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RP 3 Webinar Series: Workforce Development Overview of the RP 3 Workforce Development Checklist Friday, April 3rd, 2015 1:00pm -2:00pm ET.

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Presentation on theme: "RP 3 Webinar Series: Workforce Development Overview of the RP 3 Workforce Development Checklist Friday, April 3rd, 2015 1:00pm -2:00pm ET."— Presentation transcript:


2 RP 3 Webinar Series: Workforce Development Overview of the RP 3 Workforce Development Checklist Friday, April 3rd, 2015 1:00pm -2:00pm ET

3 Presenters for this Webinar Janet McTague Project Engineering Supervisor, Fort Collins Utilities, Colorado APPA RP 3 Staff Monica Dean, Energy and Environmental Services Assistant

4 Review Panel 2 - Large utilities 2 - Medium utilities 2 - Small utilities 1 - JAA/SA 1 – Reliability Representative 1 – Safety Representative 1 – System Improvement Representative 2 - Human Resources Representatives 2 - T&D Officers 2 – Safety Officers 2 - System Planning Officers Total = 18 member Review Panel of your peers

5 What is RP 3 ? Reliable Public Power Provider (RP 3 ) program Peer-evaluation of your utility’s reliability, safety, work force development, and system improvement Two main goals: 1.Help public power perform a utility operational self- check by benchmarking on a national level 2.National recognition of the excellent service you provide to – customers, your community leaders, state and federal regulatory agencies, and members of Congress


7 Workforce Development– 25% Criteria Area SectionQuestionSubject of Question Maximum Point Value Workforce Development 25% A – Succession Planning and Recruitment A1 Demographics 3 A2 Succession Plan 3 A3 Recruitment Practice or Procedure 2 B – Employee Development and Recognition B1 Development Plans 3 B2 Recognition of Employee Performance 3 C – Education, Participation and Service C1 Written Education Programs 4 C2 Networking and Professional Development 4 C3 Membership and Service 3

8 Workforce Development Overview




12 If yes, please provide a description via an attachment of an example of development plan(s) for each employee category identified. If yes, please indicate which category/categories of employees your utility prepares development plans for each employee category. NOTE: A utility should have development plans for all employee categories. Annual reviews can fulfill this requirement, as long as the review incorporates defined development plans for employees. NOTE: An individual development plan does not need to be an outline for employee promotion within the utility; rather, it should be designed to offer steps for employees to better themselves as individuals and employees.








20 Review & Application Process Applications due: September 30, 2015 Preliminary check by APPA Staff: October 2015 Review Panel Taskforce: mid October 2015 Requests for clarification/information is sent to applicants: November 2015 Final Review: December 2015 Applicants receive notification of their application’s outcome: January/February 2016 Official award/announcement: APPA’s Engineering and Operations Conference in Minneapolis, MN Apr. 3-6, 2016

21 Where to Start 1.Download the Application Packet (Available April 1 st ) and register for the online Application System Visit and click on 2.Read the RP3 Application Guide All forms, checklists, and RP3 questions are explained 3.Assign one point person that will compile the final submission 4.Complete checklists - Small utility may ask for help on specific sections from state association or joint action agency - Large utility may divide the sections among different departments 5. Review final checklists and all forms and Submit

22 RP 3 References Visit Call/email other RP3 designated utilities Preview their application or just ask general questions (full list of designees is on the website) Email your questions to Call us: 202-467-2900, Engineering Services – Webinars are recorded and can be accessed online

23 Next RP 3 Webinar Workforce Development Checklist Friday, April 3rd 1-2 p.m. EST

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