term is not used in Rules or Statute

4 Rule 1-101: Custody Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Rescind definition; current language addresses only juveniles in detention Refer to dictionary for terms not defined in Rules or Statute

5 Rule 1-101: Home Evaluation/ Investigation Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Remove “legal and social” from definition Some states require a field officer to be licensed or certified to conduct a “legal and social” evaluation

6 Rule 1-101: Juvenile Sex Offender Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Clarifies that the sending state determines if a juvenile is classified as a juvenile sex offender

7 Rule 1-101: Residential Facility Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Add definition to clarify use of term in Rule 4-101(f)(2) Rule 5-102(2) and Form VII contain the phrase “residential treatment facilities” − Strike the word “treatment” from rule and the words “private” and “treatment” on form to include all residential facilities, not just treatment-based facilities

8 Rule 1-101: Sanction Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Add definition to clarify use of term in Rule 4-104

9 Rule 2-102: Data Collection Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Strike language requiring data collection for institutionalization and out-of-state confinement

10 Rule 4-101: Processing Referrals Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities (2) Edit language to clarify that compact- eligible juveniles cannot relocate to another state without an approved transfer (2)(f)(2) Add language to ensure secondary schools are accredited (3) Amend language to read that juveniles who are placed through the ICJ and subject to ICPC are not prohibited from being placed/supervised through ICPC

11 Rule 4-101A: Transfer of Students Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Rescind rule; eligibility of students is addressed in Rule 4-101(f)

12 Rule 4-102: Sending and Receiving Referrals Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Add language to ensure that the receiving state will not delay investigation while awaiting additional documents from the sending state

13 Rule 4-103: Transfer of Supervision Procedures for Juvenile Sex Offenders Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities (2) Clarifies eligibility requirements for an expedited transfer of supervision for a juvenile sex offender (2)(d) Add rule reference addressing reporting instructions

14 Rule 4-104: Supervision/Services Requirements Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities (1) Remove redundant language regarding visitation (2) Amend language to clarify that the receiving state may impose conditions on a transferred juvenile, if same conditions are applied to its own juveniles Receiving state is responsible for cost of imposed conditions (3) Replace “detention time in the receiving state” with sanctions to encompass other conditions

15 Rule 5-102: Travel Permit (Rules Cmte) Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Current language requires a travel permit for juveniles meeting criteria under (1)(a)- (h), even if going into a residential facility Change “residential treatment facility” to “residential facility” Residential facility defined by proposed addition of term to Rule 1-101

16 Rule 5-102: Travel Permit (West Region) Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities (1) Add probationer juveniles to list of mandatory travel permit recipients

17 Rule 6-103: Non-Voluntary Return of Out-of-State Juveniles Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Divides non-voluntary returns into two rules: non-delinquent and escapee, absconder, and accused delinquent No changes to timeframes for returns

18 New Rule 6-103A: Non-Voluntary Return of an Escapee, Absconder or Accused Delinquent Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Divides non-voluntary returns into two rules: non-delinquent and escapee, absconder, and accused delinquent No changes to timeframes for returns

19 Rule 6-104: Return of Juveniles Whose ICJ Placement Has Failed Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Returns and failed placements are incorporated into proposed new violations rule Rescinding of rule is dependent upon acceptance of new violations rule

20 Rule 6-106: Public Safety Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Language in paragraph (3) is incorporated into new violations rule − Dependent upon acceptance of new violations rule

21 Rule 7-101: Adoption of Rules and Amendments Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities (2) Biennial rule-making cycle Allows more time for rule-clean up and vetting (8) No amendments made from the floor

22 New Rule: ICPC Recognition Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities If ICPC youth are held over 24 hours, the ICJ return rules shall apply

23 New Rule: Reporting Juvenile Non- Compliance, Failed Placement and Retaking Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Replaces current failed placement rule Incorporates violations, non-compliance, failed placements and retaking into one rule

24 Form IA/VI: Application for Services and Waiver Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Replace “placement resource” with “parent/legal guardian” Change ensures a legal guardian is signing the waiver

25 Form VII: Travel Permit (West Region) Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities New fields provide physical description

26 Form XI: Absconder from Supervision Violation Report Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities Eliminate form and use Violation Report (Form IX)

27 Reorganization Serving Juveniles While Protecting Communities

28 28 Region Meetings 3:30 – 5:00 RegionRoom EastCavetto MidwestColonnade SouthAbbey North WestDolores

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