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District-Determined Measures Planning and Organizing for Success Educator Evaluation Spring Convening: May 29, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "District-Determined Measures Planning and Organizing for Success Educator Evaluation Spring Convening: May 29, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 District-Determined Measures Planning and Organizing for Success Educator Evaluation Spring Convening: May 29, 2013

2 DDMs Higher Quality Student Data Better Teaching Improved Student Outcomes Opportunity for Educators  Good assessments benefit both students and teachers  Closely tied to one of the key goals of the new educator evaluation framework:  To promote student learning, growth, and achievement by providing educators with feedback for improvement. 1

3 Agenda  The Student Impact Rating  Revised Implementation Timeline  WestEd’s Role  Q&A  Strategic Planning: North Reading and Chelmsford  Q&A 2

4 The Educator Evaluation Framework Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory High Moderate Low Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 3 Summative Performance Rating Student Impact Rating  Everyone earns two ratings

5 Two Ratings Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Summative Rating UnsatisfactoryImprovement Plan Needs Improvement Directed Growth Plan Exemplary Self-Directed Growth Plan Proficient 1-yr Self-Directed Growth Plan 2-yr Self-Directed Growth Plan LowModerateHigh Rating of Impact on Student Learning

6 Student Impact Rating Regulations  Evaluators must assign a rating based on trends (at least 2 years) and patterns (at least 2 measures)  Options – 603 CMR 35.07(1)(a)(3-5)603 CMR 35.07(1)(a)(3-5)  Statewide growth measure(s)*  District-determined Measure(s) of student learning comparable across grade or subject district-wide.  For educators whose primary role is not as a classroom teacher, the appropriate measures of the educator's contribution to student learning, growth, and achievement set by the district. 5 * Must be used where available (603 CMR 35.09(2)(a)(1))603 CMR 35.09(2)(a)(1)

7 Student Impact Rating Regulations  Why focus on growth?  Level playing field  Fairness  Achievement measures may be acceptable when the district judges them to be the most appropriate/feasible measure for certain educators 6

8 Revised Implementation Timeline  Commissioner’s Memo - 4/12/13  2013-2014 – districts pilot and identify DDMs  2014-2015 – districts implement DDMs and collect the first year of trend data  2015-2016 – districts collect the second year of trend data and issue Student Impact Ratings for all educators  Districts positioned to accelerate the timeline should proceed as planned.  Guidance and resources to support districts with the identification of DDMs are available here: 7

9 Revised Implementation Timeline  Minimum Piloting Requirements  Early grade (K-3) literacy  Early (K-3) grade math  Middle grade (5-8) math  High school writing to text  Traditionally non-tested grades and subjects (e.g., fine arts, music, physical education)  If a district is unable to identify a DDM in the grades and subjects listed above, the district must pilot one of ESE’s exemplar DDMs to be released in summer 2013. 8


11 Overview WestEd is supporting ESE with next steps in implementing the Commonwealth’s Model System for Educator Evaluation Two broad categories of work  Support development of anchor standards in almost 100 separate grades/subjects or courses  Identification and evaluation of promising measures, tools, tests, rubrics Work to be completed by mid-August 10

12 Grades/Subjects and Courses Grades/subjects and courses include:  ELA/literacy (grades PK-2; 10 HS electives)  Mathematics (grades PK-2; 11 HS courses)  History/Social Science (grades PK-7; 14 HS courses)  Science/Engineering/Technology (grade spans PK-8; 15 HS courses)  The Arts (grade spans PK-5, 6-8, and 9-12; 6 HS electives)  Comprehensive Health (grade spans PK-5, 6-8, and 9-12; 2 HS courses)  World/Foreign Languages (grades PK-7; HS Spanish, French, Latin) 11

13 Step 1: Collect Standards/Frameworks Identify and collect sets of grade- and course- specific standards currently in use in target grades/subjects & courses  From Curriculum Frameworks  From professional organizations within and outside MA  From states and districts across the nation  From known sources (e.g., RttT states, MET participants)  From contacts and referrals  From web searches 12

14 Step 2: Identify Panelists Recruit teachers and/or curriculum specialists who will develop Anchor Standards from the collected sets of standards/ frameworks  From Spring Convening attendees (referrals or volunteers)  From ESE recommendations  From WestEd contacts and referrals Target sample will be representative of the state Goal is 3-5 highly qualified panelists per grade/subject or course 13

15 Step 3: Convene Meetings 4 face-to-face meetings at convenient meeting venue in Massachusetts Panelists strategically grouped for maximum productivity and inter-group collaboration Will apply protocol adapted from similar work in other states and approved by ESE Outcome will be 10-15 anchor standards in each grade/subject or course 14

16 Step 4: Identify and Collect Assessments of those Anchor Standards Collect documentation associated with promising assessments (traditional and non-traditional)  From districts within and outside MA, other states  From test publishers or clearinghouses  From known sources (e.g., RttT states, MET participants)  Referrals from WestEd’s professional network Technical reports, web-based information, research studies, blueprints, administration or scoring guides, expert guidance Goal is minimum of 2 assessments for each set of Anchor Standards 15

17 Types of Assessments measures of growth that are currently used in Commonwealth districts, such as Galileo, BERS-2, DIBELS), and MAP tools developed by Commonwealth LEAs (e.g., MA Quality Performance Assessment Initiative); other LEAs (e.g., Minneapolis) or SEAs (e.g., CT, KS, NC, TN); or a commercial vendor (e.g., Pearson) achievement tests pre-post assessments interim assessments end-of-year or end-of-course examinations rubrics for evaluating portfolios or collections of student work, culminating (capstone) projects, or performance tasks or events screening tools observation rubrics or checklists 16

18 Step 5: Evaluate the Assessments Summary of key criteria  Validity- evidence of alignment (purpose, target audience, content)  Validity- appropriateness for measuring growth  Validity- evidence of technical adequacy (reliability, piloting, administration & scoring guides)  Fairness- accessibility to all, development steps  Feasibility- cost, administration considerations 17

19 Opportunities to Learn More Come visit us at our vendor table Contact Carole at or Susan at 18

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